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The article analyzes the construction of pension systems in different States. Much attention is paid to the correlation between the concepts of social protection and economic security of the state. The study of various models of pension systems, as well as factors affecting their formation. Based on the analysis of foreign experience, the article identifies the key institutions: assessment and calculation of mass social risks, analysis and identification of risks by population groups, the Institute of state pension provision, the Institute of state pension insurance, the Institute of conditional pension insurance, the Institute of private-funded compulsory pension insurance, the Institute of private voluntary pension insurance, the Institute of burden distribution for payment of contributions between employees and employers, Institute of subsidizing payments on insurance contributions by the state, Institute of tax benefits to attract additional funds to the pension system.

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About the authors

Vladimir M. Smirnov

Financial University under the Russian Federation Government

Doctor of Science in Economics, associate Professor, chief researcher, Sectorial Economy Center, Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of economic theory Moscow


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