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This article is devoted to the problem of crime prevention in the field of housing and communal services, the features of their identification, the criminological characteristics of its individual elements. The article reveals in detail the reasons for the commission of the economic crimes in question based on the materials of the criminal cases studied by the author; it analyzes the trends in the development of crime in the housing sector at the present stage. The article analyzes some of the problems of crime in the housing and utilities sector. The key problem is the compensation for damage caused by crimes in the housing sector and the increasing incidence of criminal bankruptcies of organizations. The author highlights the problems associated with the unresolved issues related to the housing sector. In particular, the debt of the management company to suppliers of energy resources is not the basis for inspections of its financial and economic activities by control bodies. The author analyzes the factors that significantly hamper the development of this sector of the economy in the modern period. The main factor is criminalization that may be attributed to the group of highly risky (in terms of criminal threats) industries. The analysis allows us to conclude a slight quantitative decrease in crimes in the economic sphere. But there is a change in its qualitative component, that is the commission of crimes by organized groups.

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About the authors

Julia V. Bystrova

FSBEI of HE «Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev»

PhD in law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and prosecutorial oversight


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