Procedure for the Fulfillment of Obligations under Foreign Trade Contracts by Russian Exporters in the Fuel and Energy Sector under Conditions of Monitoring the Mandatory Sale of Foreign Currency

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The scientific research considers the procedure and conditions of fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts by Russian exporters in the fuel and energy sector in the conditions of monitoring the mandatory sale of foreign currency. The authors build legal structures of financial settlements between residents and non-residents in sanctions conditions, necessary for the preservation of markets of domestic exporters. The subject of the study is the procedure of fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts by Russian exporters in the fuel and energy sector in the conditions of monitoring of mandatory sale of foreign currency. The purpose of the study is to determine the legal mechanisms for the fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts by Russian exporters in the fuel and energy sector in the context of monitoring the mandatory sale of foreign currency, introduced in order to economically stabilize the exchange rate in the framework of special economic measures. The relevance of scientific research and its scientific novelty are based on the absence in the Russian Federation of studies of legal possibilities of fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts by Russian exporters in the fuel and energy sector in the conditions of monitoring the mandatory sale of foreign currency. Domestic scientific and practical literature does not touch upon specialized approaches of execution of contractual obligations by residents to non-residents. The research is based on general scientific and special methods, containing elements of comparative jurisprudence, system analysis, structural-functional approach, critical analysis of scientific research in the field of state financial control, containing a number of studies in the field of legal regulation, public administration and macroeconomic forecasting. As the conclusions of the scientific research, a special place is taken by the description of legal mechanisms for the fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts by Russian exporters in the fuel and energy sector under the conditions of monitoring the mandatory sale of foreign currency, aimed at conducting scientific research, technology acquisition, modernization of production chains and deepening the degree of processing of minerals extracted by such exporters in the fuel and energy sector. Based on the results of the study, the author's proposals aimed at the fulfillment of obligations under foreign trade contracts were developed, the procedure and conditions of compulsory sale of monetary funds received by Russian exporters in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation were explained.

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About the authors

Mikhail M. Zavyalov

Federal Service for Financial Monitoring; JSC Rosselkhozbank; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 4201-7766
Scopus Author ID: 1078180

Leading expert specialist of the Legal Department, Chief Legal Advisor of the Legal Department, Postgraduate student, Department of International and Public Law

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow


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