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Vol 18, No 3 (2022)

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The Impact of artificial Intelligence on the Investment Climate and Socio-Economic Development of Russia

Alekseev V.N., Mekaeva A.V.


The socio-economic development of the country is increasingly determined by the active introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into various spheres of life. This article examines the interrelationships of changes in the investment climate and artificial intelligence on a systematic basis. The relevance of the topic of artificial intelligence is confirmed by the opening opportunities and challenges, including in the form of sanctions of the «Collective West» faced by various sectors of the economy, including oil and gas, metallurgy, banking, as well as the state and society as a whole.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):16-22
pages 16-22 views

The Programs of the Government of India «Skill India» and «Smart Cities Mission»: The Main Provisions and Specifics of Interaction

Manish K., Bessonov V.E.


The Government of India faces important and ambitious tasks - to achieve high rates of economic growth, including through high and «smart» technologies, as well as to provide a multi-million young population with competitive and in-demand professions on the domestic market. These two directions of India's public policy are reflected in the programs implemented by the Government of India «Skill India» and «Smart Cities Mission». The article discusses some provisions of these programs and shows the impact of the «Skill India» program on the «Smart Cities Mission» program.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Incompleteness of Information and Tools to Overcome it in Project Activities in the Context of the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Alekseev V.N., Kushnin B.A., Suslov G.A.


The article discusses the use of artificial intelligence technologies and robotic automation of processes in conditions of incomplete information and uncertainty, substantiates the need for their implementation in socio-economic processes, and assesses their applicability to project management as a tool for managing these processes.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Formation of Trust in the Financial Market by Economic Institutions

Ilyichev M.V.


This article is a continuation of the study of the problem of trust in the financial market, raised in the article «Formation of trust in the financial market: to the theory of the issue», published in the journal «Problems of Economics and Legal Practice» No. 2, 2022. This article uses a dialectical approach to identify the essence of the phenomenon of trust in the financial market. The author analyzes the process of trust formation by economic and public institutions in the financial market and gives recommendations on the formation of trust in the Russian financial market, which would contribute to the development of the real sector of the economy of the Russian Federation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):39-50
pages 39-50 views

Forecasting Challenges and Perspectives Costs of the Logistics System Risk-Based Assurance

Zubov A.O., Sultygova M.B., Yakovleva A.V.


At present, openings of large thefts of budgetary funds allocated for armaments and the modernization of the production base and the creation of the latest weapons developments have become more frequent. It was errors and non-compliance with accounting rules that provided more than half of the increase in the total volume of violations. The risks of embezzlement of budgetary funds in the material and technical support of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of Russia cause enormous damage to the state. In addition, the issues of standardization, unification, cataloging of weapons, military and special equipment in the military organization are resolved separately, the processes of forming information spaces of ministries and departments are not carried out in a coordinated manner, which at present and in the future is the main obstacle to creating data unity [ five]. The situation is aggravated by systemic violations of GOST RV 0015-002-2012 [2]. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the theft of budgetary funds, the realized risks of both the feasibility study processes and the processes of implementation and operation of the quality management system (QMS) of organizations implementing the state defense order (SDO) in the form of systemic violations of GOST RV 0015-002-2012, as well as the development of promising proposals for forecasting the costs of the logistics system for combat readiness (BG) of the Armed Forces, taking into account the cost of risks. The authors believe that only with a comprehensive impact on the possible risks of the most important components of the processes (price forecast, monitoring of work and implementation of funds), it is possible to increase the economic efficiency of the use of budgetary funds in the material and technical support of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Development of a Methodology for the Supervisory Authority's Assessment of the Adequacy of the Amount of Expected Credit Losses Calculated by Commercial Banks

Bogdanov V.V., Grineva N.V.


The article examines the development of an algorithm for assessing the adequacy of the expected credit losses (ECL), calculated by commercial banks from the point of view of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as the supervisory authority of the banking system of Russia. For this purpose, the comparison between the modeling of potential losses for the loan portfolio of individual’s portfolio of homogeneous loans with the bank's actually created reserves for possible loan losses was made. There are identified separate independent components: PD, EAD, LGD, while ECL was modelled, each of which is predicted taking into account the characteristics of the indicator and the register of data provided to the Bank of Russia from credit organizations. The article concludes with recommendations on the preparation of the final report on the adequacy of the reservation by a commercial bank of the analyzed segment of the loan portfolio. The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for assessing the sufficiency of the value of the ECL calculated by commercial banks from the point of view of the Bank of Russia as the supervisory authority of the banking system of the Russian Federation. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved in the work: 1) The main components of the ECL are investigated; 2) Mathematical modeling of credit risk attributes is carried out taking into account the specifics of the Bank of Russia's activities; 3) The results of the model are interpreted from the point of view of the supervisory authority. Materials and Methods. Educational literature and scientific publications were reviewed for the analysis of ECL, which revealed theoretical approaches and practical aspects to the construction of PD, EAD, LGD models based on statistical algorithms and machine learning methods. Conclusions: the study of the main components of ECL and their impact on the final value of credit losses was conducted; a model for calculating ECL was made using various machine learning algorithms; was made the interpretation of the results of the ECL model from the point of view of practical application in the Bank of Russia.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):57-66
pages 57-66 views

Cognitive Graphs Preventive Analysis on the Example of the Consumer Price Index Forecasting Model

Mazutskiy N.M.


The economic crisis caused by the pandemic has demonstrated the inconsistency of many predictive models. The relevance of the work is related to the high frequency of shocks that occur in the Russian economy, as well as the lack of preventive methods that can improve forecast models. The purpose of this study is to test the correctness of the well-known econometric model in an economically unstable situation and to strengthen it with the help of a cognitive graph model. The task of predicting inflation without exaggeration is very important for government institutions, businesses, and households. The accuracy of the forecast obtained directly affects the efficiency and consequences of decision making in monetary policy, in planning expenses and savings of households and in business financing. Research objectives. Build and describe a model of interfactor relationships of the inflationary model, check the model for balance, demonstrate the failure of the forecast in conditions of instability, describe a method that strengthens the original model. The cognitive graph method is used as a warning tool to improve the econometric inflation forecasting model. As a confirmation of the inefficiency of the original model, the results of inflation assessment for the COVID time interval are provided. Conclusion. Economic systems modelling using cognitive graphs is an effective preventive method that allows you to dynamically monitor the internal cycles of the system and points out key factors which dynamics should be closely monitored. In addition, the method of cognitive modelling can determine the key factors of the system, exclusion of which at some point will necessarily lead to incorrect results of the model. An algorithm for constructing a cognitive graph on the initial econometric inflation forecasting model is demonstrated.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Modern Directions of Research in the Field of Recommender Systems

Denisenko I.A.


The constant growth in the volume of content generated by electronic services has caused the problem of finding the necessary information in a limited time. Recommender systems are a useful tool that, among other things, solves the problem of speeding up the search for the necessary information. Web applications make extensive use of recommender systems to provide users with relevant content based on their preferences or interests, thus making it easier for users to access the information they seek. At the same time, the presence of a business effect from the introduction of such systems also shows the importance of their development and operation, but at the same time, the question of the degree of influence of algorithmic improvements in recommendation systems on target business metrics remains open. In various domains (recommendations of music, books, video content, product recommendations in online stores and marketplaces, etc.) various types of recommender systems are used, which are based on a wide range of technologies, including machine learning models and computational algorithms. The purpose of this work is to identify the main modern directions of research in the field of recommender systems, as well as a description of unsolved problems and challenges of the field.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):75-79
pages 75-79 views

Tax System and Reforms in the United States of America

Moroz V.V.


The tax system and ongoing reforms in tax administration and control in the United States provide the budgets of all levels of America - with income. When analyzing the existing taxation system in the United States and regardless of the period of its establishment, the system requires constant updating in accordance with the development of technologies and financial instruments used by the state and American taxpayers. In addition, it should be emphasized that with a change in economic policy, both domestic and foreign, a change in tax approaches to taxation in general is required. When disclosing the US tax system, it is necessary to analyze it so carefully that its best results could be used in Russian tax legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Application of the Main Stages of Audit in Assessing the Effectiveness of National Projects

Kashirskaya L.V., Zurnadzhyants Y.A.


A task. To date, the Russian Federation has developed a number of national projects aimed at accelerating the pace of socio-economic development of the country. The implementation of national projects should contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, the development of technology and the economy as a whole. In this regard, in order to determine the success and effectiveness of national projects, it is necessary to conduct an efficiency audit. The existing methodological base is insufficient for a comprehensive audit of the effectiveness of national projects of the Russian Federation, which determines the relevance of this article. Model. The article presents the main stages of conducting an audit of the effectiveness of national projects, within the framework of which a strategy, an audit program, a checklist and an audit risk assessment are proposed. In addition, based on the analytical data presented in the reports on the results of national projects, the risks were assessed. Conclusions. The direction studied in the article is important in the activities of the state due to the fact that it allows timely and efficient management of the processes of financing allocation and adjusting the results of projects. At the same time, this area of audit has not been fully investigated and presented for practical application. The measures proposed in the article will improve the procedure for auditing the effectiveness of national projects. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained and the proposed elements of the methodology for auditing the effectiveness of national projects, in particular, the procedure for drawing up a strategy, audit program, checklist and audit risk assessment, will allow us to develop optimal positions in regulating and determining the financing of national projects within the framework of state control. Originality. The uniqueness of this article is due to the fact that both legislative acts and scientific literature pay little attention to the key aspects of state audit methodologies, in particular, the development of methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of national projects, the creation of which will significantly improve the quality of the analysis of the results obtained, and the efficiency audit layout proposed in the article will help solve the issues of uniformity of methods and opportunities for comparative analysis for timely adjustments to projects.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):85-93
pages 85-93 views

The Practice of Implementing Control Activities of Tax Authorities

Moroz V.V., Zarubin M.Y.


An efficient tax system has a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The successful development of the state and the financing of budgetary organizations, social benefits, etc. depend on the fullness of the budget. Tax administration and control, in turn, help regulate the tax burden, tax collection and provide control over the activities of taxpayers. When exercising the functions of tax control and administration, problems and shortcomings in the legislation are revealed, which serve as circumstances for amending the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax legislation. This article is aimed at studying and analyzing the practice of implementing the control activities of tax authorities. The relevance is due to the high growth rates of tax audits in recent years, which is clearly presented in the statistical information in this article.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):94-98
pages 94-98 views

Management Accounting and Cost Control in Project Management

Ordynskaya M.E., Silina T.A., Tausova I.F., Bagova S.A.


The relevance of the study. In modern conditions, information support of the management process has become especially important, which consists in obtaining and processing information necessary for making informed management decisions. Today, one of the main functions of accounting services is the information support of projects implemented at the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to consider how proper cost planning and control can contribute to the effective implementation of the planned project. The results of the study. The article describes the specifics of project management, in particular, managing its cost from the moment of planning, by developing a project budget together with estimated project costs until its implementation and completion, associated with the calculation of the planned project budget. The areas that require attention before starting the project are indicated. In addition, it is shown how proper planning and effective control at each stage of the project implementation support the process of project cost management and ensure effective project management. The most popular methods of accounting for project costs are presented to obtain information about the success or failure of the project. Conclusions of the study. Due to reliable planning and constant control of project costs, there is a high probability of success in the implementation of a specific project. A key factor in the implementation of any project is a properly structured project budget, which must subsequently be implemented consistently and in compliance with cost discipline.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):99-103
pages 99-103 views

NWF Investment Features at the Present Development Stage of the World Economy

Spitsina D.V.


Task. The research is devoted to the specific of national welfare funds, their investment opportunities and parameters. The analysis of the investing characteristics is carried out on the example of the National Welfare Fund of Russia and The Government Pension Fund of Norway. Model. In order to identify the determining factors affecting the volume of national welfare funds’ investment, a panel regression model was built for the Government Pension Fund. Conclusions. The criteria for the classification of national welfare funds are presented. The factors with a significant impact on the investment volume for the Government Pension Fund of Norway are determined. Practical significance. The results of the study can be useful to representatives of the scientific community when analyzing the features of investing by national welfare funds. Originality. In addition to the existing classification of national welfare funds, a differentiation criterion is proposed depending on the investment model.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):104-113
pages 104-113 views

Creative Industries and the Digital Economy: Interaction, Research Issues. Actualization of Research Issues (Russian Practice)

Gumerova G.I., Butneva A.Y., Shaimieva E.S., Litvin I.Y., Trifonova N.N.


The object of the study is creative industries in the context of the development of the digital economy in the Russian economic space. The subject is the interaction of creative Russian industries and the digital economy as research areas in the Russian economic space. Research materials: a database of foreign and Russian researchers in the Scientific Electronic Library in the fields of specific branches of creative industries in their relationship with the areas of the digital economy. Research objectives: research of creative industries in the Russian economic space, actively interacting with the digital economy from a publishing point of view; identification of a new term (method, technology) for the development of creative industries in the Russian Federation. The study consists of three interrelated parts. In this part of the study, the problem of research is formulated, a methodological approach of research is formed, approaches to the analysis of the interaction of creative industries and the digital economy are shown. The research is based on the author's methodical four-stage approach. The results of the first (present) part of the study are: the author's methodological four-stage approach based on publications in the Scientific Electronic Library is proposed; socio-economic trends characteristic of the development of creative industries in the era of digitalization are presented.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):114-118
pages 114-118 views

Formation and Development of State Registration of Rights to Immovable Property in Pre-Revolutionary Russia

Blinova M.A.


Purpose. The purpose of the article was to investigate the of the formation of state registration of rights to real estate in Russia, starting from the era of the Moscow kingdom, until the beginning of the XX century. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article was the principles of historicism, objectivity, interconnection and interdependence of state and legal phenomena; in addition, general scientific methods - analysis, synthesis, deduction, as well as special methods of legal science - the formal legal method, the comparative legal method and the concrete historical approach were used in the work. Conclusions. The paper concludes that the development of the system of state registration of real rights was influenced by various factors of a historical nature, due to the political and socio-economic processes that took place in the Russian state. The system of state registration of real rights to real estate that arose during the period of the Moscow State was the first unique experience of centralized written strengthening of real rights, carried out on the scale of a single Russian state. The transition to the serf system of strengthening property rights that followed during the period of the Russian Empire, on the one hand, greatly simplified the procedure for registering real rights to real estate, on the other hand, did not adequately ensure the strength of the acquired property right, which negatively affected the development of the real estate market and the mortgage system. Practical significance. The conclusions presented in the article concerning the history of the formation and development of the state registration system in Russia before 1917 can be used in teaching historical and legal disciplines. In addition, research in this direction allows us to study both the positive aspects and the shortcomings of the systems of strengthening property rights at various stages of Russia's development and take them into account in modern legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):119-128
pages 119-128 views

Legal Regulation of Public Order in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services

Migunova T.L., Tolstoluckiy V.U., Obolenskiy A.R.


The article provides a theoretical and legal analysis in ensuring public order. The approaches to strengthening the rule of law in the sphere of housing and communal services are analyzed. The subject of consideration is the regulatory framework governing the activities of home management companies for the installation and use of video surveillance for the adjacent territory of apartment buildings. The use of ubiquitous video surveillance is able to meet the needs of citizens in affordable and comfortable housing, the creation and observance of safe living conditions. The Law defines the regulatory framework for ensuring public order by the activities of law enforcement agencies for the prevention of crimes being prepared, the collection of evidence in the implementation of criminal or administrative proceedings. Legislative regulation of the obligation to provide technical support for public order, in turn, will lead to an increase in the level of living conditions of citizens and the achievement of legislative goals of housing and communal services.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):129-131
pages 129-131 views

Current Problems of Legal Regulation in Modern Society and the State: Transformation of the Legal System, Digitalization and Socialization of Law

Adygezalova G.E., Kovaleva Y.N.


The article deals with theoretical issues of the concept and content of legal regulation, features of the effectiveness of law in general and individual institutions; issues of legal culture, legal awareness, legal education and legal training at the present stage of development; the main problems of the constitutional and legal regulation of modern Russia, taking into account the constitutional reforms of 2020; issues of public administration and local self-government, their interaction, including during the pandemic and in the context of digitalization, taking into account the anti-corruption focus; mechanisms for resolving legal conflicts and disputes; features of the functioning of the judicial system at the present stage of development as a mechanism for improving the efficiency of law; the influence of individual concepts of legal understanding in the legal regulation of the modern state and society; doctrinal issues of the principles of law, their role, system and implementation. This article is based on the results obtained as part of a study of the problems of legal regulation in modern society and the state, on the mechanisms for resolving problems of the implementation of law and improving the effectiveness of law, which was carried out in 2021 by a team of authors on the basis of the Kuban State University.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Contradictions in the Taxation of Income from Cryptocurrencies and Ways to Resolve them

Pintii N.I., Shagzhina A.B.


The emerging legal regime of the digital currency does not allow to resolve the relations arising in connection with its circulation, since already at the initial stage it contains significant contradictions. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of establishing a structured and sufficient legislative regulation of this type of digital currency, because it is a common means of payment on the Internet and an investment object that is increasing in price. Therefore, the problem of the uncertainty of its legal status has a negative impact on the legal order as a whole. Taxpayers using cryptocurrency as a reward for transactions may not fulfill their obligations, since it is not actually denominated in money. The subject of our research is the social relations that arise in connection with the obligation to pay taxes on income from the sale of cryptocurrency. The purpose of this scientific work is to determine the way to resolve the contradictions of the emerging legal regime of cryptocurrency. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to analyze the provisions of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding the regulation of the issuance, accounting, circulation of digital currency, the procedure for taxing income from transactions with it. The methodological basis of the study was made up of such methods as logical, systemic, functional and system-structural. In addition, we used comparative legal and formal legal methods. As a result of the study, we concluded that cryptocurrency should be a separate object of taxation, due to its specifics. This method will provide full legal regulation of any economically and legally significant actions of its holders.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):138-142
pages 138-142 views

The Role and Significance of Local Taxes and Fees (On the Example of the City of Moscow and the Moscow Region)

Toria R.A.


The relevance of the topic is due to the federal structure of Russia. In all countries with a similar type of state-territorial structure, local taxes and fees play a significant share in budgets. In Russia today, local self-government is only undergoing formation and development, so it is especially important now to understand the overall picture and the existing problems with respect to local taxes and fees and to have concrete ways to solve them. Despite the relevance of the topic, the degree of its elaboration in the scientific community, in our opinion, is insufficient. There are a large number of scientific papers devoted to federal, regional or regional and local taxes together, but there are not so many papers devoted exclusively to local taxes and fees. This fact further increases the relevance of this study and substantiates its theoretical and practical significance. The purpose of this work is to determine the importance of local taxes and fees in the development of the territories of the Russian Federation, as well as to identify existing problems of local taxes and fees and identify various real ways to solve them.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Some Problems of Legal Regulation of Financial Control by Control and Accounting Bodies of Local Self-Government and Subjects of the Russian Federation in the Implementation of Procurement Activities

Konovalova Z.A.


The sphere of financial control carried out by the control and accounting bodies of local self-government, the subjects of the Russian Federation, is regulated by several regulatory documents, in which there are a number of shortcomings, legal gaps, inconsistencies that require immediate solutions. Such documents should include regulatory documents on the expenditure of budget funds on the basis of Russian legislation in the field of procurement. The above is relevant, since the number of offenses in the financial sphere when spending budget funds is increasing, therefore it is necessary to pay due attention to financial control. The article also provides a comparative analysis of the principles of financial control of the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan, Moldova and other countries. The article defines the provisions indicating the need for changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation to facilitate financial control and improve the overall situation when spending budget funds for procurement.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):150-159
pages 150-159 views

Taxation of Compensation Payments for Violation of Labor Legislation: Problems of Law Enforcement, National and International Approaches

Vasilyeva A.A., Zhdanov S.P., Rudakova E.N., Skryachev A.M.


This article discusses the problems of taxation of the payment of average earnings when an employee is reinstated at work by a court decision due to his illegal dismissal and suggests ways to solve them taking into account national and international approaches. The position of the tax authorities and courts of the Russian Federation in this area is very ambiguous. The authors have made an assumption about the main reason determining the right to tax these compensation payments: the dominance of goal-setting in the form of achieving an increase in revenues to budgets of various levels over the principle of legality and equality of rights and interests of the parties, taking into account national and international legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):160-165
pages 160-165 views

Problems of Legal Regulation of the Category of an Insured Event in Life and Health Insurance of Prosecutors

Galaeva L.A., Guryanova A.A.


The article, based on the analysis of special federal legislation on public service in the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, departmental regulations, general social and insurance legislation, scientific legal literature and judicial practice, examines the legal issues of legal qualification of incidents with prosecutors as insured events in two organizational and legal forms: in compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases; in compulsory state personal insurance. The authors focus on the features and problems of legal regulation of establishing circumstances that allow qualifying insured events with prosecutors within the framework of general social insurance legislation. A significant part of the legal research is aimed at establishing the essence of an insured event with prosecutors in compulsory state personal insurance, burdened with criminal liability under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The law enforcement practice on resolving disputes over the qualification of incidents with prosecutors was analyzed in order to clarify the procedure and conditions for the occurrence of insured events as the main law-forming facts in the appointment and payment of insurance coverage to prosecutors and their families.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):166-172
pages 166-172 views

Labor Market, Job Market, Profession Market, Employment Market - Correlation of Concepts and their Legal Meaning

Buyanova A.V.


The article analyzes and correlates concepts that are similar in nature - the labor market, the job market, the employment market and the employment market. The views of various schools of economists (including modern ones), as well as philosophers and lawyers on their definitions are analyzed. Their similarities and differences are identified, as well as key functions and main directions of development. The author comes to the conclusion that the labor market is the most important element in the system of markets, ensuring the targeted nature of the provision of reproduction processes. It closely interacts with other markets, primarily with the market of financial, credit and material resources, investments, consumer goods, information and knowledge.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):173-178
pages 173-178 views

Digitalisation of Selected Police Functions

Karagodin A.V., Krupennikova K.K.


Research objective. The article considers the concept and essence of the functions of the police, as well as the tendencies of their modernisation and development in the context of scientific and technological progress. The newest digital technologies make it possible to amend criminal proceedings and police officers’ activities. It is also important to notice that the introduction of information technologies as such, independently, will not be able to ensure utmost efficiency of the digitalisation policy in terms of improving the work of law enforcement bodies. Consequently, the purpose of the study is to analyse the current state of digital technologies in the structure of interior bodies, to identify the existing problem-plagued aspects in this area on the basis of the findings of the present analysis, to present the development prospects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the context of information technologies development. Conclusions. The authors leads to the conclusion, on the basis of the research findings, that the modern trends of development of different life spheres as well as the crime tendencies, resulting from the use of digital resources, require innovative solutions in the activities of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, it becomes necessary to accept digital transformation of police functions, as well as to secure regular professional development of internal affairs officers, as concerns the application of innovative technologies. The implementation of these proposals will ensure greater likelihood of preventing illegal acts.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):179-183
pages 179-183 views

Common Mechanisms of Violations of Creditors' Rights in Bankruptcy Procedures

Vasilyeva O.N., Mikhailov D.Y.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the analysis of common mechanisms of violations of the rights of creditors in bankruptcy procedures based on the actual judicial practice. The article discusses existing methods of violation of the rights of creditors, depending on the bankruptcy procedure or subject of the violation. Analyzed legal nature of various types of violations in Russian law. Results. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the classification of violations is possible depending on the current bankruptcy procedure, or on the subject of violation. Analysis of violations in the pre-bankruptcy period related to the realization of the debtor's assets and the creation of fictitious accounts payable. In the monitoring procedure, the significant part of all violations are connected with inclusion of a fictitious involved party from the side that is with the debtor involved in the creditors list.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):184-188
pages 184-188 views

Convergence of Russian and Chinese Laws on Foreign Investments

Zhilkibaev S.N.


In the course of foreign economic development, most entrepreneurs face considerable difficulties of a legal matter. For reasonable legal support of the «comprehensive strategic interaction and partnership» between of the Russia and the China, as well as the conjugation of the EAEU and the «One belt, One the road», reasonable rapprochement and convergence (in the form of harmonization and unification) of legislation are necessary, which are already careful about the political leaders and legislators of our countries. The study is based on economic statistical analysis, the regulatory framework and scientific research of the economic and legal sense. Summing up the intermediate results of the study, the intensification of the legislative development and unification of legislation on foreign investments and harmonization of its norms within the framework of civil and entrepreneurial law should be noted. In the international legal field, only the adoption of intentions about legal harmonization at the bilateral level and level of regional/subregional economic integration associations occurs. This is an excess confirmation of high politicization with general non-rights and disharmony of the parties, the formalness and state of state-Russian relations, which is primarily due to the economic poor development of sino-russian relations. However, you should not negatively put an end to this issue, since the general commitment to the German school of civil and corporate law and the Soviet heritage of economic law by our countries, being the so -called «soft harmonization» gives a good theoretical and normative basis of the legal harmonization of foreign investments of our countries in the future.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):189-194
pages 189-194 views

Practical Development and Legal Norms of Real Estate Investment Trust in China

Cao Y.


After a process of continuous research and development, Real Estate Investment Trust has become one of the main types of investment trusts in the People’s Republic of China, creating opportunities for huge economic benefits when investing and financing the construction of Chinese real estate. The legislative regulation of trusts in this area should not lag behind economic development. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the development process of the China’s Real Estate Investment Trust, the practice of this fund, as well as to follow the directions of improving the legal norms of this organization. China’s experience in this area may be of interest to legislators in many countries. In this article, the author summarizes the history of Chinese Real Estate Investment Trust from the point of view of law. The article lists specific guarantee measures of the relevant Chinese laws and regulations on the practical development of real estate investment funds. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the role of the Law on the Protection of the Economy. The shortcomings of the existing legal norms in the field of protection of real estate investment funds in China are listed in order to more effectively apply these acts.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):195-207
pages 195-207 views

Legislative Practice of State Support of the Regions as a Factor in the Development of Tourist Territories

Battalova L.M., Krasheninnikov S.V.


Purpose of the study. The article critically examines the essential content of the key legal positions that reflect the modern properties of the domestic legislative practice of stimulating the development of the regional economy. From the research point of view, on the one hand, the characteristic features of the domestic legislative and legal system in the subject plane are analyzed, on the other hand, the degree of correlation of the built-in mechanisms of state support for the regional tourism system with the level and quality of development of modern tourism infrastructure in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Findings. As a result of the study, the author reasonably identifies two enlarged clusters: customs-tax and civil-legal methods of stimulating the investment activity of tourist regions, which makes it possible to optimally synthesize the developed mechanisms of state support for the purpose of their subsequent objective analysis. In the process of research, the author comes to a reasonable conclusion about the insufficient effectiveness of the existing preferential-subsidiary system in the context of the industry under consideration. First of all, the author highlights such factors as: the absence of a single legal structure that concentrates state mechanisms for the development of tourist and recreational areas; the presence of certain gaps in both tax and budget legislation, regarding the object of study. The above is due to: 1) the fragmented nature of most of the preferences, due to a significant number of enterprises whose connection with tourism is mediated, but without which it is impossible to create a decent infrastructure, 2) the long-term neglect of the tourism industry by government agencies. At the same time, an objective assessment of the adequacy of the identified mechanisms to the prevailing economic and legal conditions, carried out by the author, made it possible to state a qualitative transformation of state policy in the system of regional financing, expressed in the form of a policy of reasonable protectionism, which is a system-strategic set of actions, aimed at creating a sustainable and effective legislative system in the field of tourism, based on fundamentally new legal positions.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):208-216
pages 208-216 views

Adoption as a Priority form of Placement of Children Left Without Parental Care: New in Legal Regulation and Development Prospects

Letova N.V.


Purpose of the study. In the article, the author examines the trends in the development of legislation on adoption as a priority form of placement of children left without parental care, identifies the advantages of this form and the prospects for its development. The author comes to the conclusion that there is no unified definition of the concept of adoption in the law at the present stage of development of family legislation, the criteria for distinguishing between the «form of arrangement» and the «form of education» of a child are proposed, the essence and social purpose of the institution of adoption are systematized, the advantages of the judicial order are systematized and the requirements for to prospective adoptive parents. The article proves the practical need in some cases to apply a situational method of regulating relations for the adoption of a child, which will allow deviating from the formal requirements of the legislator in relation to candidates for adoptive parents, provided that the adoption is in the interests of the child.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):217-223
pages 217-223 views

Features of Observance of the Pre-trial Procedure in Cases of Contesting Decisions to Refuse State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs: Legislative Provisions and Clarifications of the Highest Court

Katukova S.Y., Milashevskaya A.O.


The purpose of the research. The article deals with issues related to the procedure for administrative appeal of decisions of tax authorities on the refusal of state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, making relevant entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, EGRIP. A description is given of the mandatory pre-trial procedure for appealing and alternative re-appeal to the Federal Tax Service, the calculation of the deadlines for filing complaints and applications, the grounds for their restoration, and other law enforcement problems. The purpose of the study is to identify the prospects for the development of administrative pre-trial appeal against acts of tax authorities on the refusal of registration, the creation of a harmonious, consistent interaction between the pre-trial and judicial stages of public law protection. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the new provisions of Chapter VIII.1 of the Federal Law «On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs», regulations on the administrative procedure for considering complaints, judicial practice. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that there are two procedures for appealing against decisions of the tax authority to refuse registration: a mandatory pre-trial and an alternative repeated procedure for filing a complaint with the Federal Tax Service. The potential of the pre-trial stage of consideration of administrative complaints can be multiplied as a result of the development and adoption of an administrative procedure that will reflect the principles of competitiveness, publicity, immediacy, and elements of reconciliation. Differences in the procedural consequences of mandatory and alternative appeal are revealed: failure to comply with the mandatory procedure limits the right to apply to the arbitration court through the institute of returning the application, leaving it without consideration; the use of an alternative procedure leads to the impossibility of restoring the period of judicial challenge and the refusal to satisfy the application.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):224-230
pages 224-230 views

Countering the Violation of the Right of Detainees to Visits

Ilin D.V.


The article presents the results of a study of the problem of overcoming violations of the constitutional right of the accused to visits and personal life in cases that have a public resonance by criminal procedural means. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international legal norms, in particular, Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, other acts of international law, the right of accused persons in custody to meet is unconditional and absolute. The same guarantee follows from Russian federal legislation, in particular, paragraphs 5 of Article 17, Article 18 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ of July 15, 1995 «On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes». This right is considered in the article in a broad sense and in two aspects: a) as an integral part of the complex of humanitarian rights of an individual in criminal proceedings; b) as a procedural guarantee of the defense party, including the exercise of legal powers directly in criminal proceedings and in other legal relations. Thus, the varieties of the latter are the right to meet with a lawyer (defender), the right to perform notarial and other legal actions with the help of intermediaries due to the presence of legal restrictions caused by detention. The author, when analyzing the practice of exercising the right of detainees to visits, states its systematic violations by representatives of the preliminary investigation, employees of institutions providing detention. The study of the causes of such violations led to the conclusion that they are mainly associated with the exertion of unlawful pressure on detainees to compel them to testify, commit other actions or abstain from them in the interests of the prosecution, for selfish (corruption) motives, revenge or intimidation (suppression of will). A variant of such illegal actions may be the impact on the relatives or relatives of the prisoner in custody, as well as his lawyer (defender). Examples of this are analyzed in detail in this article. The article is prepared on the basis of the author's work experience as a criminal lawyer and is devoted to the analysis of the following problem. In the article, the author explores the theoretical foundations and background of the problem, using the example of criminal cases that have a public resonance, analyzes the principles that ensure equality and competitiveness of the parties in criminal proceedings, the system of rights of participants in legal proceedings based on them, their legal regulation, the most common, most typical violations of dating. Next, the author examines the legal means and mechanisms (ways) to overcome these violations in the criminal process. a number of conclusions and proposals aimed at improving the legal protection of the rights of persons in custody, as well as their relatives (relatives), a lawyer (defender, representative). In conclusion, based on the conducted research, the author formulates a number of conclusions and proposals aimed at overcoming the accusatory bias and violations of the rights of participants in court proceedings in cases with public resonance, improving and increasing the effectiveness of overcoming violations of the constitutional right to defense.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):231-239
pages 231-239 views

Patters of Criminal Law Education

Andrianov V.K.


Problem statement. According to philosophy, the basis of the emergence, development, functioning and structural construction of any phenomenon has its own objective laws. The discovery of relevant laws is the main task of any science, including legal. Since the content of law is revealed most profoundly in the laws, the essence of law and its internal logic are directly expressed in them. Therefore, it is impossible to ensure the adequacy, consistency and stability of criminal legislation if one does not investigate and take into account the laws of criminal law. The purpose of writing the article. This article continues the cycle of publications on the problem of criminal law regularities and is devoted to the analysis of the regularities of the formation of criminal law, i.e. essential, necessary, stable and repetitive relationships and dependencies underlying the process of criminal law education. Conclusions. The conducted research has shown that the process of criminal law education is subject to a whole complex of various patterns. Among them can be distinguished: socio-political patterns (political science, moral, globalization, etc.) and special legal patterns (functioning in the internal environment of law and industry).
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):240-247
pages 240-247 views

Corruption in Russia: State, Problems and Ways to Solve them

Plekhotin A.V.


The article analyzes the level of corruption in the economy and society of Russia. Being a socially significant phenomenon, corruption has a negative impact not only on the economic security of the country, but also on the pace of socio-economic development, the standard of living of the population. The author characterizes the current state of corruption in the country, identifies the problems associated with the emergence of corruption and its prevention, as well as those arising in the process of implementing anti-corruption measures aimed at minimizing corruption acts and increasing public confidence in public authorities. The classification of the reasons complicating the fight against corruption is carried out according to the following classification criteria: socio-economic, law enforcement and institutional. The author also proposed a set of measures aimed at the development of anti-corruption legislation and increasing the effectiveness of the activities of authorities in the field of monitoring and control over compliance with anti-corruption legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):248-253
pages 248-253 views

On Investigation of Crimes Committed by Police Officers

Shkhagapsoev Z.L., Akkaeva H.A.


Unfortunately, in the modern world, crime is developing actively. This fact is confirmed by the constant improvement of the forms of criminal activity. Often, persons with a special legal status are involved in criminal activities. In this context, special attention should be paid to the spread of illegal behavior among police officers, who often become their organizers and perpetrators. The purpose of the present study is to study topical issues of investigation of crimes committed by police officers. The author comes to the conclusion that the process of investigating crimes committed by police officers is very complex and multifaceted, within which it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the legal status of the above-mentioned persons. In this context, for the effectiveness of the investigation of these criminal acts, it seems appropriate to actively interact with various departments of law enforcement agencies among themselves, including in terms of exchanging information and experience on organizing and conducting investigative measures against persons who commit unlawful behavior as part of their official activities in the police department. It is noted that for the investigation of these crimes, the involvement of the leadership of law enforcement agencies in this process is of fundamental importance, since in practice there are quite often situations when the leadership of specific units not only turns a blind eye to the illegal behavior of individual employees, but also supports such a practice because of its effectiveness. for office work. Attention is focused on the need for constant research of current schemes of criminal activity, common in a specific period of time among police officers.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):254-257
pages 254-257 views

To the Question of Criminal Liability for Crimes in the Sphere of Taxation

Kardanov R.R., Simonova S.V.


Taxes are of the utmost importance for the budget of the Russian state. However, despite various interim measures on the part of a number of state authorities, there is currently a significant increase in crimes in the field of taxation. This trend is primarily due to the difficult economic conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, these conditions are developing under the influence of the sanctions policy of foreign states against Russia. A large number of solved crimes in the field of taxation also testifies to the effectiveness of the functioning of the competent public authorities. The scale of the spread of criminal behavior in the above area necessitates the analysis of the criminal law foundations for bringing to justice for tax crimes. The purpose of the presented study is to study the current state of the institution of criminal liability for crimes in the field of taxation, including taking into account the dynamics of improving criminal practice. The author comes to the conclusion that crimes in the field of taxation are very specific acts, since outwardly they can quite often look like legitimate economic activity, and criminal intent is realized through the content of transactions or the illegal behavior of their individual participants. The current criminal legislation regulates in detail the features of bringing to responsibility for tax crimes and does not need to be significantly changed. Attention is focused on the need to tighten liability for tax crimes, both for individuals and organizations in order to increase the effectiveness of the fight against this illegal behavior. The expediency of adjusting the concepts of large and especially large size in Art. 198, 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):258-261
pages 258-261 views

Some Reflections on the Prevention of Crimes Against

Akkaeva H.A., Fedina L.M.


Crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the individual in the structure of general crime are not among the main ones, which is explained by the specifics of the object of the attack. There is no unambiguous understanding of these categories. This fact complicates the process of law enforcement on the considered criminal acts. This article gives a general criminological description of a person who commits crimes against the freedom, honor and dignity of a person, analyzes the determinants of criminal behavior, as a result of which the constitutional rights and freedoms under consideration are violated. The analysis of the criminological characteristics of crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the individual allowed the authors to determine a set of measures aimed at the prevention of these crimes.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):262-265
pages 262-265 views

To the Question of the Types of Special Subject of Involving a Minor in the Commission of a Crime

Osmolovskaya S.I.


The purpose of writing a research paper is to study the circle of persons who are a special subject of a crime under Part 2 of Art. 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The main method used in writing the work is the dialectical method of cognition of the surrounding reality. In addition, a number of general and special methods of scientific knowledge were used. Thus, the method of document analysis was used in the study of court decisions related to the commission of crimes under Part 2 of Art. 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The questionnaire method made it possible to obtain data from a survey of 208 respondents-practitioners in the field of criminal law (employees of investigative bodies, bodies of inquiry, prosecutors). The conclusions obtained in the course of the study make it possible to most accurately establish the category of persons who can be held criminally liable under Part 2 of Art. 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This information plays an invaluable role in improving criminal legislation in terms of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors, achieving a uniform approach to understanding the criminal responsibility of persons specified in Part 2 of Art. 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation-parents, teachers, or other persons who are responsible for raising a minor. This fact will allow a more accurate and objective approach to the issues of bringing to criminal responsibility.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):266-270
pages 266-270 views

Some Problematic Aspects of the Qualification of Crimes Against the Sexual Integrity of Minors

Akkaeva H.A.


The basic law in the Russian Federation is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It establishes a complex of inalienable rights and freedoms of man and citizen, among which the right to privacy is of no small importance. An element of a person's private life is personal relationships, which must be determined by a person independently and be free from encroachment. The sexual inviolability of minors requires special protection, the violation of which can cause psychological trauma, physical harm, as well as a distortion of the understanding of sexual life in the future. The author considers the main problems associated with the formulation of offenses against sexual integrity: the presence of certain gaps, confusion of concepts, violations of formal logic. The article presents the most significant problems of qualification, as well as possible ways to resolve the indicated contradictions.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):271-274
pages 271-274 views

Electronic Justice: An Overview of Global Trend

Volosova N.Y.


The article raises the issue of the use and implementation of the electronic justice system. The author notes that this system is gradually becoming a global practice. However, it is still too early to talk about using the capabilities of artificial intelligence in making court decisions, although there is such experience in a number of countries. The analysis of the advantages of the introduction of the e-justice system is given: increasing efficiency, transparency and accessibility. The key problems of such implementation are outlined.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):275-278
pages 275-278 views

Participation in Procedural Actions through Video Conferencing: Problems and Solutions, Prospects

Shkhagapsoev Z.L., Kanunnikova N.G.


Informatization and digitalization affected all spheres of public life, and the area of criminal pre-trial proceedings was no exception. In January 2022, amendments to the criminal procedure legislation came into force, providing for the right of an investigator (inquirer) to conduct separate investigative actions (interrogation, confrontation, presentation for identification) via video conferencing. Considering that at the stage of the trial of a criminal case, the use of such remote technology during interrogation has already received its positive experience, the features of its use at the stage of preliminary investigation require theoretical understanding. The article gives a general description of the use of video conferencing in the implementation of procedural actions, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using this remote technology. The analysis of the features of using the video conferencing system during individual investigative actions allowed the authors to identify certain problematic aspects due to the imperfection of regulatory regulation, insufficient material equipment of law enforcement agencies, information security, and some others, and also suggested possible solutions to the identified problems. The conclusion is made about the possible prospects for the development of the use of a video conferencing system during investigative actions.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):279-282
pages 279-282 views

Features of Forensic Research of Plastic Bank Cards

Berova J.M., Kardanov R.R.


Over the past decade, bank cards have become an integral part of every person's life, because as part of their use, account holders can access funds at a convenient time and in the most comfortable way, including through remote access. Despite the fact that contactless payment methods through gadgets have become widespread at the present time, in the conditions of foreign sanctions policy against the Russian state, the direct carrying and use of plastic bank cards has again become relevant. In this context, it should be noted that these payment documents are of significant interest to criminals, since, by forging them, one can gain access to the funds placed on specific accounts. The purpose of the presented work is the analysis of the features of the forensic investigation of plastic bank cards. The author comes to the conclusion that various expert studies can be carried out with respect to plastic bank cards, since this payment document has various objects that are encroached upon by malefactors, carrying out criminal acts. In this context, technical and forensic examination of documents is of fundamental importance, which is focused on assessing the authenticity of elements placed on plastic bank cards, which indicates the legality of the methods of their manufacture. It is noted that at present, plastic bank cards are protected from mechanical impact and forgery by a number of means that involve their manufacture through the use of special materials, as well as applying data about the cardholder in special ways. The attention is focused on the methods of full and partial forgery of plastic bank cards and the features of the forensic research conducted in order to identify them.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):283-286
pages 283-286 views

On the Issue of Forensic Characterization of Crimes Related to Domestic Gas Explosions (On the Example of Mongolia)

Chinbat A.


In the course of the study of certain issues of the forensic characteristics of crimes related to household gas explosions, the author's approach to understanding such crimes is proposed. Based on the analysis of the essence of the crimes of the mentioned group, an approach was developed to understand the forensic characteristics of crimes related to household gas explosions, and its main elements were listed and disclosed.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):287-289
pages 287-289 views

On Building a SCO Economic Community with a Shared Future

Ren Y.


While summarizing the remarkable achievements made by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the past 20 years since its establishment in various fields of economic cooperation, such as legal basis, cooperation mechanisms, trade and investment and connectivity, this paper analyzes a series of problems during the SCO’s development, especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and proposes corresponding countermeasures. Economic cooperation is an essential foundation and main direction for the development of the SCO. It should also be one of the core areas for building a SCO community with a shared future. Faced with profound changes and new situations, the SCO needs to enhance regional economic cooperation so as to strengthen the economic interdependence of the SCO countries and promote the construction of a SCO community with a shared future by building an economic one as a path.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):290-302
pages 290-302 views

International Legal Aspects of Development of the Treaty Relations between the USSR/Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland Regarding the Lease of the Soviet/Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal

Grigoryan A.S.


The purpose of the research. Interstate treaty relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), then the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and the Republic of Finland, on the other, regarding the lease of the Soviet/Russian part of the Saimaa Canal, have experienced noticeable changes since they began in 1962 until their continuation from 2010 up to the present. From a predominantly political format these relations have become economic. The interstate lease of a territory covers a complex of multifaceted legal relations, that are directly linked to the time when they were initiated and have been developing, specific features of national legal systems and policy, being carried out by their participants. Cooperation between the USSR/Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland regarding the lease of the Soviet/Russian part of the Saimaa Canal - is a vivid example. The experience of interstate cooperation on this issue proves that the interests of the parties, associated with the lease of the territory, can be transformed over the course of time, which, however, may not only not worsen, but instead, increase the effectiveness of interstate cooperation on this subject. Detailed analysis of this topic and related issues is interesting, especially in terms of international treaty law and international economic law. Results. The treaty relations between the USSR/Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland, regarding the lease of the part of the Saimaa Canal, were based on the principle of peaceful coexistence among nations, the concept of equitable treaties. Initially these legal relations were based on the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and the Republic of Finland of 1948 and were of a political nature. Taking into account the fact that in the course of time these relations have acquired a stable neighbourly respectful character, in accordance with the interests of Russia and Finland, formalized in the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland on the basis for relations of 1992, they have transformed and are currently conditioned by economic interstate interests.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(3):303-311
pages 303-311 views

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