Improving the management system of a multidisciplinary health care institution


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Task. Any organization, both a commercial company and a government Agency in the modern conditions of society development, needs to introduce innovations. Innovation in the twenty-first century is the driving force behind improving the management system of any company. The article focuses on the absolute awareness of the context of the direction of management in which the organization operates. In the conditions of permanent risk of reduction and uncertainty of specific amounts of funding from the Federal budget (FB) and mandatory medical insurance funds (FOMS), as well as the involvement of private Medical institutions in the work of FOMS programs and the constant growth in the number of licenses for new types of medical services issued to these institutions of all forms of ownership, it is now advisable to consider the management system of Clinical hospitals (CB) primarily as a business unit, not as a government Agency. Model. The article examines methods for improving the system of strategic monitoring of the external environment, including the study of competitors, as well as conducting SWOT analysis, which are necessary for development in conditions of instability, which has replaced stable funding from budgets and funds. Conclusions. Given that a significant part of the resources, primarily medical equipment and premises, have already been purchased at the expense of the state budget or the MHI Fund, CB can be quite flexible in pricing policy. This also leads to the fact that the share of wages in the cost structure of paid medical services may be higher than for services that are reimbursed from other sources. Practical importance. Due to the fact that the Osterwalder business model is used as the main tool of the management system, the following practical recommendations are given in terms of segmentation of the target audience, the formation of different value propositions, but using economies of scale, a new type of key activity - work with the collected client base to sell them additional medical services, as well as regular communication through modern technologies: social networks, messengers, chatbots, etc., the use of new channels for selling medical services, especially in terms of consulting, new promotion channels, especially in the field of on-line communications (taking into account legal restrictions for medical services). Originality. In General, the use of the Osterwalder business model as a visualization of the KB management system is justified from a theoretical and methodological point of view, and effective from a practical point of view.

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Sobre autores

Malvina Karabasheva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

associate Professor of accounting Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Moscow, Russian Federation

Yulia Zurnadzhyants

Astrakhan State Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), associate professor, of economics and health care management with postgraduate course Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Christina Shamasheva

Astrakhan State Medical University

faculty of medicine and prevention Astrakhan, Russian Federation


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