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Volume 18, Nº 5 (2022)


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The Principle of the Social State in the Russian Federation: The Evolution of the Content and Application in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Umnova-Koniukhova I., Kostyleva E.


Purpose. To analyze the evolution of the principle of the social state, various interpretations of the concept of the social state depending on the level of social responsibility of the state to the population, signs of the social state. Tasks. To analyze the interpretation of the Russian Federation as a social state. To reveal the content of the main features of the welfare state. Consider the principles-requirements of the welfare state. To reveal the features of modern trends in improving legislation and the mechanism of protection of social rights. To analyze the doctrine of the welfare state from the perspective of the concept of the «welfare state»; constitutional principles and norms defining the requirements of the welfare state and social human rights. Conclusions: The interpretation of the Russian Federation as a social state is analyzed in detail, an incomplete characteristic of the main features of the social state is revealed, an additional criterion based on the principle of social justice is proposed. The basic principles and requirements of the welfare state are substantiated. It is noted that the principles and requirements of the welfare state are expanded by the new Article 75.1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where the interpretation of the welfare state is given through two main criteria: the creation by the state of conditions ensuring a decent life and free human development. As one of the main criteria of the welfare state, the legal norms regulating social human rights and the role of the state in finding a balance between a person's social activity and his ability to satisfy his social needs are noted. The conclusion is formulated about the existence of a wide range of social rights, and their security is noted as a key indicator of the implementation of the principle of the welfare state and the resulting principles-requirements. Modern trends in improving legislation and law enforcement are mainly aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the protection of social human rights in their violation, where the main role is assigned to the judiciary. The authors noted that to date, there are no unified views in the science of constitutional law on the admissibility, limits and conditions of judicial protection of social rights. First of all, the resolution of this situation depends on the place of social rights in the human rights system, the normative content of each specific right, their legal nature, as well as the scope of the powers of judicial bodies to invade the sphere of activity of legislative and executive bodies of state power. The concept, legal nature, normative content of the constitutional principle of the social state and social rights are investigated; examples from the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the protection of social rights are given. Attention is drawn to the integration application of the principle of the social state in unity with other principles of law (free development, decent life, equality (equality), justice (social justice), legal certainty, proportionality (proportionality of restrictions on rights and freedoms), balance of public and private interests, etc.).
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Improvement of Administrative and Legal Aspects of the Organization of Public Bidding of Arrested and Pledged Property

Firsov M.


This article is devoted to the study of the legal aspects of the process of fulfillment by the Federal Property Management Agency of the state function of organizing public auctions of seized property. The relevance of the problems discussed in the article is due to the significantly increased requirements for the quality of public administration, their compliance with modern legal and economic trends, the demands of society for the openness of public administration and the digitalization of public services. Based on the analysis, the article presents a legal justification for the need for legal improvement of regulations governing public and electronic auctions, the methodology for their conduct. Specific proposals have been formulated to improve economic efficiency and reduce corruption risks.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Corruption in the Field of Procurement and the Security of the Country

Konovalova Z.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the expenditure of budgetary funds carried out through procurement activities to meet state and municipal needs. The purpose of the article is to consider how the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the sphere of procurement meets the Strategies of national and economic security of the country, the National Anti-Corruption Plan. The article analyzes the legislation regulating the sphere of procurement for the content of corruption-causing factors in them. The issues on the application of liability measures applied to violators when spending budget funds, according to the legislation regulating procurement activities and the reasons that may lead to violations in the implementation of procurement activities were also considered. The analysis of how financial control affects the expenditure of budgetary funds in the implementation of procurement activities and counteracts corruption manifestations is carried out. At the end of the article, recommendations are given to eliminate a number of negative aspects that have contributed to increasing the effective use of budget funds in the implementation of procurement activities and are opposed to the threats that are currently taking place.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):26-36
pages 26-36 views

On the Issues of Bringing to Administrative Responsibility in the Implementation of Missionary Activities

Ivanov D.


This article is devoted to the issue of attracting citizens who, by virtue of their religious beliefs, are engaged in missionary activities. At the same time, their actions, often unconsciously, may violate the current legislation, which, accordingly, entails bringing to administrative responsibility. At the same time, attracting such citizens for such administrative offenses, a number of significant contradictions in the actions of employees and in the existing legislation are revealed.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Informational and Legal Problems of Liquidation of Objects of Accumulated Environmental Damage in the Conditions of Digitalization

Korobka L.


The article reveals the importance of digitalization in the field of eliminating objects of accumulated harm to the environment, including to ensure the transparency of environmental information, suggests factors influencing the digitalization of this area, and also considers the level of development and the need to improve the developed strategy for digital transformation of the ecology and nature management industry. As a result of the analysis of information and digital development trends in this area, conclusions were drawn about the need and possibility of developing a digital platform in the field of eliminating objects of accumulated environmental damage as part of strategies aimed at achieving the indicators established by national goals and objectives, as well as the level of development of legal regulation in parts of the application of digital technologies in this area.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):42-46
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Modern Constitutional and Legal Thought of the Republics of Paraguay and Peru (With an Emphasis on Private Law and other Issues)

Belikova K.


The subject of the research and the purpose of this article is to study the modern constitutional and legal thought of two countries of the American continent-the Republic of Paraguay and Republic of Peru, expressed in its current Constitution of 1992 (Paraguay) in the 2011 edition and of 1993 (Peru) in the 2021 edition. The research methodology is based on materialistic dialectics and consists of data collection by analyzing the named legal acts, doctrine and descriptive approach to legal norms in the field under study, as well as reflexive practice. The method of system analysis and comprehension of the ideas presented in the mentioned editions of Constitutions is used along with such operations as induction and deduction; methods of formal and dialectical logic help to understand the relationship between the results of constitutional reforms and the presence (absence) of the need for them; a materialistic view of the processes and phenomena of the external world as a whole allows us to believe that all the patterns fixed in the studied Constitutions that receive (or do not receive) further development are subjectively and objectively conditioned and set. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the goal set and the conclusions drawn. Among the conclusions reached by the author are the following. For example, general principles and transparent general rules have been identified that create a favorable legal climate for both residents of both Republics and investors; it has been established that the highest goal of the Republics is the protection of human beings and their personalities, recognition and respect for their rights and freedoms and human dignity. Against this background, the Constitution of 1992 (Paraguay) attempts to limit the powers of the President strengthening the powers of Congress, whereas the Constitution of 1993 (Peru), on the contrary, provides for the possibility of Congress delegating legislative powers to the President, thereby expanding the already wide range of powers granted to him, etc
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):47-58
pages 47-58 views

Foreign Experience of Legal Regulation of the Transfer of Securities, Shares, Shares in the Authorized (Share) Capital of Organizations for Trust Management, Provided for by Anti-corruption Legislation on the Example of International and European Anti-corruption Legislation, the Legislation of Mexico, South Korea, Italy, Argentina

Demchenko M.


Purpose of the study. The purpose of writing a scientific work is to study foreign experience in the legal regulation of the transfer of securities, shares, shares in the authorized (share) capital of organizations in order to prevent corruption. This topic has not received wide coverage in the legal literature, since a comprehensive analysis of the legal regulation of the legal relations in question in some foreign states has not been fully carried out. The work examines international and national sources that are the basis for the formation and functioning of anti-corruption policy, separately considers the legislation of Mexico, South Korea, Italy, Argentina. Conclusions. Investigating the legal basis for the transfer of securities, shares, shares in the authorized (reserve) capital of organizations in trust management in order to prevent corruption in foreign countries, it was stated that at the moment the basic documents on the prevention of corruption in this area are international conventions, separate directives and recommendations of the Council of the European Union. Special acts regulating trust management of assets in order to prevent corruption have become widespread in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Albania, specialized forms of asset management are known in such countries as Mexico, South Korea, Italy, Argentina.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Enterprise as a Civil Turnover Object

Protopopova O., Pahomov A.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of legal regulation of legal relations with such an object of rights as an enterprise. It is noted that initially the enterprise arose as an economic category. After the need to involve it in civil circulation arose, the company became a legal category reflecting the object of rights. The heterogeneity of the legal structure of the enterprise, the presence of special requirements for its registration and the contract of sale of the enterprise restrain its active use in civil circulation. The author draws attention to the insufficiency of the existing legal guarantees for the buyer of the enterprise, ensuring its further use in entrepreneurial activity. The need to develop criteria for determining the composition of the enterprise allows the buyer to protect his rights in the event of an accidental pass or intentional silence about objects without which the operation of the enterprise is less efficient, difficult or even impossible.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Historical Stages of Formation of the Doctrine on the Protection of the Weak Party of the Contract

Kuzmina A., Lomakina E.


The purpose of the research is to analyze the history of emergence and development of the doctrine of protection of the weak party of the contract in civil law science. In the article the authors conclude that the idea of protection the weak party of the contract arose in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The authors especially noted that the modern development of ideas about the protection of the weak party of the contract is associated with the appearance in the French legal doctrine of the contract of adhesion. In the scientific work, three models of protection the weak party of the contract, which have been formed since the middle of the 20th century in the American and European space, have been studied. The stages of the formation of a similar doctrine in Russia are reflected. The authors concluded that there is no single concept of protection of the weak party of the contract in the civil law of foreign countries and Russia.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):72-81
pages 72-81 views

The Concept and Classification of the Contract on the Integrated Development of the Territory

Nosov D., Shchelkova Y.


The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the consideration of the construction of the contract on the integrated development of the territory provided for by the provisions of Chapter 10 of the Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of complex development of the territory is analyzed from the point of view of its continuity to the previously existing institution. The article analyzes the main provisions of the law that enshrine the agreement on the integrated development of the territory as one of the key mechanisms for the renovation of territories. Taking into account the specifics of the type of relationship under consideration, the authors propose to determine the legal nature of the agreement on the complex development of the territory and contractual legal relations resulting from the conclusion, modification and (or) termination of such an agreement.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Formation and Development of Legal Regulation of Lending to Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Russia

Sorokina E.


Purpose. To study the historical aspect of the formation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia in order to identify periods of development, trends and legal conflicts. Procedure and methods. Concrete-historical and historical-comparative methods were used in the study of the laws of the development of legislation in relation to the development of SMEs and the legal regulation of concessional lending in various historical periods, which allowed us to identify the main trends characteristic of the development of the SME support infrastructure within the framework of the topic under study. The paper considers the current and important problems of legal regulation of lending to SMEs in the prism of time. The author tries to solve an important task-to identify the features and stages of the formation of state policy in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. Results. As a result, the author draws conclusions about the results of the implementation of state policy in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. The chronological framework of the study covers the beginning of the XX century, the period of the New Economic Policy as the beginning of the organization of entrepreneurial activity in the young Soviet Republic, the middle of the XX century- the beginning of the XXI century. This period is the transition of our state to a market model of the economy, in connection with the adoption of the law «On Self-employment», which legalized entrepreneurial activity in the country, previously criminally prosecuted. The final stage of this period is the adoption of Federal Law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007 «On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation», which marked the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in the implementation of state policy in the field of small and medium-sized businesses in terms of financial support to small and medium-sized businesses.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):88-94
pages 88-94 views

About Strategic Directions of Information Security Protection and Further Development of the IT Sector

Kiselev A., Barkov A.


Today it is time to set a serious task for the strategic support of the development of information technology in the Russian Federation. The future of not only the entire digital sphere, but also the economy of the whole country depends on the chosen path. It is obvious that using American computer software becomes dangerous for national security, which is why it is worth considering and choosing the most optimal ways of development, bypassing sanctions and taking into account the current unfavorable economic situation. The purpose of this work is the theoretical development of strategic directions for the protection of information security and further development of the IT sector of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. It is noted that there is a need to create a new strategy for the development of information technology. Under the current conditions, it will not be possible to achieve self-sufficiency in software and components for computer equipment in the near future. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen partnership cooperation according to one of the existing models (Chinese, Latin American, Middle Eastern). It is quite possible that we will have to use all three available models at the same time to get out of the crisis and minimize risks if one of the fundamental partner parties unexpectedly imposes sanctions against our country. It is determined that it is necessary to start training specialists who will be able to work with software from different countries. At the same time, it is necessary to develop domestic products, improve them and modernize them according to the latest technical requirements. The conclusion is made, according to which a strategy for the development of information technology in the context of sanctions should be developed and launched in the very near future, at the head of which should be laid the principles of self-sufficiency of Russian software, its competitiveness in the market, accessibility and efficiency, adaptability and stability.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):95-99
pages 95-99 views

Information Systems in the Context of Intellectual Property Law

Sviridova E.


The article analyzes the issue of choosing a strategy for the legal protection of an information system from the point of view of an intellectual property object. The purpose of the study is to determine the place of information systems in the system of intellectual activity results. The information system is considered through the concepts of legal protection of a complex object and a composite work. The preferred use of the legal regime of complex objects relative to information systems is proved, which in the conditions of current legislation requires an expansion of the list of complex objects. Taking into account the existing legal regulation, it is most promising to consider information systems from the perspective of databases and computer programs. It is concluded that the database of the information system can be considered exclusively as an object of related rights. Based on the analysis of patent practice, a conclusion is made about the difficulties of patenting an information system algorithm in terms of classification of the blockchain system as a result of intellectual activity: a method, a computer program or a database.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):100-107
pages 100-107 views

Overlapping of Intellectual Property Rights in Cross-border Legal Relations: Practical Aspects of Protecting the Right Holder

Blinov I.


Objective. Cases of infringement of exclusive rights today take place not only within the state where protection is sought, but also on the territory of several states at the same time. This situation does not correlate with the basic substantive legal postulate on the territorial nature of exclusive rights. In addition, the duality of intellectual property objects can give rise to the problem of the overlapping of intellectual property rights. As a result, the courts have difficulty establishing the law applicable to the dispute on the protection of exclusive rights. The practice of law enforcement in this area is fragmented, which is due to a differentiated approach to the formulation of conflict rules and a fragmentary study of significant aspects. The foregoing makes the topic of this study relevant in modern conditions, in view of the trend of digitalization and the systematic overcoming of the territorial isolation of intellectual rights. Methodology of the research. Within the framework of this study in the field of intellectual property rights in Russia and foreign countries, such general scientific research methods as dialectical, logical and system methods were used. Conclusions. The author identifies problems, faced by the law enforcer, following the concept of territoriality of exclusive rights in the plane of human rights activities. The conditional nature of the expression «international protection of intellectual property» is substantiated. The most important issues of substantive law and conflict of law regulation in the field of protection of exclusive rights are analyzed. With reference to the practice of law enforcement, emphasis is placed on the points that require priority consideration by right holders in order to avoid further problems in case of violation of their rights in cross-border relations. The problem of the intersection of intellectual property rights and the need for its study are indicated. Based on the results of the analysis of the regulatory legal framework of Russia and foreign countries, the conclusion is made about the inevitable transformation of the concept of territoriality in today's conditions with bright trends of globalization and digitalization. Originality/value. This article is of practical importance for lawyers working in the field of intellectual property law, as it considers the issues of cross-border trade in intellectual property objects from the standpoint of resolving disputes with these objects, in addition, within the framework of this study, problems of legal regulation of certain issues of protection of objects of intellectual property.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):108-114
pages 108-114 views

Mediation as a Way to Resolve Family Disputes and Disagreements

Letova N.


Purpose of the study. In this article, the author examines the social and legal purpose of the institution of mediation in the field of family relations, its impact on the settlement of conflicts, disputes, disagreements in the family that arise between family members, identifies the features of mediation agreements, identifies their advantages as a way to protect the rights of participants in a dispute and a variety of pre-trial the procedure for resolving disagreements between the parties, the trends in the development of the institution of mediation in our country are determined. The author comes to the conclusion about the preventive value of mediation agreements, the wide distribution of which in practice will eliminate the need for the parties to apply to the court for the protection of their rights, except in cases where it is not possible to protect the right of a family member in any other way.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):115-120
pages 115-120 views

The Doctrine of Good Morals in Civil and Family Law: Some Aspects

Hamidullina F.


The purpose of the study. The article examines various aspects of the civil law doctrine of good morals, and explores the possibility of applying the category of «good morals» to family legal relations. Examples from the judicial practice of German courts related to the application of the category «good morals» are analyzed. Conclusions. The conclusion is substantiated that the civil law category «good morals» can be applied to family legal relations, in particular when considering claims for invalidation of marriage on the grounds of its fictitiousness, when challenging marriage contracts, when considering cases for the recovery of alimony, when challenging the agreements of spouses. In family law, as in civil law, the content of the category of «good morals» is determined based on the ideas of morality and morality existing in the state. Good morals act as the limits of the autonomy of family relations, allowing to invalidate family agreements that violate ideas about decency, morality, family values, family functions, and the ideals of marital and child-parent relationships supported in society. For the application of «good morals» in family relations, an objective criterion is necessary-the inconsistency of the concluded agreement or action with the system of morality and values, as well as a subjective one, which, depending on the circumstances of the case, may consist both in the intent of both parties or one party (for example, in the fictitious marriage), and in the awareness of the circumstances of the concluded agreement or committed actions (for example, when challenging a marriage contract). In addition, good morals and the contradiction of morality act as criteria and factors affecting the discretion of the law enforcement officer.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):121-127
pages 121-127 views

Weak Subject of Family Relations: A Comparative Legal Study

Gulyaeva O.


The purpose of the research. The effect of the principle of protection of a weak subject in family legal relations is analyzed. The study was conducted by comparing the family legislation of the Republic of Chile and the Russian Federation. This choice is conditioned by the direct consolidation in the Chilean family legislation of the principle of protection of a weak spouse. Results. It is concluded that it is impossible to borrow institutions for the protection of a weak spouse into the legal system of Russia. Putting forward the hypothesis of a possible identification of the weak position of women in Russian family legal relations by gender, the author comes to its refutation. The author substantiates the identification of a psychophysiological sign of a weak subject of a private law relationship.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):128-132
pages 128-132 views

Linguistic and Legal Analysis of the Term «Dwelling» in the Legal Text Space

Tsypina A.


The purpose of the study. The article examines the problems of interpretation of the concept of housing in various branches of law, examines the relationship between the term and the concept in the textual legal space. The purpose of the work is to analyze the existing definitions of the concept of housing in the diversified legislation for possible further unification of this concept in the legal text space, analysis of the use of the lexical unit housing as a term and concept. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is possible to develop a single unified concept of housing for close or related areas of law (for criminal and criminal procedure law, for operational investigative activities), guided by the optimization method specified in the article. From the point of view of linguistic correctness, the author recommends the use of the phrase «dwelling» in the sectoral legal aspects, and in the general legal context, the phrase concept.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):133-137
pages 133-137 views

Problems of Legal Regulation of the Duties of a Lawyer in the Field of Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism

Sushkova Y., Shigurova E., Shigurov A.


Purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the duties of lawyers in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Conclusions. The authors note the inconsistency of the legislation in the field of regulating the duties of a lawyer to appoint special officials responsible for the implementation of internal control rules, and propose to allow bar associations to appoint such a person. The article raises the question of the relationship between the obligation of a lawyer to report to Rosfinmonitoring about certain transactions, transactions of principals with the requirements of attorney-client privilege. The authors draw attention to the contradiction of the legislation regarding the regulation of whether a lawyer who prepares, but does not make transactions on behalf of a client, is obliged to develop and implement internal control rules.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):138-141
pages 138-141 views

Historical Patterns of Corruption Development in Russia

Inshakov S., Kazakova V.


The purpose is to identify the relationship of corruption with the socio-economic and political conditions of the development of society. The anti-corruption potential of Russia in different historical periods from the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 to the present is illustrated. The dynamics of changes in Russia's anti-corruption potential and its connection with revolutionary events in the country are shown. The article analyzes the legislative prerequisites for increasing the country's anti-corruption potential during a special military operation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):142-146
pages 142-146 views

Information and Telecommunications Network Internet in the System of Factors Determining Youth Crime

Lykov E., Tulskaya E.


This work describes the urgent problem of youth crime as never before, describes its determinants, the main principles. Also, this paper describes the problem of determining crime on the part of the Internet regarding youth crime, which has recently become inseparable from crime in general. In turn, it should be said that the factor that the Internet web is now an integral part of society is described, which is why it affects not only youth and youth in the field of youth crime, but the whole society in various fields. Also, a sufficient place in the work is given to both general and point (through the prism of the Internet) causal complex of development of youth extremism and terrorism. It is worth saying that in the work a separate place is given to preventive measures to counter terrorism and extremism in the youth sphere.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):147-150
pages 147-150 views

Some Elements of the Forensic Characteristics of Fraud Committed in the Housing Sector

Zalesina A., Yaskina I.


The article discusses some features of the criminalistic characteristics of fraud committed in the housing sector. The data of official statistics on detected cases of fraud for 2019, 2020, 2021 are presented. Based on the analysis of forensic investigative practice, such elements of criminalistic characteristics as the situation and the method of committing fraud are considered. Attention is drawn to such elements of the method of committing fraud as preparation for the commission of a crime and concealment of criminal actions. The significance of the characteristic features of these elements for the disclosure and investigation of fraud committed in the housing sector is determined.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):151-155
pages 151-155 views

Main Problems of Criminal Procedure law: A Theoretical Aspect

Loginov S., Gurova E.


Statement of the problem. The research focuses on the current problems of the state of criminal procedure law. The article provides scientific substantiation of the current Criminal Procedure Code, shows the changes that have a significant impact on criminal activity in general. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the legislation containing criminal law norms, while formulating appropriate ways of solving existing problems of criminal procedural relations. Conclusions. The study has shown that the use of monitoring is an important tool to verify the effectiveness and improvement of criminal procedure legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):156-161
pages 156-161 views

On the State of Counterfeiting during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Special Military Operation

Alexeev A.


Counterfeiting is how criminal law and forensic sources refer to the illegal manufacture, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities. This type of crime in the Russian Federation is one of the priorities for the state in general and the law enforcement system in particular, as it has a direct impact on the economic component of the country. Cash is still the most popular means of payment among the population. In the article under consideration, the author has carried out an analysis of criminal statistics on crimes of the category in question during a period of great upheavals for the state-events of extreme years and up to the present. The author has studied the factors that influenced the quantitative indicator of the identification of monetary surrogates in Russia during the period from the beginning of the spread of the new coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and up to the present time in connection with the conduct by the allied forces of the Russian Federation, Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics of a special military operation for denazification and demilitarization of the Republic of Ukraine. The article gives a subjective assessment of the conditions that had a direct impact on the state of counterfeiting in the country during the designated period. Recommendations are given on preventive measures necessary to reduce the total number of money counterfeits in circulation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):162-166
pages 162-166 views

Analysis of the Legal Instruments of the European Union Regulating its Legal Status in the World Customs Organization

Mozer S.


A task. To systematize and analyze the EU legal instruments and tools developed by authorized European institutions in connection with the consideration of an application for membership in the World Customs Organization. Conclusions. The research article is devoted to the issue of the EU legal status in the WCO and the use of the EU precedent for the implementation of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025 (Strategic Directions) in terms of joint actions with Member States aimed at obtaining the Union's membership status in the WCO. The subject of the study is the EU approaches to the legal status in the WCO; explanatory memorandum of the European Commission on WCO membership; Council decision on the accession of the European Communities to the World Customs Organization and the exercise of rights and obligations akin to membership ad interim; Declaration of competence by the European Communities in matters covered by the Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council. The analysis of the EU legal instruments in relation to the WCO membership can be used to develop legal tools for the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to obtain the status of the WCO member in the course of implementing the Strategic Directions. Social Consequences. Conducting a study of the legal status of customs and economic unions in the WCO is associated with the implementation of paragraph 11.7.5. of Strategic Directions in terms of cooperation with this international organization. Practical value. The results of the study are of interest to the customs cooperation block of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and can be used by specialists from customs and other executive authorities in the EEU member states, EEC experts to organize and implement mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the EEC and the WCO. The article is recommended to researchers, teachers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and the WCO regional training centers in the specialties «Customs» and «Jurisprudence». Originality/value. The research material is based on an analysis of the practical aspects of the activities of the EU, the WCO and is the result of a comprehensive study of the issue of the legal and organizational basis for obtaining the WCO member status by economic and customs unions.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):167-179
pages 167-179 views

Analysis of Digital Strategies of the USA and South Korea for the Russian Practice

Moreva E., Obolenskaya L., Abrosimova O.


An indispensable condition for the successful strategic development of the national economy in the modern world is its digital transformation (DT). It makes it possible to increase production effectiveness, form new factors of competitiveness, and change seriously the balance of power in particular markets and in the global arena. The search for ways to master these opportunities by means of digital strategies is conducted by the states of all major countries of the world. However, these courses are not always effective to solve the tasks set, even in the known digital leaders, such as the United States and South Korea. Their DT strategies often do not fully consider the conditions that caused them and require adjustments. The determination of such shortcomings and their causes is extremely important for modern Russia, in which the terms of external sanctions and pandemic require the course’ optimization considering the foreign experience. It requires a special analysis of the digital strategies of these countries, this to become the subject of this study, in order to identify their shortcomings and limitations essential to account to implement successfully the Russian digital strategy. The conducted research resulted with the parameters necessary for the success of the digital strategy identification, i.e. its compliance with the socio-economic structure of the country and with the level of innovation activity of national business and its readiness to switch to digital; the attracting of the broad strata of entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to the course’ implementation. The consideration of these circumstances makes it possible to refine significantly Russia's digital strategy and increase its effectiveness in the practice.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):180-189
pages 180-189 views

Building a Neural Network to Predict the Option Price

Grineva N.


With the increase in the financial literacy of the population, the scale of the financial market is also expanding: in 2021, the number of private investors who opened brokerage accounts on the Moscow Exchange almost doubled compared to 2020 and at the beginning of 2022 is more than 17 million. One of the most effective tools for reducing market risks are various derivative financial instruments. The aim of the study is to improve the quality and efficiency of estimating the value of an option on the index of the Russian trading system by developing and implementing a specialized information system. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work: 1) an analysis of the main concepts, tools and algorithms for evaluating options using machine learning methods was carried out; 2) the components of a deep learning model for valuing an option on the RTS Index are determined; 3) a statistical interpretation of the processed data was carried out, 4) a neural network was built for put and call options. Materials and methods. Statistical analysis and neural networks apparatus were used in modeling. Conclusions. A study was made of the statistical characteristics of the underlying asset on the RTS Index futures; an algorithm was developed that uses the fair value of money indicator RUSFAR, calculated by the Moscow Exchange, instead of using zero-coupon rates, which are biased due to the incomplete backing of funds by assets to assess risk-free borrowing rates; the obtained results of the models are interpreted and conclusions are formulated regarding the quality of the obtained models.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):190-199
pages 190-199 views

European State Policy in Support of the Sustainable Development of the Arctic: Lessons for Russia

Moreva E., Bekulova S.


Models of the state policy of countries aimed at supporting the sustainable development of the Arctic and subarctic phenomena are formed under a significant complex of complex complexes of natural, cumulative and international factors, which requires the expected implementation. In this regard, it is important to study foreign experience in identifying the best practices. The purpose of the work is to analyze the models of state policy to support the sustainable development of the Arctic and subarctic countries of Europe and to search for opportunities to use their experience in Russia. The object of the study is the Arctic territories of European countries. The subject of the study is the mechanisms for managing the development of the Arctic territories of European countries. The methodological basis of this study is the fundamentals of systemic and comparative analysis, methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. The authors analyzed the models of state support for the sustainable development of the Arctic and subarctic territories of European countries. It shows how the place, role and importance of the Arctic has changed in the national strategies of European states and the European Union. In the course of the work, the features of the status of the European Union in the Arctic agenda were revealed. As a result of the analysis, models and mechanisms of state support for the development of the Arctic in European countries have been identified, which can be used in Russia.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):200-205
pages 200-205 views

Industrial Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: Problems and Solutions

Dontsova O., Abdikeev N., Abrosimova O.


The importance of the Arctic as an economic zone of the country is emphasized in a number of legal acts and state programs. The aim of the paper is to analyze the current level of industrial development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). The institutional approach, analysis of legal acts, statistical method and method of economic analysis were used in the research. The results of the study showed that, in general, the economy of the ASRF demonstrates positive development indicators. In comparison with 2015, six regions showed a positive increase in industrial production. The volume of innovative goods produced in the AZRF is growing, and the share of innovative goods produced in the AZRF in the total volume of innovative goods produced in Russia is also growing. In the future, the study can be used as a basis for proposals for the development of industrial and institutional policy of the region.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):206-215
pages 206-215 views

Digital Transformation of Industry: Assessing the Maturity of Organizations

Dontsova O., Abdikeev N., Bekulova S.


The global trend of digital transformation, as a natural stage in the development of any organization, takes place in new socio-economic conditions for it and requires the development of general models for the flow of this process, as well as systems for assessing the achievements of the main indicators of digital development. The purpose of the work is to analyze approaches to determining and assessing the digital maturity of economic entities and identifying trends in the development of its methods. The object of the study is the process of digital transformation of the economy. The subject of the study is the methodology for assessing the level of digital maturity of organizations. The methodological basis of this study is the fundamentals of systemic and comparative analysis, methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. The authors demonstrate that the term «digital maturity» has become widespread in almost all areas of the economy. Using the example of domestic experience, it is shown that the issues of assessing digital maturity are relevant at all levels of government, including the state. The main components of the growth of digital maturity of organizations are identified. As a result of the analysis of the methods, it was revealed that the number of analyzed areas of the organization's activities to assess the level of its digital maturity is expanding-from the analysis of the technical and technological foundations of activity to the qualifications of personnel and IT-philosophy.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):216-221
pages 216-221 views

Theoretical Aspects of Application of Islamic Economic Concept in Modern Conditions of Development of Russian Economy

Bulgakova M.


In the current conditions of the functioning of the world community, the aggravation of political confrontation, the ongoing sanctions pressure and the increase in military threats, it becomes necessary to find new vectors for the development of the Russian economy, based not only on import substitution and their own developments, as well as the positive experience of states that have been subjected to economic isolation from European states and the United States of America. In times of crisis, thanks to the human potential of Russia, innovative and breakthrough prospects were formed. The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the application of the Islamic economic concept, which is due to the widespread spread of Islam in Russia, the development of Hahal initiatives and Halal enterprises. The author studied the main aspects of Islamic economic theory, the range and prospects for its distribution in the Eurasian economic space, which served as the basis for the formation of promising trends and problematic issues of the application of Islamic economic theory at the current stage of Russia's development.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):222-226
pages 222-226 views

System-structural Analysis of the Current State of Public-private Partnership in Russia

Zvyagina A., Vezlomtseva S.


The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the review of the functioning of the institute of public-private partnership, as well as the analysis of the current state of the public-private partnership market in Russia. Conclusions. Public-private partnership is one of the most widespread and effective mechanisms of interaction between the state and the public sphere (business), which allows solving significant socio-economic and social tasks of the state by attracting additional business investments. The stable growth of the public-private partnership market is characterized by mutual interest of the parties, which determines the continuous improvement of legislation in the field under study. However, the existing gaps in the legislation in the field of public-private partnership create legal risks for investors and have a restraining effect on its development. Currently, public-private partnership projects are being implemented in almost all sectors of the economy. The last decade has been characterized by significant development of the public-private partnership market. The exception was the period of the spread of the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus infection in the country, the consequences of which affected all sectors of the economy. In the process of the state's implementation of measures to stabilize the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country, the public-private partnership market was also subject to the restoration process. Thus, in 6 months of 2022, indicators were achieved in terms of the number of projects and the total volume of attracted investments for the whole of 2021.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):227-234
pages 227-234 views

Regulation of the Turnover of Digital Financial Assets at the International Level

Buryakova A., Varnavsky A., Ivanova P., Korovin D., Soloviev V.


Regulation of control over the turnover of digital financial assets, other digital rights, and digital currency is becoming an urgent task that is being tried to solve at various levels. Most national jurisdictions build their regulatory framework by supporting the provisions developed, for example, by international organizations such as FATF. Nevertheless, in various countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, Italy, Finland, South Korea, there are their own solutions and reactions to the risks arising in the processes of turnover of digital assets. The authors set the goal of the proposed analytical review to determine, based on a comparative approach, what options there may be for the development of regulatory processes for the turnover of digital assets in different countries. An additional task (in addition to providing an overview of regulations and conducting a comparative analysis) was to study AML and KYC measures as practical tools for responding to risks in the field of laundering proceeds from crime. Conclusions about the possibilities of regulatory systems were based on consideration of a wide range of factors: from the traditions of the banking system of jurisdiction to a high assessment of the degree of public confidence in the intelligence services of the state.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):235-241
pages 235-241 views

About the Possibility of Controlling the Turnover of Digital Financial Assets

Soloviev V., Kontorovich V., Feklin V.


The authors set the goal of their research to form the reader's opinion about the need to use modern technologies for regulating and supervising the turnover of digital financial assets. To achieve this , the following tasks were solved: 1. The article provides an overview of the events organized by Rosfinmonitoring, which determine the control over the turnover of digital financial assets. 2. The main elements of digital financial assets, the properties of their turnover and measures to counteract the laundering of proceeds from crime are analyzed. 2. The analysis of classifications of blockchain platforms is given. The study is presented in the form of an analytical review. The conducted research allowed us to draw conclusions: 1. the thesis is true about the unconditional fulfillment of the requirement to disclose information about the buyer of cryptocurrencies, regardless of the technologies used; 2. the emergence of new risks in the field of money laundering obtained by criminal means becomes more intense with the increase in the number of technologies being introduced in the sphere of digital assets turnover, despite the formal signs of their compliance with the regulatory rules established at some initial stage; 3. the activity of cyber fraudsters, which is increasing against the background of the emergence of new technologies, requires the use and development of new modern technologies of regulation and supervision.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):242-247
pages 242-247 views

The Most Common Schemes of Personal Income Tax Evasion: Current Trends of Tax Administration

Smirnova E., Nazranova M.


The article analyzes the main indicators of personal income tax revenues to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, forecasts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the budget deficit for 2023-2025, thereby justifying the relevance of considering «schemes» of personal income tax evasion to ensure budget revenues. According to the results of the analysis of information from the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the generalization of judicial practice, the most common schemes of personal income tax evasion for both taxpayers-individuals and tax agents-organizations are highlighted. Based on the analysis of the arguments of the courts, the article forms criteria indicating the use of schemes. The main trends of personal income tax administration are revealed: the development of a scoring system; the introduction of ASK-DFL. A model of the operation of the ASK-DFL system has been developed. Research writing purposes: determine the main tax schemes that identify the tax authorities and highlight the directions for the development of personal income tax administration, taking into account information technologies. The conclusions received during the research: the directions of development of NDFL administration were evaluated and options for eliminating tax schemes were proposed.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):248-253
pages 248-253 views

Opportunities and Limitations of the Activities of the Authorized Body to Initiate the Bankruptcy of a Tax Debtor

Khoruzhiy V., Bogdanova N.


Purpose of the study. The article examines current trends and current problems of the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the status of an authorized body to initiate the bankruptcy of a tax debtor in order to recover tax debts. From the standpoint of the synthesis of theoretical approaches and arbitration practice, the prerequisites for initiating a bankruptcy case for a tax debtor have been studied; the research discloses groups of tax debtors to which it is advisable to apply measures to prevent bankruptcy and groups to which such measures are not applicable; the place of the mechanism of bankruptcy of the taxpayer in the general system of settlement of tax debts is shown; the main problems in initiating the bankruptcy of a tax debtor and measures taken by the authorized body to protect the interests of the Russian Federation as a creditor are identified on examples of the analysis of judicial practice in the processes of bankruptcy of legal entities. Conclusions. In the context of the development of forms and methods of pre-trial settlement of tax debts, the bankruptcy mechanism becomes an extreme measure of its settlement, which, in some cases, is an incentive for the tax debtor to move to the settlement agreement process before the introduction of the first bankruptcy procedure, and, in other cases, becomes an impulse for the authorized body to the formation and implementation of a well-thought-out constructive strategy and tactics for the effective implementation of the procedures used in bankruptcy cases of the debtor. The results of this study create the basis for the subsequent improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the activities of the authorized body for the protection of state interests in the bankruptcy of debtors.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):254-260
pages 254-260 views

Risk Management in the Implementation of Procurement Procedures for the Nuclear Power Plants Construction

Kulachinskaya A., Kudryavtseva T.


In this paper, the authors consider approaches to risk management in the nuclear industry and carry out a risk analysis in the implementation of procurement procedures for the nuclear power plants construction. The problem under study is relevant on the scale of the construction of typical large industrial facilities, goods, works and services for which they are supplied through the public procurement system. This study is significant both in the practical field of application of existing methods for assessing project risks, and in the theoretical field of studying various combinations of methods for qualitative and quantitative risk measurement. The risk analysis was carried out on the basis of data on equipment purchases made during the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2. The authors made a forecast of the delay from the date of delivery of equipment under the contract. To develop recommendations on the formation of a temporary reserve for the supply of equipment, three concluded contracts for the supply of equipment for the construction of power units of the Akkuyu NPP (Turkey) were selected. As a result of the study, recommendations were formulated for risk management of the NPP construction project implemented through the public procurement system.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):261-264
pages 261-264 views

Creative Industries and the Digital Economy: Interaction, Research Issues. Tools for the Development of Creative Industries (Russian Practice)

Gumerova G., Butneva A., Shaimieva E., Litvin I., Trifonova N.


The object of the study is creative industries in the context of the development of the digital economy in the Russian economic space. The subject is the interaction of creative Russian industries and the digital economy as research areas in the Russian economic space. Research materials: a database of foreign and Russian researchers in the Scientific Electronic Library in the fields of specific branches of creative industries in their relationship with the areas of the digital economy. Research objectives: research of creative industries in the Russian economic space, actively interacting with the digital economy from a publishing point of view; identification of a new term (method, technology) for the development of creative industries in the Russian Federation. The present study, consisting of three parts and based on the author's approach, presents the results of the third part of the study. Research results: definition of new terms for the development of creative industries in the Russian Federation in publications: electronic information and educational environment of the technical school; creative cluster; organization of public-private partnership in the creative industry in the Russian Federation; a block of concepts in which smart cities should create conditions for a healthy and happy society; a standard for involving citizens in solving urban development issues; the concept of «competition with significant information flows and network effects»; the transition of the new economy to competition based on cooperation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):265-270
pages 265-270 views

Training of Specialists in Economic Security in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Using the Possibility of Pedagogical Influence on Students through the Use of Electronic Educational Resources in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language

Akvit V., Bashlueva N., Levitskaya E.


The purpose of the research is to consider pedagogical possibilities of influencing students through the use of electronic educational resources in the process of teaching a foreign language in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article presents the essence of informatization of education, formulates the means of informatization and its directions, the impact of informatization on the training of specialists in economic security in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition, the specifics of the discipline «Foreign language», its directions and a certain set of competencies that should be formed by an economic specialist are described. Particular attention is paid to the relevance and importance of using of electronic educational resources in the learning process: a definition is given, the potential for using electronic educational resources is described, and examples of resources and online platforms that contribute to more effective mastery of language competence by specialists in economic security are given. Two of the most popular online platforms promoting the development of language skills are described-Quizlet and YouTube. When considering the Quizlet online platform, the educational goals of using this resource were formulated, various learning modes were described, and the features of the educational resource were clarified. When considering the YouTube online platform, the essence of the resource itself was described; examples of channels of a training nature were given, allowing to expand knowledge in the field of a foreign language in the field of economics. An example of using the British Council Internet resource for educational purposes was given. Conclusions are drawn and the results are summed up.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(5):271-274
pages 271-274 views

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