The Application of Mediation into ISDS: From the Perspective of China




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A crucial change in the recent reform of international investment agreements and investment laws is the introduction of mediation into ISDS de novo. It is found that mediation in the international investment dispute settlement mechanism has preliminary treaty basis and has unique practical value and good application space. Under the background of the increasing acceptance of the Singapore Convention on Mediation, the foundation has been laid for the reconstruction and development of the international investment mediation mechanism. Facing the development trend of the application of investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, China should create external conditions, accelerate internal supporting, improve the practical basis, increase the treaty norms and participate in multilateral reform.




Zhengyi Zhang

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Dr. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof.; Deputy Head at the International Affairs Office; Deputy Head at the Administration Department of China-SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation Shanghai, China

Qiang Yue

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Senior Lecturer, Post-doctor of the East China Political and Law University, Deputy Head of the Research Center at the SCO Legal Services Commission (China), Member of the Editorial Board of the journal SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Shanghai, China


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