Features of Energy Transfer in the Russian «Green» Agenda



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The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the consideration of the main aspects of the energy transition and its features in the Russian conditions of the implementation of the concept of «green» economy. Attention is drawn to the fact that the energy transition is a long-term trend that does not imply an instant abandonment of fossil fuels and its replacement with renewable energy sources. This is a complex phenomenon that includes both gradual changes, structural transformations, and systemic shifts. The authors note the «umbrella» nature of the concept of a «green» economy, which includes such areas as clean production, bioeconomics, industrial ecology, circular economy and new models of waste disposal, and, of course, the transition to green energy. Expressing the opinion that it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint not only by consuming green electricity, but also by consuming less energy in principle, the authors highlighted energy conservation and energy efficiency as an important aspect of the implementation of the «green» agenda. The authors come to the conclusion that the complexity of the problem requires its extensive study, detailed scenario analysis, involvement of scientists and specialists of various profiles in the development of energy transition programs in Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of its regional development, as well as the socio-economic situation. The energy transition should not be implemented at the expense of the social component of the country's sustainable development.




Stanislav Strizhov

Institute of Business Administration Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Email: st.strijov@gmai.com
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Department of innovative technologies in the public sphere and business of the Institute of Business Administration Moscow, Russian Federation

Svetlana Kodaneva

Institute of Business Administration Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Email: kodanevas@gmail.com
Cand. Sci. (Law), Leading Researcher of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, associated professor of the Department of innovative technologies in the public sphere and business of the Institute of Business Administration Moscow, Russian Federation


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