Problems of determining the administrative and legal status of persons using electric scooters, segways and other modern technical means of movement



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The article is devoted to the problem of legislative regulation of the legal situation of road traffic participants using various modern technical devices as means of transportation on public roads, including electric scooters, segveys, monowheels. The trend towards micromobility, the possibility of rapid movement in the urban environment without congestion and additional time losses, the emergence of companies leasing scooters on the service market have led to a wide popularization of such devices. At the same time, the age range of users of these devices is very wide: from two-three year-old children using mobile devices as means of entertainment, to a solid adult audience using electric scooters to solve issues of transport accessibility. The purpose of the work is to analyze the regulatory framework governing the procedure and conditions for participation in road traffic of persons using modern mobile technical means, to formulate proposals for adjusting the concept of «means of individual mobility» proposed for introduction into traffic rules. The novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of modern vehicles (personal mobility vehicles) for moving along public roads. As a result of the analysis of normative legal acts, scientific literature, judicial practice, the author identified certain problems of legislative regulation of the area under consideration, formulated signs of means of individual mobility. The author focuses on the existence of difficulties in law enforcement practice related to the imperfection of the legal regulation of the participation in road traffic of persons using sigways and electric scooters, makes proposals for the establishment of additional criteria for classifying devices useed for movement as individual mobility vehicles.




Yulia Mishina

Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interrior of the Russian Federation named after V. V. Lukyanov

Lecturer at Special Training chair Orel, Russian Federation


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