Investigation of Bribery of an Arbitrator (Arbitration) Judge: Some Questions of Theory and Practice




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This article discusses typical problems that arise during the investigation of the corpus delicti provided for in Article 200.7 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation—«Bribery of an arbitrator (arbitration) judge». The author comes to the conclusion that there is currently no unified judicial practice of applying responsibility for this corpus delicti, which is due to the high level of latency of the socially dangerous act under consideration. At the same time, in modern conditions of the development of civil society, the institution of arbitration in domestic legal practice also acts as a poorly studied and rarely applicable legal phenomenon, which is reflected in reports on the statistics of cases under consideration by involving an arbitrator (arbitrator). The author analyzes the points of view available in the doctrine and formulates his own position aimed at improving the quality of the application of the methods of investigation of bribery of an arbitrator (arbitrator), taking into account the special economic and legal development of Russia at the present stage.




Anna Kameneva

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; associate professor of the Department of economic and financial investigations HSSA

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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