To the Actualization of Stimulation of Activities in the Field of Climate Study on the Example of Ensuring the Career Growth of the Caretakers of the Ekaterinburg Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory (by the 185th Anniversary of Observatory Observations in the Urals)



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For the first time for the 185th anniversary of the environmental observations in the Urals, information about the first caretakers Ekaterinburg Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory (EMMO) is presented. This is based on domestic and foreign archival data currently available on the world Internet. It is shown that the first caretakers have passed a wonderful way of life. All have made a great track record in the Mining Department, to which EMMO was originally attributed. They reached the general's ranks in the Rank Tables. On the scientific side, some of them became professors of the Mining Institute and members of the Scientific Committee of the Corps of Mountain Engineers. Some gaps have been restored in the biographies of Julius Reinke, Ivan Avdeev, Vasily Rozhkov and Konstantin Shugaev. It is shown that thanks to their activities, the Ekaterinburg Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory has become a reliable outpost of scientific research in the Urals. Now its successor The Ural Hydrometeorological Center has the longest range of continuous data. It is one of the key centers of global environmental monitoring as well.




Vladimir Litovskiy

Institute of Economics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (Geograph.), Head of the Productive Force and Territorial Planning Sector Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


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