卷 3, 编号 2 (2021)


Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients аfter Surgical and Combined Treatment for Breast Cancer

Filonenko E., Kaprin A., Polyak M., Troshenkov E., Malik D.


Radical surgical treatment, adjuvant chemotherapy and postoperative radiation therapy, used in the complex and combined treatment of breast cancer, inevitably lead to serious functional and psychosomatic disorders. One of the most common complications of breast cancer treatment is postmastectomy syndrome (PMES). That is why the study of the latter and the development of modern methods of rehabilitation of patients with an established diagnosis of PMES remain extremely relevant. To date, the pathogenetic mechanism of the development of upper limb edema and a huge range of possible methods of prevention and treatment have been described in detail. However, the choice of a rehabilitation method requires a personalized approach based on a specific clinical case, and special attention to the psychoemotional status of the patient.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):178-186
pages 178-186 views

Psychological Study of the Quality of Life of Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy

Tkachenko G.


The article discusses the results of a psychological study of the quality of life of 28 lung cancer patients who receiving immunotherapy. The quality of life was assessed independently by the patients using the Dembo–Rubinstein questionnaire. Before the start of immunotherapy, patients remained dissatisfied with their health, appearance, sexual relations, and mood. A repeated study showed that these spheres of life were significantly improved in all the subjects, and health satisfaction increased by more than 1.5 times compared with the initial one. In the course of immunotherapy, a significant increase in the scales of social functioning is noted: communication with others, opportunities for leisure and recreation. A repeated study showed that there were twice as many patients who returned to professional activity (32.1% versus 17.9% of the primary).

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):187-191
pages 187-191 views


Regenerative Rehabilitation in Injuries of Tendons

Sсherbak S., Makarenko S., Shneider O., Kamilova T., Golota A.


The mechanical properties of tendons are thought to be affected by different loading levels. Changes in the mechanical properties of tendons, such as stiffness, have been reported to influence the risk of tendon injuries chiefly in athletes and the elderly, thereby affecting motor function execution. Unloading resulted in reduced tendons stiffness, and resistance exercise exercise counteracts this. Transforming growth factor-β1 is a potent inducer of type I collagen and mechanosensitive genes encoding tenogenic differentiation markers expression which play critical roles in tendon tissue formation, tendon healing and their adaptation during exercise. In recent years, our understanding of the molecular biology of tendons growth and repair has expanded. It is probable that the next advance in the treatment of tendon injuries will result from the application of this basic science knowledge and the clinical solution will encompass not only the the best postoperative rehabilitation protocols, but also the optimal biological modulation of the healing process.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):192-206
pages 192-206 views

Efficiency of Early Activation of Patients after Onco-Orthopedic Operations in the Framework of Stage I of Rehabilitation

Kaprin A., Aliev M., Filonenko E., Stepanova A., Bukharov A., Erin D.


Patients with tumors of the long bones and axial skeleton are at risk of developing significant functional disorders that not only negatively affect socialization and quality of life, but also the results of therapy. At present, there is no consensus on the choice of tactics for early postoperative rehabilitation after arthroplasty of large joints and decompression and stabilization operations in onco-orthopedics. The article analyzes the influence of early postoperative rehabilitation on the general condition of patients after onco-orthopedic operations. Comprehensive rehabilitation improves the general condition of patients after surgical treatment of patients with tumors of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):207-213
pages 207-213 views

New methods and technologies, discussions

Organization of Multilevel Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation in the Netherlands

van Dijk H., Ivanova G., Bodrova R., Gumarova L., Akhmetzyanova G.


This article gives an overview of medical rehabilitation in the Netherlands. It shows that Dutch rehabilitation is based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and organized in three different levels: rehabilitation medicine, geriatric rehabilitation, and monodisciplinary therapy. The author describes these three levels in their distinctive scopes and numbers. Together they operate as a coherent rehabilitation service system that reflects an important characteristic of the system of health care in the Netherlands: decentralized if possible and centralized if necessary. The system is accessible for all and it is organized in a way that simple medical problems can be dealt with close to home, whereas specialized treatment is concentrated in rehabilitation centers spread over the country. The rehabilitation facilities are embedded in the general health care system: it is easy for hospitals as well as general practitioners to refer patients to rehabilitation. In conclusion, the possibilities of further improving the system of medical rehabilitation and the application of Dutch experience in other countries are considered.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):214-222
pages 214-222 views

Modern Aspects of the Rational Organization and Conduct of Medical Rehabilitation of Patients with Breast Cancer

Akhmedov V., Lagutochkina V.


Breast cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. The side effects of chemotherapy require rational, correct and selective use of rehabilitation measures. The principle of individualization is one of the fundamental principles in the rehabilitation process. Currently, there are separate studies on the use of rehabilitation techniques in the treatment of patients who have had breast cancer. For a more detailed understanding by practitioners of the clinical possibilities and prospects for the use of various rehabilitation technologies In the presented review article, modern data on the goals and principles of rehabilitation programs for patients who have undergone breast cancer treatment using therapeutic physical culture, massage, physiotherapy, as well as alternative medicine and psychocorrection methods are disclosed.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):223-230
pages 223-230 views

Hardware and Software Complex for Restoring Motor Functions Based on Virtual Reality and Brain-Computer Interface

Nekrasova I., Vorontsova V., Kanarskii M., Pradhan P., Shunenkov D., Puzin S., Pasko I., Podolskaya J., Kriuchkova A.


In this paper, we consider a hardware-software complex based on virtual reality and a non-invasive EEG neurocomputer interface, designed to restore motor functions of the limbs in patients with the consequences of severe acquired brain lesions through ideomotor training. The complex is a flexible system that allows to train any movements of both the upper and lower extremities in any virtual environment with varying degrees of immersiveness. The proposed method for assessing desynchronization of the sensorimotor rhythm during imagining movements and the developed algorithm for ideomotor training have been successfully tested on healthy volunteers.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2021;3(2):231-242
pages 231-242 views
