卷 4, 编号 1 (2022)


Differentiation of East and West traditional cultures: determinants & parallels

Mojeiko M.


The object of the research is the differentiation of traditional Orient and Western cultures. The aim is to explicate the determinants of its fundamental differences. The article is devoted to solving such a problem as identifying the parallelism of Eastern/Western differences in such different areas as moral consciousness, the type of philosophizing, religious, language systems (grammatical constructions, in particular), etc. The result obtained is the holistic model of differentiation of traditional cultures, which allows a deeper understanding of their specificity, mechanisms of mutual influence, as well as modeling the ways of their modern interaction, taking into account the autochthonous features of both.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Post-metaphysical metaphysics L.P. Karsavina

Faritov V.


The article is devoted to comprehending the path of Russian religious philosophy in the perspective of the crisis of European metaphysics. Based on the analysis of the concepts of L.P. Karsavin and F. Nietzsche, the article substantiates the thesis that Karsavin’s philosophy is characterized by a post-metaphysical orientation. A comparative analysis of the teachings of L. Karsavin and F. Nietzsche is carried out.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):11-22
pages 11-22 views

Is knowledge a justified true belief?

Taysina E.


As it is settled in the texts of The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, there are three components to the traditional epistemological “tripartite” analysis of knowledge (the “JTB” analysis). According to this, it is justified, true belief that makes the necessary and sufficient conditions for mental state to be called knowledge.

Thus S knows that p iff: p is true; S believes that p; S is justified in believing that p.

Without questioning this, we emphasize: the encyclopedic articles treat upon “propositional knowledge”, and only about it. Epistemological analysis, although scrupulous, does not cover all types of knowledge; moreover, in fact it does not examine the generic concept of knowledge which rises above all three “JTB” explicands; that is, in general, knowledge as such is not determined by means of “JTB” features, being neither true, nor justified as true, not even synthesized with belief.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):23-28
pages 23-28 views

Reflexive communication strategy in postnonclassical science (from the methodological experience of V.N. Borisov AND V.P. Fofanov)

Tyugashev E.


The paradigmality of science is removed by reflexive communication. Vertical reflexive communication actualizes and revises the classical heritage. Horizontal reflexive communication takes into account the spiritual experience of other areas, disciplines and worldviews.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):29-36
pages 29-36 views

The phenomenon of qualitative theory in an interdisciplinary context

Mukhin R.


The qualitative theory was the completion of the classical and the transition to modern mathematics. This is not only new mathematics, but new mathematics in physics, economics, and humanities. It has transformed the face of mathematics itself and the scope of its applications. Qualitative methods have touched our understanding of the world by raising questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

The network approach as a methodology for the study of social conflicts and risks of modern civilization

Bankovskaya Y.


The paper deals with the essence of the network approach. It is investigated specific of its application in situation of conflicts and risks of modern society. Network methodology is focused on clarifying horizontal, multifunctional, multi-channel relationships between actors. Conflicts are a factor of social risk that negatively effects on the functioning of social system. The study of their essence is a necessary condition for settlement of contradictions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):43-48
pages 43-48 views

Technology of digital ecosystems

Loiko A.


The phenomenon of technology is considered in the context of its presence in natural and artificial ecosystems. Accordingly, the features of the evolution of technology under the influence of the co-evolutionary model of human life, developed under the impression of the growing risks of destruction of the dynamic balance of the biosphere, are revealed. It also describes the features of the evolution of technology in artificial ecosystems based on convergent technologies. The possibilities of pairing the priorities of minimizing the anthropogenic pressure of the technosphere on the biosphere with smart technologies are analyzed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):49-56
pages 49-56 views

About the new image of the universe in the postnonclassical era: the mythological aspect

Fedyaev A.


Processes unknown to science that precede the appearance of the physical Universe were analyzed. A new mythology of the universe has been developed, the symbol of which is the «forever bursting butterfly». The paradigm of the transformation of the universe is revealed. The similarity of the positions of ancient mythologists and the synergistic picture of the world has been revealed. It has been shown that the energy of yang-yin and five primary elements is the mechanism of changes in the universe. The rhythm of Genesis is classified, the role of humanity in the functioning of the universe is analyzed. The «energy» model of being is presented. It is proved that the space of the Universe has a crystalline structure.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):57-64
pages 57-64 views

To the question of the permanent creative evolution of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Filatov T.


The paper traces the creative evolution of Wittgenstein in the direction from the «Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus», interpreted by us as a finite theory that claims to complete philosophy, to «Philosophical Investigations» with their concept of «language games», which are characterized by fundamental transfiniteness. It is indicated that Wittgenstein in his work overcomes the time frame of the modern era, evolving in the direction of postmodernism.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):65-70
pages 65-70 views

Scientific capital in the context of gender

Burtovaya J.


This article reveals the impact of the gender image of school science disciplines on career choices by young people. The article is aimed at analysing the gender stereotype of school science among female and male students and the influence of gender science stereotypes on the career aspirations of young people.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):71-78
pages 71-78 views

Methodological problems in the development of philosophy in the digital age

Sorochaykin I.


The work is dedicated to understanding methodological problems of philosophy development in modern socio-economic conditions considering the factor of “digital philosophy” and “homo digital” formation.

At each stage of human and social development, the set of methodological concepts of the cognition philosophy has been modified in the view of the environment, created by the predecessors, and the influence on its content not only of philosophy but also of the social culture.

Only a general concept of the cognition philosophy in synthesis with the integral parts of traditional gnoseological theory and modern epistemological developments can develop a methodological basis for a society’s effective exploitation of the digital age achievements.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Science and philosophy in the perspective of development: review of the scientific conference «Worldviews of postneclassical science» (Borisov Readings)

Shestakov A.


The article provides a brief summary of the presentations of the participants of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Worldviews of postneclassical science” (Borisov Readings)”, which was held on September 24–25, 2021 at the Samara Polytechnic. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation of promising areas of interaction between science and philosophy in the perspective of the knowledge society.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(1):84-94
pages 84-94 views