Analysis and visualization system of relations of normative legaldocuments in legal-reference systems

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In the article the author considers the present situation in the Russian Federation, resulted from rapid growth of
quantity of legislative documents have being passed. The significant part of these laws is of corrective nature; it means
that such documents contain references to other certificates. Analysis of a great number of documents with their
interrelations is a difficult routine work, requiring the presence of highly skilled specialists. The author proposes
a complex approach to improvement of the legal-reference systems and electronic databases by integration into them
of the system, realizing visual display of documents, and analysis of correlation for the purpose of their conformity
to the norms of lawmaking. Theoretical basis and practical implementation features of the system are introduced in this
article as well.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Masyuk M.A., Masyuk M.A.

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