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In the article the principle of state trees generation is considered based on the generative grammars over trees of strings in such objects as the sentences of natural languages, as well as two and tree dimensional images. The image of the object as a forest is considered; including the trees of object different layouts for the purpose of complex system modeling.

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The problem of natural language sentences generation is one of the key issues in the field of computer science and formal grammar theories. The issue of meaningful speech generation applies to the area of semantics and computer science [1–7]. The states tree generation issue is studied well enough in computer science and in system analysis. In respect to the question of meaningful phrases tree generation the problem is first of all connected to the method of sentence generation by means of Chomsky’s generative grammars. Generative grammars are successfully applied in software such as electronic translation systems, expert systems, systems of orthography checking, etc. The flash point of the article is the analysis prospects for using generative grammars not over strings, but over trees of strings. In this respect it is possible to solve the task of generating grammatically and semantically meaningful speech more effectively and increasing the efficiency of different images analysis and synthesis aspects.

About the authors

D. V. Lichargin

Siberian Federal University

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


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