


In this article we have considered the possibilities of realizing diversity reception algorithms in hybrid fibers of wireless information transfer. At the heart of diverse reception algorithms lies the fact that when solving problems of optimal field processing, their correlation curves are definite for the description of the Gauss and any kind of stochastic fields.


The further development of information transfer in wireless networks (ITWN) consists in the provision of reaching subscribers with various telecommunication services in the principle: “anywhere, everything, when necessary”. It is possible to solve the problem of construction networks of such kind basing on the principle of standards convergence, providing compatibility in the management objectives. International standards, reports, and recommendations, which specify the physical level of access management (МАС): IEEE 802.15, 11, 16, 20, 21 cellular and decameter radio communications, are developed in order to provide effective performance in wireless networks. The application of the given standards allows building hybrid networks for wireless information transfer (HNWIT). For this purpose it is necessary to solve a set of problems; one such problem is the application of diversity reception in HNWIT. The application of diversity signal reception in radio channels is an effective way of increasing communication reliability in conditions of signal fading and the presence of additive hindrances [1–8]. The greatest interest is in the space diversity of signal reception, which consists in reception on different antennas. For HNWIT it is possible to consider the following ways of space diversity: reception on different antennas at one base station in a cellular; reception on antennas with different base stations in a cellular operator area; reception on antennas of interconnected radio centers – repeaters of the radio communication network of a decameter range [9–14]. The realization of these is shown in fig. 1. The realization of carried reception algorithms demands developing a multiband switch, which depending on the user’s inquiries on the transferred information service quality in a network, will perform the connection of the subscriber to corresponding networks.


S. Nazarov

Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School

Russia, Ulyanovsk

A. Shagarova

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

Russia, Ulyanovsk


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