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Here we have considered the effective A. A. Lukianitsa algorithm of stereo-reconstruction. We have offered a modification of the particular algorithm, which allows increase in the speed of the algorithm functioning. We have also presented the results of the conducted experiments.

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One of the up-to-date trends of video information ideas is supposed to be the task of presenting dimensional data. Due to this, devices which are able to produce volumetric images (multiperspective monitors, projection systems) are becoming more and more widespread. For the proper functioning of these devices it is necessary to obtain a certain number of perspectives of the reproduced scene; the number of which is defined by a certain task. For instance, for watching videos 4–6 perspectives are usually enough for comfort. For serious applications such as 3D-tomography and radiography, graphical work stations CAD/CAM, the representation of presented settings (control tower, search, and rescue services), etc, one could require from 40 to 150 perspectives. There are some special devices providing from 2 (stereo-video cameras) to 8 perspective settings. 8 perspectives video cameras were used in a prototype multiperspective NIKFI television system, and it is quite difficult to imagine a video camera with a large number of perspectives. Equally difficult is considered the recording and transmitting of such a signal through connecting channels.

About the authors

I. V. Toupitsyn

Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


  1. Lukianitsa A. A. Effective Algorithm for Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereo pair // Graphicon 2006 : Materials of Intern. conf. Novosibirsk, 2006. P. 15–18.
  2. Bobick A. F., Intille S. S. Large occlusion stereo // Int. Journal of Computer Vision. 33(3). 1999. P. 181–200.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Toupitsyn I.V.

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