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At the present time in the world economy a constant increase of importance and influence of hi-tech branches takes place. As a result, appears the natural need in research of various scientific-technological development mechanisms, which correspond to modern views on scientific-technical progress.

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The increase of importance and influence of hi-tech industries in national economies is connected with their considerable influence on all spheres of human activities, and one of such industries is biotechnology that penetrates into all industry branches of national economy: power, medicine, agriculture, building etc. Biotechnology is one of the directions of the fifth and sixth technological levels and the degree of its development defines a country’s technological level. Biotechnology has good prospects of development in Russian practice and will allow to solve many social and economic problems in the development of Russian economy: creation of new biologically active substances, medical products; creation of new technologies in deep processing of agricultural, industrial and household waste; using the country’s energy potential more effectively, etc. The leading countries in the field of introduction of biotechnologies are the USA, EU, China, Brazil, and Japan.

About the authors

S. A. Belyakov

Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


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Copyright (c) 2010 Belyakov S.A.

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