
In the laboratory, the Institute of Medical Instrument Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics Siberian Federal
University (SFU) has developed hardware and software systems based on Holter heart monitor МКМ-09 with remote
transmission of information on the functional status of the organism in the diagnostic center, with sufficient flexibility and
accessibility for a wide use in clinical practice, in outpatient and residential settings.


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2023 Aldonin G.M., Aleshechkin A.M., Zhelud'ko S.P., Khamnagadaev I.I., Kuzhel' D.A., Aldonin G.M., Aleshechkin A.M., Zheludko S.P., Hamnagadaev I.I., Kuzhel D.A.

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