Ensuring extreme regulation of power of primary energy sources at their joint operation for total load


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


Heterogeneous energy sources and homogeneous energy sources with different characteristics are frequently used in autonomous power supply systems. Solar batteries are widely used as primary energy sources for on-board power supply systems of spacecrafts, unmanned and manned aircrafts. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal and hydro energy, serve as primary energy sources of terrestrial autonomous power supply systems.

Matching primary energy sources with different characteristics and operating conditions within a unified power supply system leads to problems connected with the power control of energy sources, which determines the relevance of the considered problems.

The main aim of the study is to develop a combination of primary energy sources and control techniques which allow using primary energy sources with different characteristics and operating conditions in unified autonomous power supply system.

The objectives of the study are to create the simulation model of a power supply system using MATLAB/Simulink software; to develop and test control algorithms for primary energy source controllers that would allow to maintain the needed battery charging current; to develop and test control algorithms for primary energy source controllers that would allow the primary energy sources to operate in the maximum power point tracking mode and to minimize the maximum power point search time.

Methods used in the study: the simulation of a power supply system using MATLAB 7.9 Simulink software.

Results: the simulation model of a power supply system including two primary energy sources with different characteristics is designed. In the case of excess power generating by the primary energy source, its controller operates in the battery charging mode. When the primary source power shortage occurs, its controller operates in the maximum power point tracking mode. The proposed power supply system structure allows controlling two energy sources independently, thus the primary energy source controllers can operate in different modes. This provides flexibility of the power supply system. The use of fuzzy logic control algorithm increases the accuracy and search speed of the maximum power point tracking algorithm. Simulation results confirmed the efficiency of the proposed solar controller operation algorithms in all modes stated above. The efficiency of controller operation modes selection algorithm was confirmed in different operating conditions. The proposed algorithms allow implementing the effective control of primary power sources depending on power supply system operating conditions.

Авторлар туралы

Oleg Nepomnyashchiy

Siberian Federal University

Email: ONepomnuashy@sfu-kras.ru

Cand. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department Computer Scienc, Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Ресей, 26b, Kirensky St., Krasnoyarsk, 660074

Yuriy Krasnobaev

Siberian Federal University

Email: YKrasnobaev@sfu-kras.ru

Dr. Sc., Professor Department of Automation Systems, Automated Control and Design

Ресей, 26b, Kirensky St., Krasnoyarsk, 660074

Aleksei Yablonsky

Siberian Federal University

Email: AYablonskiy@sfu-kras.ru

Postgraduate Student, Assistant Lecturer department of Computer Science, Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Ресей, 26b, Kirensky St., Krasnoyarsk, 660074

Irina Solopko

Siberian Federal University

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Email: Solopko@sfu-kras.ru

Senior Lecturer Department of Automation Systems, Automated Control and Design, Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Ресей, 26b, Kirensky St., Krasnoyarsk, 660074

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Қосымша файлдар

Қосымша файлдар

© Nepomnyashchiy O.V., Krasnobaev Y.V., Yablonsky A.P., Solopko I.V., 2020

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