Development of a model for detecting malfunctions during the maintenance of aircraft units and systems

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Today, we can single out a number of promising reusable launch vehiclesSV Wing” – a reusable cruise stage of a light-class launch vehicle; “Baikal-Angarareusable booster of the first stage of the Angara launch vehicle; “Soyuz-7is a reusable two-stage medium-class launch vehicle; flight design tests of Soyuz-7are planned for 2025. To maintain the operational characteristics of aircraft, it is necessary to develop a maintenance system that ensures the specified reliability of aircraft assemblies. The purpose of this work is to develop a model for detecting malfunctions in the process of maintenance of units and systems of aircraft. Within the framework of this work, an algorithm has been developed, which is based on the method of statistical testing, which allows, at low computer time, to analyze the maintenance process in more detail, taking into account the duration of individual operations and their effectiveness. Data on the duration and efficiency of individual operations can be obtained in the process of special tests of equipment by timing and analysis of service results. For modeling it is necessary to have the following initial data: the law of distribution of the duration of individual operations; the effectiveness of troubleshooting during individual operations. The algorithm implements two types of maintenance: full and reduced. Reduced maintenance provides for operations that are most effective in terms of the number of faults to be eliminated: adjustments, adjustments, search for faulty elements. The developed model makes it possible to investigate the possibility of reducing the downtime for maintenance without a significant decrease in the quality of maintenance, namely: to assess the effectiveness of maintenance when it is carried out according to the full and reduced scheme; evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance when performing maintenance in a limited time; justify the most appropriate ways to improve the quality of service, provided that the downtime for maintenance is limited and predict the likelihood of detecting malfunctions during the maintenance process. The practical significance of the results of this work can be achieved in the aerospace industry, in particular, at the design stage (testing and operation) of a maintenance system for reusable elements of launch vehicles.

About the authors

Evgeny V. Gusev

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of the department, 610 Management of the operation of rocket and space systems

Russian Federation, 4, Volokolamsk Highway, Moscow, 125993

Vladimi V. Rodchenko

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Dr. Sc., Professor of the Department, 610 Operational management of rocket and space systems

Russian Federation, 4, Volokolamsk Highway, Moscow, 125993


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Copyright (c) 2021 Gusev E.V., Rodchenko V.V.

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