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The article concerns the problem of investment appeal compounds, approaches to its value. There are groups of actions which can help to raise the investment appeal of the enterprises.

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Nowadays the most important problem is consolidation and effective use of investments for effective functioning of the enterprise in modern conditions. The encouragement of investment activities, the elaboration of clear investment strategy, the determination its prior ways of development, consolidation of all investment sources is the most important condition of permanent and stable enterprise development. The most important factor stimulating the investment activities is the state warranty of investors’ rights, the defense of the investments and customs and tax incentives for the subjects of investment activities. There are some main legal acts which regulate relationships in the filed of investments in Russia: – Federal Law of the 25th of February 1999 year № 39-FL “On investments acts in the Russian Federation carrying out capital investments” (redaction of 24.07.2007); – The Law of RSFSR of the 26th of June 1991 year № 1488-1 “ On investment acts in the RSFSR” (redaction of 30.12.2008); – Federal Law of the 9th June of 1999 year № 160-FL “On foreign investment in Russian Federation” (redaction of 29.04.2008); – Federal Law of the 5th of March 1999 year № 46-ФЗ “On protection of rights and legal investorsinterests on the securities market” (redaction of 19.07.2009); – Federal Law of the 29th of October 1998 year № 164-FL “On financial lease” (redaction of 26.07.2006); – Federal Law of the 22 of April 1996 year № 39-FL

Sobre autores

Y. Chairan

Siberian State Aerospace University named after M. F. Reshetnev

Russia, Krasnoyarsk

A. Lukyanova

Siberian State Aerospace University named after M. F. Reshetnev

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Chairan Y.A., Lukyanova A.A., 2010

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