Geoinformation internet system for environmental monitoring in the productive activity area of oil and gas industry enterprises


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The problems of design and implementation of geoinformation Internet system for environmental monitoring in the productive activity area of oil and gas industry enterprises in Krasnoyarsk region are considered. They include the organization of the technological environment for integration of information resources formed in the process of monitoring, the solution of problems of users' informational interaction, the creation of centralized geospatial database, a set of web interfaces and services for information visualization and analytical processing, applied software. This system realization is based on free and open GIS software


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  4. ГИС мониторинга состояния окружающей природной среды в зоне действия предприятий нефтегазовой отрасли Красноярского края: [веб-портал]. URL:
  5. Мониторинг состояния окружающей природной среды в зоне действия предприятий нефтегазовой отрасли: науч.-техн. отчет / Сиб. федер. ун-т; науч. рук. Ваганов Е. А.; исполн.: Васильев В. Г. [и др.]. Красноярск, 2008.

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