The influence of the method of fuel supply into the combustion chamber on the quality of mixing and on the carbon oxide formation



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The burning of fuel in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine (GTE) is accompanied by formation of toxic substances. The most dangerous among them are carbon oxides that have a detrimental effect on humans and environment. In this regard the article is solving the urgent problem of determining the optimal method of gaseous fuel supplying in GTE combustion chamber to ensure low carbon-oxide emissions.

The paper presents the design features of injectors that work with a separate supply of air and fuel. Natural gas is used as fuel. One of the considered injectors provides jet fuel supply by means of a perforated spray, and another one provides twisted fuel supply by means of a swirler built into the fuel channel. The main geometric parameters of the injectors are given as well, such as the size of the swirler, the number of blades, and the diameter of the output nozzle.

In this regard the quality of air-fuel mixture preparation in a swirl jet in the outlet of the burner with two types of injector is defined. It is found that the best quality of mixing is ensured by the injector with jet spray.

The design of a heat pipe simulator, in which the tested nozzle is placed, is considered. The design of a stand installation designed for testing injectors in a heat pipe simulator, as well as the modes under which these tests were carried out, are presented. The results were obtained in a heat pipe simulator with installed jet injectors and injectors with a swirling fuel jet. An analysis was conducted, which resulted in conclusions about the effectiveness of using jet injectors. According to the conducted research, the parameters of the injector with a swirling fuel jet are characterized by the presence of high values of CO levels in the combustion products, which is explained by the extremely low quality of mixing fuel with air and, consequently, low efficiency of fuel combustion. Jet fuel injection has low CO values, which indicates good quality of mixing fuel with air and high efficiency of a combustion process. As a result, we have received recommendations on setting the selected type of injectors in a full-size combustion chamber.

Sobre autores

Andrey Baklanov

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Associate Professor; Kazan National Research Technical University named
after A. N. Tupolev − KAI



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