Volume 20, Nº 4 (2019)


Edição completa

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

Simulation computer model for virtual research of optoelectronic measuring systems

Gritskevich Y., Zviagintcheva P., Makarova D., Egorenko M., Zolotarev V.


The paper considers a simulation computer model of an optoelectronic system for measuring the point objects coordinates. The model allows optimal coordination of the system links parameters in order to minimize the measurement error. The method of multiple statistical tests which allows accumulating the results of single computational experiments for each specific measurement event with a unique random distribution of links parameters and characteristics, and then carrying out statistical processing of the accumulated results is the main method of computer simulation. As a result of multiple analyses, multi-parameter functional dependencies that provide optimal coordination of parameters controlled by the designer or operator according to the criterion of the resulting measurement error minimizing are realized. The article presents the results of evaluating modeling parameters that reduce the measurement error. It is relevant to apply this method when using the same measuring system in different operating conditions, for different measured objects and when performing various functional tasks since it allows adapting the system for a specific application. The model presented in the article can be concretized for the purpose of evaluating and multi-parameter optimization of particular object parameters, as well as for developing a virtual measuring stand on the basis of the model and its modifications.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):416-422
pages 416-422 views

The method of equivalent strength conditions in calculating composite structures with a regular structure using multigrid finite elements

Matveev A.


Plates, beams and shells with non-uniform and micro-inhomogeneities regular structure are widely used in aviation and rocket and space technology. At the preliminary design stage, it is initially important to know whether the design safety factor meets the specified strength conditions. To determine the margin factor, it is necessary to solve the elasticity problem for the designed structure by the finite element method (FEM), taking into account its inhomogeneous structure, which requires large computer resources. In this paper, we propose a method of equivalent strength conditions (MESC) for calculating the static strength of elastic structures with a inhomogeneous regular structure. The proposed method is reduced to the calculation of the strength of isotropic homogeneous bodies using equivalent strength conditions. The MESC is based on the following statement. For any composite body V0, there exists such an isotropic homogeneous body Vb and such a number p (equivalence coefficient) that if the body Vb stock coefficient satisfies nb0 the equivalent strength conditions pn1nb0pn2, then the body V0 stock coefficient satisfies n0 the given strength conditions n1n0n2, and Vice versa, n1, n2 – given, the coefficients nb0, n0, meet the exact solutions of elasticity problems constructed for bodies V0, Vb. The method under consideration is reduced to FEM strength calculation of isotropic homogeneous bodies, which is the easiest to implement and requires less computer memory than a similar calculation of composite bodies taking into account their inhomogeneous structure. The procedure for determining the equivalence coefficients for a number of composite plates, beams and shells of rotation is described. High-precision multigrid finite elements generating discrete models of small dimension and solutions with small error are used in the construction of elastic solutions according to FEM for isotropic homogeneous bodies. The adjusted equivalent strength conditions are of the form pn1(1+ε1)nbpn2(1ε2), where nb is the body Vb reserve coefficient and the values ε1, ε2 correspond to the approximate solution constructed for the body Vb. Implementation of FEM for multigrid discrete models requires several 103÷106 times less computer memory than for basic models. The calculation of the strength of a beam with a micro-homogeneous regular structure with the help of MESC is given.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):423-435
pages 423-435 views

Comparison of methods for initializing starting points on the optimization genetic algorithm

Pavlenko A.


The way to initialize the starting points for optimization algorithms is one of the main parameters. Currently used methods of initializing starting points are based on stochastic algorithms of spreading points. In a genetic algorithm, points are Boolean sets. These lines are formed in different ways. They are formed directly, using random sequences (with uniform distribution law) or formed using random sequences (with uniform distribution law) in the space of real numbers, and then converted to boolean numbers. Six algorithms for constructing multidimensional points for global optimization algorithms of boolean sets based on both stochastic and non-random point spreading algorithms are designed. The first four methods of initialization of Boolean lines used a random distribution law, and the fifth and sixth methods of initialization used a non-random method of forming starting points-LPt sequence. A large number of optimization algorithms were restarted. Calculations of high accuracy were used. The research was carried out on the genetic algorithm of global optimization. The work is based on Acly function, Rastrigin function, Shekel function, Griewank function and Rosenbrock function. The research was based on three algorithms of srarting points spreading: LPt sequence, UDC sequence, regular random spreading. The best parameters of the genetic algorithm of global optimization were used in the work. As a result, we obtained arrays of mathematical expectations and standard deviations of the solution quality for different functions and optimization algorithms. The purpose of the analysis of ways to initialize the starting points for the genetic optimization algorithm was to find the extremum quickly, accurately, cheaply and reliably simultaneously. Methods of initialization were compared with each other by expectation and standard deviation. The quality of the solution is understood as the average error of finding the extremum. The best way of initialization of starting points for genetic optimization algorithm on these test functions is revealed.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):436-442
pages 436-442 views

Attribute features application in specification of regression model of apartments cost

Pashkovskaya O., Brening D.


In the study of statistical data with a pronounced endogenous variable, it is necessary to identify factors (explanatory variables) that have a strong impact on the result. In this, factors can be both quantitative and attributive. To assess influence of numerical features, regression analysis methods can be used. Influence of attributive features is not taken into account. However, often these are they who make the decisive contribution to variation of the result. It is necessary to develop methods for analyzing influence of attributive features and accounting for these features in regression models.

On the example of sets of apartments proposed for sale in the city of Krasnoyarsk, a new method is used to assess influence of attributive features on the quantitative using ranking them in accordance with their influence on the endogenous variable. Method of fictitious variables is used to analyze the attribute features. Each attribute with m values is assigned (m-1) dummy variables and a regression model is constructed. Influence of exogenous variables can be expressed using standardized regression coefficients. In this case, influence of attributes can be estimated by cumulative correlation coefficient calculated on the basis of a regression model with fictitious variables.

For further research, set is proposed to rank, assigning each element a "rank" – value of a standardized coefficient which reflects closeness of the relationship with the endogenous variable. Thus, all features have a numerical value. A standardized regression model is constructed.

Proposed approach can be used in the analysis of statistical aggregates, units of which are characterized by quantitative and attributive features.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):443-450
pages 443-450 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Information-measuring system of pyrometric type for small-sized unmanned aircraft

Akzigitov A., Pisarev N., Statsenko N., Neverov Y., Akzigitov R.


A new trend of science and technology is now rapidly developing both in Russia and abroad   –   the development of miniature unmanned aerial vehicles.

The key system of on-board control equipment (avionics) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is the orientation system for determining UAV attitude relative to reference system. In small-size UAV, we can meet the application of strapdown attitude reference systems, magnetometric, pyrometric, video systems, etc.

Rapid development of mini- and micro-UAVs requires the development of information-measuring systems (operating on different physical principles) in order to determine UAV attitude parameters in flight.  With UAV mass and wingspan reduction, there are growing requirements for these systems, concerning the accuracy of positioning parameters and more compact dimensions.

Manufacturing of most information-measuring and control systems of manned aircraft and heavy UAVs rely on traditionally used gyroscopes and accelerometers. They are complex fine-mechanics instruments of considerable power consumption, rather large size, weight and high cost.

A significant improvement of the accuracy in UAV angular coordinates determination is achieved by integrating orientation systems of various types. The use of GPS / GLONASS signals also improves the accuracy and reliability of determining UAV angular coordinates and supplies the additional function of measuring its geographical coordinates.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):452-457
pages 452-457 views

Additional screening tests at the testing technical center for ground power equipment

Aliseenko Y., Nesterishin M., Vorontsova E., Fedosov V., Panteleev V.


When testing a spacecraft in a thermal vacuum chamber, special attention is paid to ensuring guaranteed continuous power supply to the spacecraft for a long time (up to several months). The de-energization of the spacecraft can lead to the failure of thermal control systems, up to the complete failure of the spacecraft worth several billion rubles. During the operation of ground power equipment, the necessary data on the intensity and types of failures in the operation of this ground power equipment were obtained, the result of which led to an increase in the test time and the risks of failure of the spacecraft at this stage.

As a result of collaborative work of JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems” and Research Institute of Automation and Electromechanics of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics on the analysis of  failure statistics obtained during operation, a technical task was worked out to develop methods for increasing the uptime of ground power equipment manufactured.

One of the key requirements for the new generation of ground power equipment being manufactured is to ensure a high reliability indicator – “uptime”.Experience in the field of additional screening tests of electro-radio parts before their installation in a spacecraft allows us to propose a method for determining the quantitative value of the decreasing coefficient of screening tests using a method for evaluating the coefficients characterizing the degree of difference between radio-electronic products that have successfully passed additional screening tests and received ones from the factory manufacturer.As a result of the calculations of the decreasing coefficient and the mathematical calculations of the uptime, it is possible to determine the effect of the decreasing coefficient of screening tests on improving the reliability of ground power equipment.High requirements for uptime of ground power equipment for electrical tests of the spacecraft have led to the need for additional screening tests in special testing technical centers, where the verification of indicators of the number of failures by confidence probabilities should be carried out. The introduction of additional screening tests in the technological process of ground equipment manufacturing is the next step in the methods of increasing reliability.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):458-464
pages 458-464 views

Spacecraft motion in a low circular orbit in establishing intersatellite link

Kolovsky I., Shmakov D.


The article investigates the problem of inter-satellite linking in the constellation of spacecraft in a low circular orbit. A specific problem of establishing intersatellite link (IL) in that orbit – cross-pointing of the antennae – is also studied. To support cross-tracking, it is important to place spacecraft (SC) in the orbital plane so that they are constantly in the zone of mutual visibility. The line-of-sight range is analyzed both in one orbital plane and between adjacent planes. IL is treated in terms of the orbital constellation (OC) ballistic formation. Several typical modes of motion of SC with IL in adjacent planes are determined – parallel, orthogonal, oncoming. The parameter values of IL antenna pointing are also assessed. The obtained results of OC formation and antenna pointing parameters’ calculations may be relevant for establishing a modified system.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):465-476
pages 465-476 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

Research of electromagnetic shielding properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes thin transparent films

Voronin A., Fadeev Y., Simunin M., Podshivalov I., Khartov S.


The paper presents the results of studying the shielding properties of thin transparent films in single-walled carbon nanotubes on flexible substrates of polyethylene terephthalate. The films were formed by spraying colloidal solution on single-walled carbon nanotubes. The film thickness was determined by the volume of the sprayed colloidal solution and was measured using transmission electron microscopy in a cross-section mode. The morphology and structural quality of the films were studied by electron microscopy, optical spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The results showed the high structural quality of the material. According to Raman spectroscopy, the ratio of peaks intensities G / D is 23.4, which is the evidence of a significant predominance of carbon in the sp2 hybridization. It is typical for graphite-like systems and, in particular, carbon nanotubes. The spectral dependences of the transmission and reflection coefficients of radio waves in the K range of 18–26.5 GHz were studied. Absorption of radiation is the dominant shielding mechanism. Increasing the film thickness from 15.9 to 56.1 nm is accompanied by decreasing the surface resistance from 971 to 226 Ohm / sq, while optical transparency decreases from 93.58 to 76.71 %. Shielding efficiency increases from 2.29 to 6.6 dB, increasing the proportion of absorbed radiation from 34.6 to 51.2 % at a frequency of 18 GHz. This indicates the prospects for the use of films as electromagnetic shielding and anti-icing coatings in the aerospace industry.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):478-484
pages 478-484 views

Contact algorithm measurement method for current crystals area grown by Czokhralski method

Sahansky S., Yulenkov S.


For crystals grown from the liquid melt according to the Czochralski method when monitoring and controlling the current crystal area based on the contact measurement method, the requirements for improving the accuracy of measuring the crystal area on the cylindrical part of the growth are determined.

To eliminate errors due to the accuracy of stabilization of the melt level in the crucible, an algorithm for the operation of the crystal growing unit is proposed which is performed by the programm using the control system.

The evaluation time of the control signal on the growing crystal cylindrical part is taken as the sampling time of a given number of crucible movement pulses.

The calculation of the control signal starts at the time of the melt level sensor closure, the calculation of the control signal ends at the time of the melt level sensor closure as well, provided that a given number of crucible movement pulses is sampled.

The control signal evaluation time in the previous control cycle is used in the current cycle to calculate the melt level sensor closing and opening pause.

In the control system at the moment of the contact sensor closure a pause of the closed and the same subsequent pause of the open state of the level sensor is held.

During pauses, the status of the contact sensor is not analyzed by the control system and the control of the crucible ascent occurs at a slowed down and accelerated rate of the crucible ascent during “conditionally” closed and “conditionally” open states of the level sensor.

The control system is permanently reset at the end of each control cycle.

The program control system provides the above algorithm for controlling the process of growing crystals from the liquid melt according to the Czohralski method, at the same time the accuracy of determining the current area of the grown crystal is about 1 %.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):485-496
pages 485-496 views

Water cleaning from metal ions by electrochemical treatment by using the diaphragm using of a diagram electrolyzer for cleaning sewage from hexavalent chromium

Shestakov I., Vasilyeva E.


In the production of space rocket technology, electrochemical processes are used, as a result  there is pollution of sewage by metal ions. The strict requirements of environmental authorities do not allow sewage, containing metal ions with concentration exceeding the maximum permissible values, to be discharged directly into reservoir or sewers. The greatest difficulties are caused by the purification of water from hexavalent chromium.

The proposed methods for purifying from hexavalent chromium, electrocoagulation method, galvanocoagulation method, sorption methods, combined methods, have some disadvantages, such as: significant energy consumption, significant consumption of soluble metal anodes, passivation of the anodes, need for large excesses of reagent (iron salts), large amounts of precipitate and the complexity of its dehydration, high cost and scarcity of sorbents, high consumption of reagents for the regeneration of sorbents, and others.

This work shows equipment for experiments, including a diaphragm electrolyzer with a coaxial arrangement of electrodes. Formulas for calculating the chromium ions flux due to migration and diffusion are presented. The difference between the calculated amperage from the practical one is 25 %, and the theoretical degree of purification from the real one is 4 %, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed cleaning method.

The concentration of chromium anions was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The degree of purification of water from chromium ranged from 84 to 96 %. The highest degree of purification (96 %) was obtained with an electrolysis duration of 29 minutes.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(4):497-501
pages 497-501 views

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