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The paper presents a test stand for investigation of ramp loading of composite constructions such as beams and plates. This ramp loading was performed using a striker with a piezoelectric force transducer. The velocity of the striker is up to 40 mps. The registration of the measurements results is carried out using a computerized measurement system. The experimental results of contact shock force acquisition are stated with appropriate calculations of nonstationary bending and shearing strain waves in glass-fiber-reinforced plastic beams and plates.

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The percentage of composite materials content in modern military and civil aircrafts does not exceed 20. Increasing composites percentage up to 50 and more, like in Boeing-787 (introduced in 2007) revealed a number of drawbacks because of the insufficient shock strength of composite materials being used. The matter doesn't concern the damage caused by some extreme situations inside an aircraft but it concerns normal shock loads for constructions made of traditional materials. Thus, at present time it is necessary to create crash-proof construction elements made of fibrous-layered composite materials like glass-fiber and coal-plastic. The application of these materials is not possible without reliable expert evaluations obtained by numerical simulation combined with experiments. Carrying out shock tests gives more empirical data than carrying out static tests. Moreover, the experiments on shock loading and non-stationary deformation even for simple constructions like beams are complicated by the lack of complete standards for test stands, sensors, instruments and test techniques. So, experimental data are required to be accurate and reliable. The present paper proposes an automated shock loading test stand with the computerized measuring system based on the LabVIEW virtual instrumentation from the National Instruments Corporation.

Об авторах

Yu. V. Morozov

S. I. Snisarenko

Список литературы

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© Morozov Y.V., Snisarenko S.I., 2010

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