Factors of sustainable development of the agro-economic system


Полный текст


Reserves and factors which ensure stabilization and subsequent sustainable development of agro economic system are analyzed. The priority direction of sustainable development policy of agro-economic system, which is based on five interconnected components, based on the use of economic tools of nature-conservation activity of agricultural tenant farmer stimulation is emphasized.

Об авторах

L V Kalyagina

N I Pyzhikova

Список литературы

  1. Miloserdov, V. V. Market cooperation and integration -main direction of the development of APK regions / V V. Miloserdov // Economy and processing enterprises. 2004. №1. P. 11-14.
  2. Kurtsev, I. V Steady development of the agro business in Siberia: prerequisite, factors, ways / I. V. Kurtsev. Novosibirsk, 2005.374 p.
  3. Minasov, M. Strategy of steady development of agro industrial complex / M. Minasov // APK: the economy, management. 2004. № 9. P.3-11.

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© Kalyagina L.V., Pyzhikova N.I., 2009

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