Interpretation of ant algorithm for solving the problem of the technical impact program calendar planning





Many strategically important sectors of the domestic industry are at the stage of transition to an investment approach to asset management. One of these industries is hydropower, where the current maintenance planning system needs new methods to deliver more efficient results. In general, the planning system for the main equipment (technical impact system) maintenance and repair can be formulated as a scheduling problem. The ant algorithm is of great interest from the point of view of solving the scheduling technical impact problem. Based on the specifics of planning, implementation and factors affecting the maintenance process, a modification of the ant algorithm is proposed. The mathematical description is a methodology for calculating parameters, basic elements of the graph, optimization criteria and constraints. A preparatory stage was also introduced into the solution algorithm, which determines the initial state of the equipment at the vertex K0. The functional model of the technical impact planning process presented in the article can be used to develop a software package within the framework of an innovative approach to asset management for hydropower companies.


Aleksandra Lifar’

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology


applicant, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

俄罗斯联邦, 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037


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