Solution of the integral equation for the average cost of restoration in the theory of reliability of technical systems




Failures of elements during the operation of technical and many other systems are, as a rule, random in nature. This leads to various models of the recovery process, studied in probability theory and mathematical reliability theory. During the restoration process, failed elements are restored or replaced with new ones, and there is often a change in the costs and quality of the restored elements (time-to-failure distribution functions).

The work examines the cost function (average cost of restoration) in the process of restoration of order k1,k2, in which, according to a certain rule, the costs of each restoration and the distribution functions of operating time change.

Considering, that the recovery function (average number of failures) is well studied in reliability theory, a solution to the integral equation for the cost function is obtained through the recovery function of the model under consideration.

For the order restoration process k1,k2, a formula is obtained for calculating the cost function through the restoration function of a simple process formed by the convolution of all distribution functions of the periodic part. For practical application, explicit formulas are obtained for the cost function during the restoration process, in which the periodic part is distributed according to an exponential law or
an Erlang law of order  with the same exponent α.

The resulting formulas can be used to study the properties of the cost function and solve optimization problems in strategies for carrying out the restoration process in terms of price, quality, risk, if, for example, the average number of failures is taken as quality, the average cost of restorations as price, the dispersion of the number of failures as the risk, or cost of restoration.



In the mathematical theory of reliability, when studying recovery processes, the numerical characteristics associated with the random number of failures and the random cost of recovery are first considered, for example, the average and dispersion of the number of failures and the cost of recovery, through which various criteria for the optimality of recovery strategies are determined.

The paper discusses models of the recovery process Xi,ci, i=0,1, taking into account the cost of restoration. Where Хi , random operation time with distribution functions  Fit elements from i1 до i failure; ci  cost of i recovery; c0 – element cost, set at the initial time  t=0, F0t=0 for a case  t<0, F0t=1 for a case  t0 [1–4].

Let Nt – be the number of failures (recoveries), Ct – be the cost of recovery for the time from  0 to t:



Fnt –n-multiple convolution of distribution functions Fit,  i=1, 2, , n,

Fnt=Fn1*Fnt=0tFn1txdFnx,  F1t=F1t.

For [1; 2]: Ht recovery function (average number of failures)


St=ECt cost function (average cost of restorations)

St)=ECt =c0+n=1cnF nt.

During operation, the quality Fit of the restored elements and the cost ci of restoration may differ. This leads to different models of the recovery process [1, 3, 5–9].

The work considers the restoration process taking into account the cost of restoration of the order k1,k2, in which the distribution functions and cost of restoration satisfy the condition: Fit=Fjt  и  ci=cj, if the indices  i,jk1 when divided by k2 give the same excess [1, 3, 8, 9].

In the process under consideration, after the first restorations k11, a periodic process of the order k2 begins.

Note, that in the case k1=1 we have a periodic process of order restoration k2, and if k2=1, process of restoring order k1.

If Fit coincide Fit=F1t,  i1, or coincide starting from number i=2 Fit=F2t,  i2, we have simple (ordinary) and general (delayed) recovery processes, well studied in reliability theory.

Note that for the model under consideration, the recovery function Ht has been well studied. Numerical methods for finding it have been developed, and for many distribution laws characteristic of reliability theory, there are its explicit representations [1, 6]. 

To find the cost function St there are integral equations [1, 2, 10].

The purpose of the work is to obtain a solution to the integral equation for the cost function St in the form of an integral representation through the restoration function Ht. Such a representation will be convenient for its study and calculation in various theoretical and applied problems of reliability theory. 

Representation of the cost function through the recovery function

Let us write the integral equation for the cost function [1, 2]

St=Gt+0t  StxdΦk2x  (1)

for a case k1>1, 


for a case k1=1,


Φk2t=Φ12*...k2t – convolution of all distribution functions  Φit=Fk11+it, i=1, 2, , k2. The functions Φit define the periodic part of the recovery process.

Let HFt be the restoration function of a simple process, let HFGt be the restoration function of the general process formed by the first distribution function Ft and the following Gt.

Further [1, 6]

HFGt=Ft+0tHFGtxdGx  (2)

In equation (1) we make the replacement

St=Vt+c0+n=1k11cnFnt  (3)

We obtain



Hence, to find the function Vt,  we obtain the integral equation

Vt=n=k1k1+k21cnFnt+0tVtxdΦk2x.   (4)

Let us make a replacement

Vt=n=k1k1+k21cnV1t   (5)

Equation (4) will be rewritten as

V1t=Qt+0tV1txdΦk2x,   (6)

Q(t)=n=k1k1+k21cnFntn=k1k1+k21cn  (7)

Note, that Φk2t  and Qt are distribution functions, Φk2t as a convolution of work distribution functions, and Q(t) – mixture of distribution functions.

Comparing equations (6) and (2), we find that equation (6) defines the restoration function HQΦk2t of the general process specified by the first distribution function Qt, of the second and subsequent ones Φk2t.


V1t=HQΦk2t,  (8)

and taking into account (3), (5), (7), (8)

St=c0+n=1k11cnFnt+n=k1k1+k21cnHQΦk2t).  (9)

Taking into account (2),

HQΦk2t=Qt+0tHΦk2txdQx  (10)

formula (9) will be written in the form


or taking account of (10)


We found that calculating the cost function comes down to calculating the finite number of convolutions of distribution functions and finding the restoration function HΦk2t of a simple restoration process formed by the distribution function Φk2t, or restoration function HQΦk2t.

In the practical implementation of the obtained formulas (9), (10), (11), one can use numerical and analytical methods for calculating convolutions and restoration functions, discussed in [1, 11]. We also note that the resulting formulas make it possible to study the properties of the cost function and consider various optimization problems based on strategies for carrying out the restoration process in terms of price, quality, and risk. If, for example, we take the average number of failures as quality, the average cost of restorations as price, and the dispersion of the number of failures or the cost of restorations as the risk [1, 12–15].

This work is a continuation of work [11] and it can be noted that the theorems on the asymptotic behavior of the cost function obtained in [11] are much easier to obtain using the resulting formula for representing the cost function (9). 

The cost function for a simple restoration process with exponential distribution

We consider a restoration process in which only the restoration costs ci change according to the law ci=cj, if the indices i,jk1 when divided by k2 give the same excess. This corresponds to the common case where failures result in full restorations, but the costs of restorations change, for example, only the price of the element changes. 

Let the operating time of the elements be distributed according to the exponential law Ft=1eαt , t0.  For this case, we obtain calculation formulas for calculating the cost function.

Taking into account, that n-multiple convolution of the distribution functions of independent random variables is a function of the distribution of their sum, and that the Erlang order distribution n is the distribution of the sum of random variables n distributed according to the exponential law, we conclude that for the case under consideration 

Fnt=Fe,nt=1eαti=0n1(αt)ii!,  dFnx=dFe,nx=eαxα(αx)n1n1!dx,

Φk2t=Fe,k2t,  HΦk2t=HFe,k2t,

Fe,nt Erlang order distribution  and [1, 6]

HFe,k2t=1k2(αt+k=1k21 ck1ck1eαt1ck,  c=e2πk2i=cos2πk2+isin2πk2,  (12)


Now, according to (11)

St=c0+n=1k1+k21cnFe,nt+n=k1k1+k21cnαnn1!0tHFe,k2txeαxxn1dx.  (13)

Taking into account (12), when calculating St, the integrals included in formula (13) are calculated explicitly. For example [16]


When substituting

Iβ,nt=0t eβxxndx=eβtβ(tn+j=1n1)jnn1...nj+1βjtnj+(1)n+1n!βn+1

in (13), we obtain


+1k2n=k1k1+k21 (cnαnn1!(αtIα,n1tαIα,nt+

+k=1k21ck1ckIα,n1teα1cktIαck,n1t)   (14)

We select the real part in (14):





+j=1n1 1)jn1...nj(α)jckjtn1j+1)nn1!(α)nckn=











Let us write down the formula for the cost function





We also consider the cost function during the process of restoring order k1,k2, when the operating time of the periodic part of the process is distributed according to the Erlang law of orde m with a parameter α.

Let Φjt=Fe,m,αt. We find HΦk2t. Let us write down the integral equations for HFe,m,αt, HΦk2t

HFe,m,αt=Fe,m,αt+0tHFe,m,αtxdFe,m,αx   (15)

 HΦk2t=Φk2t+0tHΦk2txdΦk2x.   (16)

Let there be given


Laplace-Stieltjes transform function Fx [1; 6]. Considering Fe,m,α*s=(αs+α)m, (Fi*Fj)*s=Fi*sFj*s, from (15),(16) we obtain

H*Fe,m,αs=(αs+α)m+H*Fe,m,αs(αs+α)m,  (17)

H*Φk2s=(αs+α)mk2+H*Φk2s(αs+α)mk2.  (18)

Comparing (17), (18), we conclude that


We found that the restoration function of a simple restoration process formed by k2 multiple convolution of Erlang order m distributions with the parameter α, is the restoration function of a simple restoration process formed by an Erlang order mk2 distribution with the same parameter α.

We have




Now in accordance with (11)


+n=k1k1+k21cn0tHFe,mk2,αtxeαxα(αx)mn1mn1!dx  (19)



in (19) it is calculated similarly to the previous example with replacing k2 by mk2 and n by mn.

We also note that if additionally  Fit = Fe,l,βt, i = 1, 2, …, k11, то Fnt = Fe,nl,βtn = 1, 2, …,  k1 1, and in accordance with (19) 




The most important performance indicators of technical and many other systems are random variables [17]. These are, for example, the operating time of the restored elements before failure, the number of failures and the cost of restoration during the restoration process. In the mathematical theory of reliability, when studying restoration processes, the numerical characteristics of these quantities are first considered, for example, the average and dispersion of the number of failures and the cost of restoration, through which various criteria for the optimality of restoration strategies are determined.

Considering that the recovery function for the model under consideration is well studied, the work obtained a solution to the integral equation for the cost function through the recovery function of a simple process specified by the convolution of all distribution functions of the periodic part. As a practical example, explicit formulas for the cost function are obtained for the restoration process, in which the periodic part is distributed according to an exponential law or Erlang law of order m with the same property α.

Note that the resulting formulas make it possible to study the properties of the cost function and consider various optimization problems in strategies for carrying out the restoration process in terms of price, quality, and risk. If, for example, we take the average number of failures as quality, the average cost of restorations as price, and the variance of the number of failures or the cost of restorations as risk.

We also note that, along with the obtained formulas for calculating the cost function, limit theorems for the cost of restorations (as a random variable), similar to those for the number of failures [3], as well as finding the dispersion of the cost of restorations in the models under consideration will also be important.



Vitaly Vainshtein

Siberian Federal University


Cand. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information Security

俄罗斯联邦, 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041

Isaak Vainshtein

Siberian Federal University


Cand. Sc., Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Security

俄罗斯联邦, 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041

Konstantin Safonov

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology


Dr. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics

俄罗斯联邦, 31, Krasnoyarskii Rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037


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