Variability in blood and risk of mortality of cancer patients

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A comparison of periodic changes of circulating MNC subsets number and current rate of death for 69 cancer patients during last months of their life was performed with flow cytometry and mathematical approximation of kinetic curves by periodic and aperiodic functions. It is shown, that rate of death values oscillate along with life span reduction, being synchronized contrariwise (oppositely) with pulses of periodic recruitment of CD34+ progenitor cells and some other subsets into circulation. The more extensive the signs of periodicity are presented in comparing groups of patients the shorter the rest of their life span and less survival at referent time point. No matter for this rule, if the comparing groups belong to different nosology or pick out of one nosology

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About the authors

A Nikolaevich Shoutko

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg


L P Ekimova

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg

V P Sokurenko

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg

V F Mus

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg

K S Matyurin

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg

A M Granov

Russian Research Center of Radiology and Surgery Technologies. St. Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2011 Shoutko A.N., Ekimova L.P., Sokurenko V.P., Mus V.F., Matyurin K.S., Granov A.M.

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