Recombinant vaccines and probiotics as possible means of protection from streptococcal infections


Streptococcal diseases are important human pathogens requiring search for new approaches for treatment and prophylactics. Recombinant streptococcal vaccine based on the mixture of the immunogenic surface expressed proteins had been developed. It was shown that the vaccine as mixture of three peptides Вас, ScaAB and ScpB is immunogenic and provides protection against streptococci. Recently it was suggested to add the forth component - adherence protein SspBI. In this case vaccine protects not only against group В streptococcus but group A streptococcus and pneumococci. In parallel the approach based on usage of lactic acid bacteria - probiotics antagonistic to streptococci was evaluated. The probiotic strains able to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the organism of laboratory animals were selected.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Suvorov A.N., Leontjeva L.F., Ermolenko E.I., Grabovskaya K.B., Meringova L.F., Koroleva I.V., Duplik N.V., Gupalova T.V., Korzhueva A.S., Eliseev F.V., Bochkareva A.N., Totolyan A.A.

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