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Objective. Conducting systematic analysis of data on morphofunctional characteristics of the endometrium during the "window of implantation' : in normal and pathological conditions. Materials and methods. The analysis of 59 sources of literature in the electronic databases such as "PubMed", "eLIBRARY", "Doctor's Library' : was performed. Results. Problems of infertility and miscarriage do not lose their relevance and require new solutions. The morphofunctional state of the endometrium is important in the implantation process. Complex of structural and functional characteristics of the endometrium ensuring successful implantation is defined as endometrial receptivity. Endometrial receptivity is generally considered on three levels: genetic, proteomic and histological. In the process of implantation , various molecules are involved, providing a multifactorial "dialogue" : between the endometrium and the blastocyst. Such molecules include cytokines, adhesins, antiadhesins, growth factors, ion channels. The full binding of sex steroids with their receptors in the endometrium leads to its adequate phase transformation. Conclusion. The review presents current knowledge about the importance of molecular factors in the receptivity of the endometrium during implantation.

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About the authors

A V Morotskaya

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov


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