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The review has represented the results of published data on a range of issues related to the structure and functions of the brain's immune system. The peculiarities of microglial cells and astrocytes have been discussed. The features of the reactions of innate and adaptive immune response in the brain have also been discussed. Authors' own data about the influence of nucleotide nature drug after traumatic brain injury have been presented.

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About the authors

E V Dmitrienko

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


N Akimoto

Kyushu University

Fukuoka, Japan

S Naoe

Kyushu University

Fukuoka, Japan

M Noda

Kyushu University

Fukuoka, Japan

E G Rybakina

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

E A Korneva

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitrienko E.V., Akimoto N., Naoe S., Noda M., Rybakina E.G., Korneva E.A.

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