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Original review of HIV RNA in blood/cervicovaginal pair specimen among HIV infected childbearing women in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Blood, leucocytes and sperm impurity wasn’t criteria for exclusion due to main goal of investigation is to assess correlation between HIV RNA in blood and cervicovaginal specimen as risk factor of HIV sexual transmission. The manuscript provides correlation between leucocytes in cervicovaginal specimen and HIV RNA.

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About the authors

A V Samarina

St.-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases; I.P. Pavlov Medical University


N Ye Dementeva

St.-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases; Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Z N Lisitsyna

St.-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases; I.P. Pavlov Medical University

A G Rakhmanova

St.-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases; I.P. Pavlov Medical University

N A Belyakov

St.-Petersburg Center for Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases; I.P. Pavlov Medical University; Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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Copyright (c) 2013 Samarina A.V., Dementeva N.Y., Lisitsyna Z.N., Rakhmanova A.G., Belyakov N.A.

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