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Purpose: to show integrative interdependence of features of "Self-concept" (in a link "self-assessment") at active athletes-chess players - on the mechanisms of a thin psychomotor system - as most sensitive mechanism of neuronal response to change of a situation. By means of the method of comparison of self-assessments of athletes in such parameters of sport contest like "degree of own emotional reactivity", " degree of confidence in the own decisions", "ability to expect actions of the rival" and others with expert estimates in accordance with the same parameters at the same athletes cases of coincidence (or discrepancies) of these estimates came to light; this allowed to reveal "a weak link" in system of self-assessments of the professional qualities of athletes, then correlations of such coincidence to the psychomotor status and typological features of the athlete were defined by methods of mathematical statistics. The result of the carried-out work was identification of a "weak link" in system of self-assessments of the professional qualities, and the purposeful influence on these “weak links” by method of «meditative psychological correction» led to a conclusion about unconditional correctness of such integrated methods in world-class sports.

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About the authors

O A Klitsenko

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov; St. Petersburg State Economic University

O V Samorodnov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov; St. Petersburg State Economic University


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Copyright (c) 2017 Klitsenko O.A., Samorodnov O.V.

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