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Cytokines are the family of endogenous polypeptide mediators ensuring intercellular interaction. Cytokines have some common biochemical and biological properties and can be marked out as a new separate homeostasis regulatory system. Cytokines have huge potential of formation and regulation of defense reactions, and pretend to the role of the most effective medical products affecting all sides of resistance and immunity and also pathology development. Undoubtedly, the future of cytokine therapy is connected with genetically engineered products that can repeat the functions of endogenous regulatory mediators. There are two principal variants of cytokine usage in clinical practice: 1) Cytokine therapy which can be used for hematopoiesis activation, for enhancement of defense reactions including antitumour response, and for gene therapy for the correction of genetic defects in the cytokine system; 2) Anticytokine therapy for inhibition of biological activity of endogenous cytokines. There are some cytokine products registered in the world, including erythropoietin, interferon alpha, colony-stimulating factors, interleukins-1, -2, -7, and some other cytokines. Several products are ongoing clinical trials. There is a promising perspective of cytokine clinical usage for treatment of widespread diseases, including infectious, immunodeficiency and cancer.

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About the authors

A S Simbirtsev

State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency


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