Organization of practical training on the circulation of labeled drugs at the Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University





Saint Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical University and the national center for additional professional education "laboratory of Labeling" invite managers and specialists of organizations in the pharmaceutical industry to practical training on the turnover of labeled medicines. The high demand for such training is due to the fact that after the introduction of the mandatory labeling regime on July 1, 2020 and the beginning of the turnover of labeled medicines in pharmacy organizations, a large number of questions, difficult situations and errors arose in working with labeled drugs.

Classes are held on the basis of the training Center for digital labeling and monitoring the movement of medicines SPCFU.

The main goal of the center is to provide specialists of industrial pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmacies and medical organizations with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work on the turnover of labeled medicines from July 1, 2020.

The SPHFU training center is equipped with fully equipped automated workstations of the pharmacy institution. With the help of the automated control system, you can carry out acceptance, return, accounting and storage, sale, inventory, withdrawal of labeled medicinal products from circulation, and transfer of information to the drug movement monitoring system.


Dina Siukaeva

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Economics

俄罗斯联邦, 197376, Россия,Санкт-Петербург, ул. Профессора Попова, д. 14,литер.А




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