Dopaminergic modulation of Na+, K+ and GABA-activated currents in neurons of the mammalian central nervous system

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He modern investigations of dopaminergic modulation of voltage-depended Na+, K+ and GABA-activated currents in neurons of the mammalian central nervous system are reviewed in the paper. On the base of own findings and literature data concerning modulating functions of dopamine on voltage-depended Na+, K+ and GABA-activated currents in neurons of the mammalian central nervous system was shown that dopamine caused individual and often not one-directed effect in various neurons of the central nervous system. A type of dopamine effect can be determined by the prevalence of the class/type of dopamine receptors on membrane of a neuron.

About the authors

Anna Aleksandrovna Bukinich

S. V. Anichkov Dept. of Neuropharmacology

PhD (Physiology), researcher

Petr Dmitriyevich Shabanov

S. V. Anichkov Dept. of Neuropharmacology

D.Sci. (Pharmacology)


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