A study of the competencies, morals and personal attitudes of medical students towards older people

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BACKGROUND: According to the World Health Organization the number of people aged 60 and older continues to grow, resulting in an increased demand for geriatric medical care from physicians and junior medical personnel. However, there is a shortage of geriatricians due to the complexity of interacting with older adults, limited promotion of this field by the medical profession and healthcare system as well as a lack of interest among medical students in choosing geriatrics as a future specialization.

AIM: To investigate the personal values of medical students at Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of Medicine by assessing their level of empathy and personal profile. The goal was to provide a rationale for understanding the reasons behind positive or negative attitudes towards older adults and their reluctance to work in geriatrics.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 139 medical students at St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Medicine, aged between 17 and 29 years. The level of empathy and personal profile of the respondents were assessed using the following methods: V.V. Boyko’s “Diagnosis of Empathy Level”, I.M. Yusupova’s “Diagnosis of Empathy Level”, and the 13-factor Cattell’s Personality Test. The moral and personal attitudes of medical students towards older adults as well as their willingness to work in geriatrics, were examined through questionnaire surveys.

RESULTS: The medical students exhibited average and below-average levels of empathy, which is presumably influenced by the particularities of their personal and professional development. Analysis of the students’ personal profiles revealed emotional stability, responsibility, a sense of duty, and a certain inclination towards empathy. Although the personal profile did not solely focus on assessing the desire to help older adults, the study showed that young people’s positive response to a request for assistance from an elderly person depended on their level of openness, tolerance, trust, social group expectations and the influence of public opinion. Insufficient gerontological competence often leads students to have stereotypical views about geriatrics and a lack of clear understanding of the specific needs of this age group.

CONCLUSIONS: The obtained data can be used in methodologies and educational programs to adjust the competency, moral values and personal attitudes of medical students towards older adults. This can lead to changes in future specialists’ perspectives on specialized geriatric care and facilitate the incorporation of these recommendations in the training of general practitioners.

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About the authors

Valeriia A. Kovaleva

Saint-Petersburg State University

Email: valeria.kovaleva9419@gmail.com

PhD student

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Tatiana V. Kovaleva

Saint-Petersburg State University

Email: trandafir@yandex.ru

Cand. Sci. (Philosoph.), Assistant Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Elena N. Pariyskaya

Saint-Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: lenap9159@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9083-6749

Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Assistant Professor

Russian Federation, 8a 21th Line of Vasilievsky Island, Saint Petersburg, 199106

Lidia B. Zakharova

Saint-Petersburg State University

Email: zakharova.l@inbox.ru

Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Assistant Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Aleksandr L. Ariev

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: alex.l.ariev@gmail.com

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure. Personal profile of a student according to the Kettell personality test (13 factor). B, intelligence; C, emotional instability/stability; E, subordination/dominance; G, low/high normativity of behavior; H, timidity/courage; I, cruelty/sensitivity; L, trustfulness/suspicion; N, straightforwardness/diplomacy; O, calmness/anxiety; Q1, conservatism/radicalism; Q2, conformism/nonconformism; Q3, low/high self-control; Q4, relaxation/tension. The average values for each of the factors from which deviations show a personal orientation are represented by the red lines. Mean — average value; SD — standard deviation

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