
Moiseeva, Irina E.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 21, 编号 2 (2017) Articles Features of palliative care for patients with dementia PDF
卷 21, 编号 3 (2017) Articles The classification of acute myocardial infarction types and the preconditions for its development. Type II myocardial infarction PDF
卷 21, 编号 3 (2017) Articles Expertise of quality of medical care in general practice PDF
卷 21, 编号 3 (2017) Articles The prevalence of anxiety and depression among patients with obstructive ventilation disorders: the Respect study. Part I PDF
卷 21, 编号 4 (2017) Articles Anxiety and depression in patients with obstructive ventilation disorders: the respect study. Part 2 PDF
卷 22, 编号 3 (2018) Medical Education Effectiveness of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation in students in the specialty “general medicine” PDF
卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) Lectures Malnutrition in the elderly and old age PDF
卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) Original studies The primary accreditation. The ways of the problems solving related to the preparation of graduates of medical universities PDF
卷 23, 编号 2 (2019) Medical Education Innovative teaching methods. Problem-based learning and distance-learning technologies PDF
卷 23, 编号 3 (2019) Articles Acute respiratory viral infections in children PDF
卷 24, 编号 2 (2020) Review 世界卫生组织冠状病毒感染管理指南摘要
卷 24, 编号 4 (2020) Original studies 学生、住院医师和全科医生对疫苗接种的态度 PDF
卷 25, 编号 4 (2021) News Results of the all-russian conference with international participation “The place and role of a general practitioner in a changing world” PDF
卷 26, 编号 3 (2022) Case report A family case of giardiasis manifested as allergic urticaria in the joint practice of a family doctor and a pediatrician PDF
卷 26, 编号 1 (2022) Review Pros and cons of using face masks for non-specific prevention of new coronavirus infection
卷 26, 编号 1 (2022) Conference proceedings Universal health coverage: opportunities and challenges (on the materials of the International conference on December 10, 2021 in Almaty, dedicated to the Universal Health Coverage Day)
卷 26, 编号 4 (2022) Review Modern principles of etiotropic therapy for chronic hepatitis B and C
卷 26, 编号 4 (2022) Chronicle Results of the All-Russian Conference with international participation “Science and Practice. Why does a family physician need clinical recommendations?”
卷 27, 编号 1 (2023) Case report The case of arrhythmic equivalent of myocardial ischemia in the practice of family doctor
卷 27, 编号 2 (2023) Original studies Vaccination adherence and level of knowledge: Is there a relationship?
卷 27, 编号 4 (2023) Obituary In memory of Professor E.V. Frolova PDF
卷 28, 编号 2 (2024) Post-publishing changes Erratum to “Gorham–Stout disease started with recurrent bilateral exudative pleuritis: case description and literature review” (doi: 10.17816/RFD625565) PDF
