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Author Guidelines

The editorial staff require authors to follow the below instructions. Manuscripts, which do not meet the instructions, will be rejected.

Main guidelines

If necessary, manuscript should be approved by director and come with official referral from organization of article’s origin and with expert report.

Manuscripts should be signed by all authors, thereby delivering the right for publishing the article by the journal in paper and/or electronic form and posting it on the journal (publishing house) web site.

It is prohibited to send articles, published in other issues or forwarded to other issues.

Date of receipt is the time when editorial stuff received the final (processed) manuscript version.

The manuscript publication in the journal is free.


Article format

  1. Full article (tables, notes, headlines, other languages insets, list of references, image-related text and others) should be typed in Word format - font size 14, line spacing 1.5 with margins: upper - 3 cm, lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. Large articles preferably should be divided into parts with subtitles (all subtitles must have clear hierarchy). Manuscript should be represented in two copies.
  2. Article volume, including list of references and image-related text, should not exceed: for general meaning papers - 18 pages of text; for scientific reports related to specific considerations and for papers of scientific researches methods - 12 pages; for reviews and informational messages  - 3 pages.
  3. Title page should contain:
    1) family name and initials of author (authors);
    2) article title;
    3) full name of organization, where author works including departamental identity;
    4) organization postal index, city, country;
    5) contacts: full name and e-mail of author, responsible for correspondence.
    If there are more than one authors, each family name and relevant organization should be numbered. If all authors work in the same organization, it is not necessary to indicate the place of work for all of them, it is enough to indicate it one time.
  4. Information for Russian Science Citation Index. The certain page should have additional information about every author, necessary for journal processing in the Russian Science Citation Index: full name in English and in Russian, science degree, academic rank, position, e-mail for contacts with authors (one e-mail is enough).
  5. The original manuscript structure should be the following: abstract, short introduction, showing the state-of-the-art question conditions and the presented study tasks, materials and methods, results and discussion, implications or conclusion, list of references. The article recital should be clear, brief, without long historical introductions and recurrences. The preference should be given to new and verified facts, longtime researches results, important for practical issues solutions. Research methods should be described very clear, such that it could be easily reproduce. It should be noted, if presented numeric values were primary or derived, then give accuracy limits, reliability limits, authenticity intervals, evaluations, recommendations, accepted or rejected hypothesis, discussed in the article.          
  6. Standards. All terms and definitions should be scientifically reliable, and its spelling should meet customaries of geomorphologic nomenclature. The  names spelling, mentioned in the text, must correspond with the list of references.
    The manuscript may be provided with the glossary of terms - obscure, multiple treated, causing difficulties in understanding the article.
    Physical measurement units should be in SI system. Decimal fractions spell with point: 0.35. Only “quotation marks” are being used, not «quotation marks». Continuous notes numbering is being used.
    No abbreviations are allowed, except customaries such as metric measures, mechanic, heat, magnetic and other measures. No i.e., etc. are allowed.
    In the end of the article the following should be given on the separate pages: necessarily in Russian and in English
    1) List of references;
    2) abstract up to 250 words, showing author’s main idea and conclusions, and 5-7 key words;
    3) authors’ data;
    4) tables (in Russian);
    5) figures on separate pages.
    Consecutive numbering of pages should be applied, including list of references, abstract, tables and image-related text.
  7. List of references with index numbers is given not in alphabetical order, but according with references in text, regardless the language of work. The list should contain only works mentioned in the article. Reference, given in the text, contains in square brackets only number of work and (if necessary - in case of quotation in text) the page number.
    Books should be shown in the following order: family name and initials of authors, complete title, city, publishing house, year of publishing, and quantity of pages. When referring to an article from a proceedings: family names, and initials of all authors, title of the article, proceeding and conference, further information should be the same as for books, then pages of the article (its beginning and the end). For an article from a journal the order is as follows: family names and initials of authors, title of the article and journal, year of publishing, volume, number, and pages of the article (its beginning and the end).

    — Books and Proceeding articles

    Domanitskiy A.P., Dubrovina R.G. and Isaeva A.I. Reki I ozera Sovetskogo Soyuza (Rivers and lakes of the Soviet Union). Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat (Publ.), 1971, 104 p.

    Fraktaly v fizike (Fractals in Physics). L. Pietronero and E. Tozatti. Ed. Мoscow: Mir (Publ.), 1988, 672 p.

    Sergeev A.Yu. Peculiarity of morpho-lythodynamic processes on continental slope of the Curonian Spit and its potential connection with changes in coastline, in Uchenie o razvitii morskih beregov: vekovye traditsii I idei sovremennosti (Theory of marine beaches development: age-old traditions and modern ideas). XXIII Int. Conf. For V.P. Zenkovich 100 anniversary. S.-Petersburg: RGGU (Publ.), 2010, pp. 131–133.

    — Journal articles

    Melnik M.A., Pozdniakov A.V. Fractals in erosion dissection and self-oscillations in dynamics of geomorphosystems. Geomorfologiya (Geomorphology RAS), 2008, No. 3, pp. 86–95 (in Russ.).

    — Ph.D Thesis

    Melnik M.A. Fraktalnye zakonomernosti form rel’efa (na primere erozionnogo raschleneniya poverhnosti I izvilistosti rek) (Fractal trends of landforms (on the example of erosion dissection and sinuosity)): PhD thesis. Tomsk: SB RAN (Publ.), 2007, 19 p.

  8. Figures dashed and half-toned (maximum 3-4) should be provided in two copies, separate from the manuscriptand never embed in the article text. Electronic version of figures should be only in JPEG, TIFF and others, with resolution more that 300 dpi. All images, schemes, diagrams, maps should be clearly performed in the size providing all details clarity. Photographs should be provided on glossy paper in two copies (no Xerox copies!). Text on figures should be replaced by numbers and word index if possible with legend given in text or under figures. The figure index number should be given on its other side. References to figures (and tables) should be given in the article text, while its location (when first mentioned) should be given on left margin
    Image-related text should be gathered together and given on separate page. Each figure should have common headline and full forms of all abbreviations. Diagrams-related text should include values of X and Y axis and measurements units, explanations of each curve. Legend for micro photographs should include zooming.
  9. Tables should be typed on separate pages. Upper right corner should contain the table number (if there are more than one tables). The table name should be given lower. No abbreviations in tables are allowed. All number in tables should correspond to numbers in text.
  10. The abstract (100-250 words) is the principal source of information on the paper to be placed in foreign information systems and databases indexing the journal. It should enable the reader to gain some insight into the essence of the research, so that he could decide whether the complete text of the paper would be worth reading.
    The editors suggest the authors to concentrate their attention on the content of the abstract and to adhere to the following rules when compiling it:
    • Avoid repeating the title of the paper. If the latter is like “Such-and-such specific features of exogenic processes there and there”, do not begin the abstract with “The paper deals with such-and-such characteristics of exogenic processes…”. Take the bull by the horns and begin: “Exogenic process are proved to be absent from such-and-such region!”.
    • Avoid statements of the type: “Studies of this and that were performed”. If you are submitting the paper, it implies that some kind of studies had been performed. If you insist on stressing the fact that your results had not been taken out of thin air, you may begin with: “Such-and-such investigations resulted in…”
    • In general, avoid writing a kind of “report on activities” presented to a certification committee. Don’t write how much and how hard you worked – just state the results of the work.
    • If your studies gave some quantitative data (erosion rate, a quantity of stages in the landform evolution and their age, a number of terraces, etc.), don’t restrict yourself to a simple statement of the fact. It is better to cite the numeric results in the abstract, e.g. 2.87–3.12 mm per year (of course, if there are not too many numbers). If you have found a certain manifestation of a general law, do not write: “Climatic characteristics of the region have been found to exert an influence on the relief-forming processes” – specify what this influence consists of.

In general it should be made clear from the Abstract (and from the title of paper) what (and where) had been studied, what methods were applied, what results have been obtained, and (if possible) what conclusions of more general character might be drawn from the results. If the paper deals with methods and procedures, the latter should be described concisely. In case you indulge in reflections on the future of geomorphology, you might as well indicate where (in your opinion) lies its way to recovery and what the greatest peril is.

Authors, willing to have the publication with colored figures (maps, photographs) can sign a contract with publishing house and pay for it (printing the colored patch and publishing house service cost around 8000 RUB).

Editorial staff will have no author’s copies of journal, however authors can order and pay for the desired copies of the certain journal issue in advance (before sending first page-proofs to the publishing house).

In the end of the article author should give (in English and in Russian) the full name, place of work, academic title and position, home and work address, phone numbers and e-mail.

Editorial staff must receive: two copies of article, figures and photographs, abstract, key words list, reference list, authors background - in Russian and in English + floppy-disk with text and floppy-disk with dashed and toned figures files + contract of delivering the right of publishing, filled and signed by author.

Editorial staff informs that typeset copy of manuscript is the final text allowing no further correction. Proof sheet would be not sending to authors.

The contract of delivering the right of publishing can be found on the publishing house web site or it is available from editorial staff via


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • Absence of plagiarism. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • Correct manuscript format. Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in "For Authors" section.

  • Cover letter. All the required supporting documents will be submitted together with the manuscript. Authors guarantee to upload scanned original of the filled cover letter in PDF. A cover letter signed by all authors.


Copyright Notice

После одобрения рукописи редакционной коллегией для публикации в журнале авторам необходимо заключить Лицензионный договор о предоставлении права использования статьи в научном журнале на русском языке, учредителем (соучредителем) которого является Российская академия наук.

Образец лицензионного договора можно скачать по ссылке

Лицензионный договор необходимо заполнить и подписать представителю авторского коллектива, отсканировать и сохранить в PDF, после чего направить в редакцию. 


Privacy Statement

The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.

The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.


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