V. A. Bogoroditsky. - About the conduct of childbirth according to the Indian method. - (Channel. Tamb. Med. General, 1894, 1-12. Tambov, 1895, p. 157).

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The author calls the Indian method the method of delivery on his heels, on his knees, in general with the position of the body close to vertical. This method was practiced exclusively by the ancients, and now it is widespread among wild and uncultured peoples. The position of a woman in labor with this method, according to the author, is the most natural, because the act of childbirth by self-awareness approaches the act of defecation, the anatomical structure of the birth canal in an upright position favors the rapid passage of the fetus and less pressure of the presenting part on the perineum. The author adopted this method with success, and in the sense of speed and ease of childbirth and in the sense of preserving the integrity of the perineum, in 5 primiparous, of which one was 20 years old, the rest 30-40 years.

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Индійскимъ способомъ авторъ называетъ способъ родоразрѣшенія на корточкахъ, на колѣняхъ, вообще при положеніи туловища, близкомъ къ вертикальному. Этотъ способъ практиковался исключительно у древнихъ, а теперь распростаненъ у дикихъ и некультурныхъ народовъ. Положеніе роженицы при этомъ способѣ, по автору, самое естественное, ибо актъ родовъ по самоощущенію приближается къ акту дефекаціи, анатомическое же устройство родового канала при вертикальномъ положеніи благопріятствуетъ быстрому прохожденію плода и меньшему давленію предлежащей части на промежность. Авторъ примѣнилъ этотъ способъ съ успѣхомъ, и въ смыслѣ быстроты и легкости родовъ и въ смыслѣ сохраненія цѣлости промежности, у 5 первородящихъ, изъ которыхъ одна была 20 лѣтъ, остальныя 30—40 лѣтъ.


About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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