S. A. Lipinskiy. - A case of cicatricial contraction of the vagina, operated on by the autoplastic method. - (Doctor, 1895, No. 25).

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A 21-year-old peasant woman, ill after a difficult birth. Annular contraction in the lower third of the vagina. After manipulation with Simon's dilators, the scar tissue on the posterior wall was torn until the intestinal wall was exposed; then a muscular fistula was formed in this. Overlooking the lateral parts of the scar and thus obtaining a leaf-shaped double wound surface, the author moved here and sewed a small lip, cut off at the base (with the exception of the posterior end) and spread across the width of the incision made on the base. Place, where the small lips were cut off, closed with sutures. Silk sutures were applied everywhere, which were finally removed on the 8th day, giving the initial tension. The author closed the posterior surface of the vaginal wall and the fistula with a skin flap cut out from the perineal line from the buttocks. Only the anterior sheath of the vagina remained scarred. The result of the operation: the vagina, 7 cm long, freely passes two fingers. The author thinks that the patient will give birth well.

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Крестьянка 21 года, больна послѣ трудныхъ родовъ. Кольцевое съуженіе въ нижней трети влагалища. Послѣ манипуляцій съ Simon’овскими расширителями была надорвана рубцовая ткань на задней стѣнкѣ до обнаженія кишечной стѣнки; потомъ образовался въ этомъ мѣстѣ кишечный свищъ. Надрѣзавъ боковыя части рубца и получивъ такимъ образомъ двѣ раневыя поверхности листообразной формы, авторъ перенесъ сюда и пришилъ малыя губы, отрѣзанныя у основанія (за исключеніемъ задняго конца) и распластанныя въ ширину разрѣзомъ, проведеннымъ по основанію. Мѣста, гдѣ малыя губы были отрѣзаны, закрыто швами. Всюду примѣнены шелковые швы, которые окончательно удалены на 8 день, давъ первичное натяженіе. Заднюю поверхность влагалищной стѣнки и свищъ авторъ закрылъ кожнымъ лоскутомъ, вырѣзаннымъ отвѣсно къ линіи промежности изъ ягодицъ. Осталась рубцевою только передняя стѣнка влагалища. Результатъ операціи: влагалище, длиной въ 7 снтм., свободно пропускаетъ два пальца. Авторъ думаетъ, что больная будетъ отлично родить.


About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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