N.I. Kuskov. - A case of a teratoid tumor. - (Collection of Labor. Doctors of St. Petersburg. Maryinskaya Hospital. Issue II, St. Petersburg, 1893, p. 85).

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When a 28-year-old woman who had died of putrefactive peritonitis was opened, an opening was found in the small intestine (at the border of the lean and ileal), communicating with the abdominal cavity and with the cavity formed into the omentum. In the hole protruded a bone with teeth - the remains of a teratoma. The gland cavity is connected to a cord that goes directly into the left Fallopian tube. The author believes that at the known time of uterine life, the left tube with the ovary, in which the teratoma developed, did not descend into the pelvis, but grew to the omentum and overgrown with it; the bone of the teratoma with constant pressure ulcerated the wall of the adjacent intestine.

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При вскрытіи 28 лѣтней женщины, умершей отъ гнилостнаго перитонита, найдено отверстіе въ тонкой кишкѣ (на границѣ тощей и подвздошной), сообщающееся съ брюшной полостью и съ полостью, образовавшеюся въ сальникѣ. Въ отверстіи торчала кость съ зубами, — остатки тератомы. Полость сальника соединена съ шнуркомъ, переходящимъ непосредственно въ лѣвую Фаллопіеву трубу. Авторъ полагаетъ, что въ извѣстное время утробной жизни лѣвая труба съ яичникомъ, въ которомъ развилась тератома, не опустилась въ тазъ, а приросла къ сальнику и обросла имъ; кость тератомы постояннымъ давленіемъ изъязвила стѣнку прилегающей кишки.


About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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