M.I. Karpov. - A case of ovaryotomy. - (Protocol. General Donskikh doctors. Year ten, Novocherkassk, 1895. Appendices, p. 74).

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The operation was made by Ya. A. Muzhenkov. Patient 25 years old, giving birth. Cut along the white line. Ovarian cyst with a thick leg, which directly passes into the broad ligament. Splicing with an oil seal. The leg is tied first with five ligatures, then with two; sheathed with a peritoneum; pinched with pulp, reinforced in the abdominal wound. After the operation, once the temperature was 38.4 °. Zhom fell off on the 20th day. Convalescence.

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Операція сдѣлана Я. А. Муженковымъ. Больная 25 л., рожавшая. Разрѣзъ по бѣлой линіи. Киста яичника съ толстой ножкой, непосредственно переходящей въ широкую связку. Срощеніе съ сальникомъ. Ножка перевязана сначала пятью лигатурами, потомъ двумя; обшита брюшиной; защемленная жомомъ, укрѣплена въ брюшной ранѣ. Послѣ операціи однажды t° 38,4°. Жомъ отвалился на 20-й день. Выздоровленіе.


About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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