Gluttony during pregnancy. (On the issue of ovariotomy and conservative myomotomy during pregnancy)

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Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the physiological conditions of a woman, only about half of the cases, according to the studies of modern statistics, reach a happy end for the mother and fetus. Along with such reasons as constitutional diseases, acute infectious diseases, suffering of the respiratory and circulatory organs, contributing to premature termination of pregnancy and requiring purely therapeutic intervention, there are complications that require serious surgical care for a successful pregnancy outcome. These are mainly complications of pregnancy with tumors of the pelvic organs, for the removal of which one has to resort to the most serious operation - gluttony. And while earlier surgeons with extreme fear decided to open the abdominal cavity in non-pregnant women, risking always losing the patient from the seemingly inevitable septic peritonitis during this operation, while earlier surgeons talked about "happiness in surgery" and attributed the successful outcome of any often unimportant operation to a clean case, - now it is boldly performed on pregnant women with a certain certainty to save life not only existing, but also emerging life.

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About the authors

M. N. Poroshin

Clinic of Obstetricians and Women's Diseases. Prof. KF Slavyansky

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation


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