A clinical case of pregnancy with suspected trophoblastic disease in 3 trimester




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Cases of trophoblastic disease in the presence of the living fetus during 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy is a rare phenomenon. The description of the clinical case of suspected trophoblastic disease at term of 26 weeks is provided in article. The decision of pregnancy prolongation under control β- HCG was made. Therapy of gestosis, improvement of maternal-placental blood flow, anticoagulant therapy was carried out. Cesarean section was made at 30 weeks of pregnancy (preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes). In the postpartum period, a decrease of b-HCG to zero was within 1,5 months. In the postoperative period we did not receive convincing pathomorphological data for the presence of trophoblastic disease, so the question of whether there was in this case partial hydatidiform mole in combination with alive fetus, or received changes in the placenta and anomalously high values of b-HCG were the result of primary placental insufficiency with the intrauterine infection, remains open.




Yevgeniy Mikhaylin

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: mihailin@mail.ru
PhD, head of the polyclinic department, head of the Program of pregnancy and childbirth in adolescents “Young mother”

Lada Ivanova

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
PhD, Chief physician

Alla Lisyanskaya

Maternity hospital N 10

PhD, head of the department of oncogynecology

Aleksey Savitskiy

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
Head of department “Family delivery”

Anna Minina

Maternity hospital N 10

Email: roddom10@zdrav.spb.ru
doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics

Marina Gederim

Maternity hospital N 10

PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist, department of operative gynecology


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版权所有 © Mikhaylin Y.S., Ivanova L.A., Lisyanskaya A.S., Savitskiy A.G., Minina A.G., Gederim M.N., 2014

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