The case of the birth of a two-headed fetus




(Medical Review. 1898, February, p. 187). Twin freaks are rare. We met twice in Moscow for 130,000 births. Forster divides them into 3 groups.


(Medical Review. 1898, February, p. 187).
Twin freaks are rare. We met twice in Moscow for 130,000 births. Forster divides them into 3 groups. The twin freak described by the author with a bifurcated upper end of the body belongs to the first group (dicephalis dibrachius). He was born to a 37-year-old woman who had already given birth to six times completely correctly. Pregnancy proceeded without complications, labor lasted more than 3 days. The fetus was born dead, although it moved during childbirth. It is 91 / * lbs, length 42 cm. The right head, of a larger size, has a watery hernia of the brain, the left is an ugliness under the name anenceptalia. Parts of the face are quite well developed. On the right head there is a hare lip. Male child. Umbilical cord and later single. The spine is double up to the sacrum. The organs of the neck are developed correctly, as well as the esophagus, which converges at an angle at the diaphragm, and the stomach. In the common chest cavity, two hearts, merged with their atria, and 4 lungs. The abdominal organs are solitary and normal. N. Kakushkin.



I. Yurasovskiy





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