Vol 12, No 9 (1898)


In memory of K.F.Slaviansky

Team E.


Not yet five years have passed since that day (December 9, 1893), when in this very hall the Obstetric and Gynecological Society honored its then chairman, Kronid Fedorovich Slavyansk, on the occasion of his 25th anniversary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):993-1004
pages 993-1004 views

The treatment of vesicoureteral fistulas by separating the urinary bladder from the cervix, and the advantage of this method compared to other methods used from the vagina

Dranitsyn A.A.


The beginning of the rational operative treatment of vesico-cervical fistulas from the side of the vagina was laid by the French surgeon JoberVowb (de Lamballe). In 1849, to cure such a fistula, Jobert used the following method: by bringing down the cervix, he squeezed it laterally from the right and left sides and, thus forming a significant amount of eversion, achieved that the fistula became easily accessible from the side of the cervical canal; I darkened its edges in a funnel-shaped manner and applied sutures, capturing the tissue of the neck and bladder with common ligatures.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1005-1034
pages 1005-1034 views

A case of long-term retention of the fetus in the uterus when breaking it

Abuladze D.


In today's meeting, I allow myself to occupy the attention of the Society with a detailed description of the case from our clinic, which is of interest, both in the sense of considerable pride, and in many other respects.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1035-1053
pages 1035-1053 views

A case of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava, embedded ny with myomotomy

Gausmann A.


Mm. G.G. At the last day of the meeting 2) I had the honor to show the preparation of complete blockage of the inferior vena cava. Now I will allow myself to acquaint you in more detail with this case.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1054-1061
pages 1054-1061 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies Protocol No. 94

Rein G.E.


It was chaired by prof. G. E. Rein

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1062-1067
pages 1062-1067 views

Some remarks about the dissertation of Dr. Anufriev under the title: "Materials for the issue of preventive turn" with a narrow pelvis

Matseevsk K.F.


In his dissertation under the heading indicated now, Dr. Anufriev “considered it my duty to stop a little” on the preliminary report *) of the currently completed work of my head under the heading: - “Preventive turn in case of narrow methods” and his attitude towards him. -r Anufriev read my message very inattentively, how can this be judged by his remarks regarding my work; since the last one, thanks to these zamtkam, received a completely incorrect illumination, in order to restore the truth, I considered it necessary to write a few of these words.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1068-1074
pages 1068-1074 views

Medical report of the Gynecological department of the faculty obstetric-gynecological clinic

Vladimirov V.V.


The report embraces the 1885 / in-1894D academic years. After a short historical sketch, the author gives a detailed description of the clinic and the environment of the operating room.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1075-1076
pages 1075-1076 views

About some of the details and features, used to judge the advantages of various methods of operative treatment of fibromyomas and other tumors similar to them

Gubarev A.P.


The statistical method for assessing the merits and advantages of one or another large-scale operative approach cannot give strong substantiated conclusions, because, in addition to the features of the surgical method itself, at the end of the operation, in the newest time there is a great influence of asepsis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1076-1078
pages 1076-1078 views

On the question of dense tumors of the broad ligament

Gryaznov A.A.


Fibrous tumors of the broad ligament develop either primary or secondary, from the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1078-1078
pages 1078-1078 views

A case of extirpation of the uterus through the vagina

Fuchs I.


The patient is an old woman who suffered from complete prolapse of the uterus and an ulcer (cancer?) Of the posterior lip, spreading to the posterior fornix.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1078-1078
pages 1078-1078 views

Hysteropexia abdominalis anterior or vaginofixatio uteri?

Shorr Y.O.


The article was written about the fact that one of the doctors in Kherson had three hysteropexia, and one of the patients died.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

(Protocols and Proceedings of General Kherson doctors for 1896L Kherson. 1898. Page 32).

Fuks I.


Generally the patient with complete prolapse of the uterus and vagina. One patient is 43 years old (does not menstruate for a year), the other is 33 years old. Operations are done according to Leopold

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1079-1079
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The case of the birth of a two-headed fetus

Yurasovskiy I.K.


(Medical Review. 1898, February, p. 187). Twin freaks are rare. We met twice in Moscow for 130,000 births. Forster divides them into 3 groups.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

A simple method of extirpation of the uterus through the vagina

Shtraukh M.A.


(Medical Review. 1898, February - • p. 177). Leaving aside the method of removing the uterus by annealing (Mackenrodt), as a way of unreliable in the sense of preventing bleeding, the author of the existing methods of bringing the sub-two and clamping ligatures.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

A case of deformity of genital organs, which makes it difficult to determine gender and civil rights

Bellin E.F.


(Weekly, 1898, No. 8, p. 141).
Little girl 24 y. Growth 169 sntm .; the structure of the skeleton is male, breast gland nѣt.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1080-1081
pages 1080-1081 views

To casuisticѣ of an imaginary pregnancy

Zilbermints A.I.


Ezhenednik, 1898, No. 10, p. 183).
Patient 32 years old, from a neuropathic family. The husband is healthy. She gave birth three times, in spite of the different temperaments that she took against getting pregnant.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1081-1081
pages 1081-1081 views

Collection of slѣpkov portionis vaginalis

Sobustianskiy E.M.


(Channel, behind. IMPERIAL Kavkazsk. Med. General January 16, 1898, No. 13, p. 387).
The vaginal part of the cervix is exposed with a gutta-percha mirror, wiped off with cotton wool, lubricated with green soap.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1081-1081
pages 1081-1081 views

Introduction to the course of obstetrics and gynecology in connection with clinical methods of teaching

Muratov A.A.


(Sep. Ott. From Uchenykh Zapiski of the Imperial Yuryev University, No. 2, 1898, Yuryev. 1898).
In this introductory lecture, having remembered his predecessors in the department with a kind word, the author briefly touches on the history of the discovery of Semmelweiss and gives an outline of the modern meaning of antiseptics and aseptics in obstetrics. Clinical obstetric aid cannot yet, in the opinion of the author, do with one pure asepsis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1082-1082
pages 1082-1082 views

On the question of missed abortion

Raznikov. O.A.


(Ezhenednik, 1898, No. 15, p. 283).
Cases of prolonged retention of dead fetuses in the uterus, the author lasts into 2 groups: the first group includes cases when fetal eggs die in the second or third month of pregnancy, to the second, when fetal death occurs on the fourth, fifth, or more late month.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1082-1083
pages 1082-1083 views

Accidental vaccination of cancer with complete removal of the uterus

Bonstedt G.E.


(Boan. Gaz. Botkin 1898, No. 11 and 12, pp. 473 and 530). There are facts of secondary cancer diseases, which cannot be explained otherwise than by the infectiousness of cancer. These facts were observed in their natural course and were tested empirically.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1083-1084
pages 1083-1084 views

A case of extrauterine pregnancy

Sobustianskiy E.M.


(Channel, behind. IMPERIAL Kazan Med. General 1898 January 16, No. 13, p. 385).
Patient 25 years old, 7 years ago urgent delivery. 1 year ІО ’/ g month ago she became pregnant in the second connector, at the end of the 5th month she felt fetal movement. Childbirth was 2 months late; this forced the patient to turn to the village midwives, who began to treat the patient with cow urine. After 2 months after that, pus appeared in the navel, and then the decaying limb of the fetus came out.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1084-1084
pages 1084-1084 views

Second International Congress on Gynecology and Obstetrics in Geneva

Olenin S.K.


(Protok. Tambovsk. Med. General 1896, 8-10. Tambov. 1897. p. 211). In his report, the author briefly touches on the organization of the congress and its statistics (the largest number of members was from Switzerland, 46, and from France, 44 ; there were 10 doctors from Russia)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1084-1085
pages 1084-1085 views

Graviditas extrauterina

Gurvich B.S.


(Yezhenednik, 1898, No. 11, p. 205).
Patient 40 years old, giving birth, has been suffering from pain in the lower abdomen for 4 weeks, which began suddenly and was initially accompanied by bleeding. It is not known whether there was a delay of months.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1085-1085
pages 1085-1085 views

K casuistic of puerperal neuritis

Gеrenstein S.S.


(Ezhenedѣlnik, 1898, No. 12, p. 224). Patient 23 years old, from a neuropathic family, gave birth to the 3rd section, three days ago Childbirth is correct, postnatal involution without complications. On the 2nd day after childbirth, there were strong, then weakening, then intensifying pain in the left shoulder, mainly during hand movements. The pain lasted more than 4 months

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1085-1085
pages 1085-1085 views

Intrauterine bleeding during pregnancy

Reimer G.N.


(Ezhenedlnik, 1898, No. 14, p. 263). A patient about 40 years old, multiparous, pregnant at the end of the 4th month. In the third month of pregnancy, she fell, after which she developed general weakness, anemia, pain in the abdomen and a gradually growing tumor in the abdomen, reaching up to the epigastric cavity (abdominal circumference 98 cm).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1085-1086
pages 1085-1086 views

About the presentation of the dance

Golovchiner M.


(Medicine. 1898, Nos. 14 and 15). The article presents a summary of opinions on this issue, expressed at one of the meetings of the Numetsk Gynecologists Congress in Leipzig in June 1897. Rѣch goes mainly to ethiology and treatment of placentae progeniae.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1086-1086
pages 1086-1086 views

On the question of vesicovaginal fistulas and their operative treatment

Kuzmin S.I.


(Hospital gas. Botkin, 1898, No. 3 and 4, pp. 87 and 147).
For nine years (1889-1897) in the Saratov provincial zemstvo hospital, there were 44 (4.36 ° / o) per 1004 gynecological patients who underwent surgery with vesicovaginal fistulas. Of this number, 33 were peasant women (75 ° / o).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1086-1087
pages 1086-1087 views

Experiments with artificial fertilization of mammalian eggs

Gruzdev V.S.


(Doctor. 1897, No. 42, p. 1199). Artificial fertilization of eggs in lower animals with success is performed both in laboratories and in a hostel, but fertilization of eggs in mammals has not yet been sufficiently studied even among physiologists. Spallanzani injected the artificially obtained material into the dog's vagina, Schenk fertilized the artificially obtained eggs in the same way and observed the changes in the last ones using a microscope, and Ott injected the rabbits into the abdominal cavity of the rabbits.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1087-1088
pages 1087-1088 views

Intrauterine injection

Grammatikati I.N.


(Tomsk. 1898.) After brief literary and historical remarks on intrauterine injections and intrauterine therapy in general, the author informs that he has been using intrauterine injections for 4 years in a wide range. For 1896 and two months of 1897, 3521 injections were administered to 115 patients in the Tomsk Gynecolytic Clinic, namely, with endometritis (24 patients), with salpingo-oophoritis (71 patients), effusion perimetritis (10 patients), chronic patients with perimetritis (6 patients) (2 patients) and with uterine myoma (2 patients).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1088-1089
pages 1088-1089 views

K casuisticѣ rupture of the uterus and vagina during childbirth

Rubinskiy M.M.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 5, p. 127). Multiparous, 40 p. In the anamnesis, the pen has fallen out and an attempt to correct it, made by a simple village midwife. The doctor saw the patient at the end of the second day after the onset of labor, and the patient was weak (pulse 130; the temperature was elevated), anemic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1089-1089
pages 1089-1089 views

Purulent inflammation of the longitudinal connection.

Kholmogorov S.S.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 5, p. 125). Such inflammation happens either with general pus or on its own.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1089-1090
pages 1089-1090 views

Incomplete hypospadias, obstruction of the hymen and blood accumulation in the sleeve

Rzhechkovskiy G.I., Syrkin-Shklovskiy S.A.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 3, p. 71).
Peasant woman 19 years old; The first month came 14 years and walked after 4 weeks for 3 days, abundantly.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1090-1090
pages 1090-1090 views

On the question of a safety and therapeutic turn with a narrow pelvis

Massen V.N.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 1, p. 6).
In the strict sense, a protective turn can be called a turn made before the outflow of water, when nothing is yet known about the properties of the labor of the uterus and the degree of adaptability of the presenting part after the outflow of water.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1090-1091
pages 1090-1091 views

A case of sexual mania during the months of the month and female sadism

Peskov V.N.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 8, p. 219) Patient 32 years old. (father suffered drunkenly, dѣd was epileptic), gave birth correctly twice, fed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1091-1092
pages 1091-1092 views

On the issue of breast nipple disease in the postnatal time, about caring for them and about their treatment

Libov B.A.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 11, p. 412). Nipple soreness in the postnatal time is either in the form of abrasions and cracks (first stage), or in the form of ulcers (postpartum stage).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1092-1092
pages 1092-1092 views

Bloody diarrhea during labor

Krivoshein M.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 11, p. 317). Primipara 23 yr., Fell ill with bloody diarrhea a week before delivery. Childbirth (premature) lasted 12 hours. 45 m; presentation with legs; A live girl was retrieved for 7 months.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1092-1093
pages 1092-1093 views

Glandular fibromyoma with cysts, complicated by sarcoma and cancer

Ivanov N.S.


(Doctor. 1897, No. 47 and 50, pp. 1419 and 1445).
On the clinical side, this case was already described earlier (Rutkovsky. A rare case of uterine cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1093-1093
pages 1093-1093 views

On the issue of late miscarriageѣ

Ivanov N.K.


(Doctor. 1898, No. 15, p. 425).
In contrast to some views, the author thinks that a belated miscarriage is not met easily.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1094-1094
pages 1094-1094 views

Report on cancer patients in the gynecological department of the Tiflis Mikhailovskaya hospital for two years

Sobustianskiy E.M.


(Channel, amb. IMPER. Caucasian Med. General March 16, 1898, p. 514).
The report covers the time from March 10, 2896 to March 10, 1898. The total number of cancer patients during this time was 33 (5.6% of the total number of gynecological patients during the same period of time).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1094-1095
pages 1094-1095 views

To the question of the healing of the abdominal wound after the wounds

Minkevich G.K.


(Diss. SPb. 1898). In several chapters, the author gives a literary essay and compares the authors' opinion about the most convenient place for the destruction of abdominal walls in case of abdominal sutures, about the material for abdominal sutures, about the ways of , hernia) and the scope of experimental studies, touching upon these issues.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1095-1095
pages 1095-1095 views

Another 10 observations of the delay in the uterus of the head of the fetus after decapitation, carried out on purpose or accidentally while being extracted by the legs.

Neugebauer F.


Another 10 observations of the delay in the uterus of the head of the fetus after decapitation, carried out on purpose or accidentally while being extracted by the legs, No. 5, p. 121

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

Case of vaginal rupture sub coitu

Finkelkraut В.


A case of sub coitu vaginal rupture, No. 7, p. 169.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

About the treatment of gallbladder fistulas by direct suturing of the bladder

Stankiewicz С.


About the treatment of gallbladder fistulas by direct suturing of the bladder, no. 8, p. 195.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

Dissemination of the fetal spine with transverse neglected positions for the purpose of fetal extraction

Warszawski М.


Dissemination of the fetal spine with transverse neglected positions for the purpose of fetal extraction, No. 13, p. 334.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

K casuistic extrauterine pregnancy on the basis of I cases

Finkelkraut В.


K casuistic extrauterine pregnancy on the basis of I cases, No. 22 and 24, p. 566.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

A number of cases of childbirth at a very young age

Neugebauer F.


A number of cases of childbirth at a very young age, no. 26: p. 674.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

A case of extrauterine pregnancy. Extraction through the abdominal incision of a living and viable fetus. Recovering

Janczewski S.


A case of extrauterine pregnancy. Extraction through the abdominal incision of a living and viable fetus. Recovering, No. 2, p. 25.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

On the question of foreign bodies in the uterus

Neztgebauer F.


On the question of foreign bodies in the uterus (72 corresponding observations), no. 2, 3, 4, p. 51; 96; 155.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1097-1097
pages 1097-1097 views

A case of extrauterine pregnancy. Extraction through the abdominal incision of a living and viable fetus. Recovering

BLuzarski S.


A case of extrauterine pregnancy. Extraction through the abdominal incision of a living and viable fetus. Recovering, No. 2, p. 25.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

A case of a gunshot wound to the pregnant uterus and fetus. Kesarskoe sѣchenie. Recovering

Wrzesniowski W.


A case of a gunshot wound to the pregnant uterus and fetus. Kesarskoe sѣchenie. Recovering, No. 14, p. 313.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1096
pages 1096-1096 views

Neugebauer Fr. (Warsaw). Aenus cruenta, interdum mutillans, interdum occidens. On the issue of injuries of the genitourinary organs in women during copulation

Neugebauer F.


Neugebauer Fr. (Warsaw). Aenus cruenta, interdum mutillans, interdum occidens. On the issue of injuries of the genitourinary organs in women during copulation (143 observations), No. 22, 23, 24, 25.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1096-1097
pages 1096-1097 views

A case of a 16 month interconnection pregnancy. Death of the fetus 6 months before the operation

Warsawski М.


A case of a 16 month interconnection pregnancy. Death of the fetus 6 months before the operation. Coeliotornia. Recover, no. 5, p. 213

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1097-1097
pages 1097-1097 views

A case of underdevelopment of the birth canal

Jaworski J.


A case of underdevelopment of the birth canal, No. 9, p. 383.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1097-1097
pages 1097-1097 views

D. Pamitnik Towarzystwa Lekarskiego

team E.


D. Pamitnik Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, T. XSSh, no. IV. Contains in the protocols of the Society a description of the demonstrations a) Neugebauer:

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1097-1097
pages 1097-1097 views

A few words about kraurosis vulvae

Mars А.


A few words about kraurosis vulvae, no. 4, 5, p. 38, 50.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1097-1097
pages 1097-1097 views

On the primary development of cancer in fibroids and on the relationship between fibroids and uterine cancer

Switalski L.


On the primary development of cancer in fibroids and on the relationship between fibroids and uterine cancer, no. 6, 7 and 8.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

On the issue of decay during childbirth and gynecological operations

Mars А.


On the issue of decay during childbirth and gynecological operations, no. 8, 9, p. 89; 104

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

About the prevention of maternity fever in institutions designated for educational purposes

Mars А.


About the prevention of maternity fever in institutions designated for educational purposes, No. 14; 15, p. 163; 177.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

On the question of operative expansion of the external os and cervix

team E.


On the question of operative expansion of the external os and cervix No. 17, p. 200

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

To the question of the treatment of sick people. (Dysmenorrlaca)

team E.


To the question of the treatment of sick people. (Dysmenorrlaca), no. 19, p. 224

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

Fecal fistula of the small intestine, occurring from the pressure of the peri-uterine effusion. Self-healing

team E.


Fecal fistula of the small intestine, occurring from the pressure of the peri-uterine effusion. Self-healing, No. 24, p. 293.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

On the prevention of wound and childbirth fever

team E.


On the prevention of wound and childbirth fever, No. 25; 26, pp. 304 and 317

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1098
pages 1098-1098 views

A case of a non-symmetrically constricted pelvis and a case of a flat pelvis as a result of a bone scar on the pubic junction in women in labor

team E.


The case of a non-symmetrically constricted pelvis and the case of a flat pelvis due to the bone scar on the pubic junction in puerperas, No. 1, page 7. Finkelkraut (2) pointing out the works of Mikhnov, Schauta and War-tappA, goes on to describe the case of vaginal rupture during copulation, which was under observation in the abstraction. A patient of 40 years old, according to her words, last night she was raped by a healthy muschina for 26 years. Severe bleeding. The gap is located on the posterior wall of the vagina at the transition to the left and continues in depth to the posterior fornix, which is not torn.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1098-1114
pages 1098-1114 views


team E.


A significant part of the sick women who fill the doctors' care belong to that category of suffering patients who spend the best years of their lives in bed, pouring blood into the well-known periods, or imagine an exhausted, exhausted look, thanks to long-lasting suffering and sleepless nights.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(9):1115-1117
pages 1115-1117 views

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