



  • Humanitarian and socio-economic research in the new paradigm of scientific knowledge
  • Natural sciences: advanced technologies, breakthrough research, interdisciplinary results
  • New in psychological and pedagogical science and education: promising theoretical and applied research
  • Advanced research in mathematical and technical sciences. Methods and practice of teaching physical, mathematical and technical disciplines at school and university
  • Topical issues of art and music education and creativity in the context of the development of digital technologies


As guiding principles, the relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of the published research material is established.

The main principles of high qualification of published research materials include:

  • thoroughness: the published results of the study must be performed qualitatively and carefully in accordance with ethical and legal standards; authors are collectively responsible for their work and the content of the publication;
  • honesty: authors must present the results honestly, without fabrication, falsification or dishonest data manipulation;
  • uniqueness: the publication should provide sufficient information so that other researchers can repeat the experiments;
  • completeness of the presented materials: the review and conclusions from existing studies should be complete, balanced and should include information, regardless of whether they support the hypotheses and interpretations of the author of the publication or not;
  • balance: the results of a new study should be presented in the context of the results of previous studies;
  • originality: the authors guarantee that the work proposed for publication is original and has not been previously published anywhere in any language; the work cannot be sent to several publications at the same time;
  • transparency: the publication should list all sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, the provision of equipment or materials, and other types of support.



Section 1. Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences


  • Nurbakhyt N. Nurmukhametov
    Cand. economy Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov Nyrbahit73@mail.ru
  • Viktor V. Mitrofanov
    Dr. ist. Sciences, Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law
    ANO VO “University under the Interparliamentary Assembly of the EurAsEC”
  • Boris V. Emelyanov
    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of History of Philosophy, Philosophical Anthropology, Aesthetics and Theory of Culture
    Ural Federal University the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
  • Svetlana Y. Bogdanova
    Dr. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Linguodidactics
    FSBEI HE “Irkutsk State University”

Section 2. Problems and prospects of psychological and pedagogical science and education


  • Olga A. Ivanova 
    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Continuous Education
    Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
  • Anna V. Kandaurova 
    Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Socialization
    Russian State Pedagogical University n.a. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg
  • Evgeny A. Kukuev 
    Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Monitoring Research Department of the Resource Educational and Methodological Center for the Education of Disabled Persons and Persons with Disabilities, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood
    Tyumen State University, Tyumen

Section 3. Modern problems of mathematical and technical sciences. Issues of teaching physical, mathematical and technical disciplines at school and university


  • Valery V. Sushkov 
    doctor of tech. Sciences
    Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Section 4. Natural and technical aspects of science and education


  • Elena Y. Shalamova 
    doctor of biol. Sci., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology
    Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical
  • Oleg N. Ragozin 
    doctor med. Sci., Professor, Department of Hospital Therapy
    Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy
  • Sofia S. Barinova 
    PhD, Professor
    Paleontological Institute n.a. A.A. Borisyak of the Russian academy of sciences

Section 5. Topical issues of art and music education and creativity in the context of the development of digital technologies



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